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Posts posted by DarthMaulUK

  1. There was a bug like this in SoR with the Revan fight. Clearly Bioware have tested nothing and learnt nothing from that, which took 4 months to fix.


    It is a super easy 'boss' fight so unless you don't know how to play your class, you should not be struggling - outside of the bugs.

  2. Lol you complain that no one stays and defends a node...now you complain that all people are doing is defending a node...are they sitting there doing nothing while getting attacked? I am starting to think you like to just complain.


    I for one am all for the pvp matches needed to get companions


    Do you not think that from a team of 8 - having FIVE defend is overkill?! You must be one of those clueless bunch.

  3. I mostly subbed for PvP in this game. This really was the last straw for me. After my sub expires this month I will only sub back when I get 3-4 more chapters in the story and that is it. Sub 1 month, do the story and unsub.

    When all you do (well, just about) in a game is PvP and then they do something like this then you are really left with nothing. I have limited time to play, like 1-2h a day at best. if I get 1-2 matches like this in the day then I just lost all fun from this game for that day. So yeah, I know they don't care but this was it for me.


    Same. But I will not be subbing for 'story'. KoTFE was dreadful. If I want to pay £9 a month, I will watch some crap from Netflix that lasts longer than 3 hours.


    Bioware have put the final death nail in the pvp coffin as they push out the final batch of hardcore(ish) players and embrace a new era of ultra casuals who are ultra bad without a simple understanding of what pvp actually is

  4. if more people play pvp , then guess what .... MORE PVP CONTENT


    Actually, I think some kind of actual class balance would be top of any players list. Right now, 4.0 is worse than 3.0 but Bioware just take the piss with their attitude 'you don't need balance for story'.


    And even if they did add more content - whats the point of adding more objective based maps that the current batch of really crappy players just ignore? I loathe Arenas and since their arrival, objective based PvP has seen the stupid club dominate by sending 4 to a pylon and not one of them guarding it, or worse, calling.

  5. Blimey! I wonder why that is? it couldn't have ANYTHING at all to do with the level of hostility and toxicity of this games player base could it? NO that couldn't be it there must be another reason behind it!


    Actually their reason behind it is simple. Given that almost all those who purchased the expansion completed it in under 3 hours - there is now nothing else to do in game. Therefore, some players will think 'I will only sub when the next update arrives' - hence, Biowares trademarked carrot & stick approach.


    They simply want to know what will keep people subbing between content droughts..whoops, drops, given there won't be any new operations or flashpoints for a VERY long time.

  6. Bioware are bang out of ideas on how to bring players BACK to PvP. Its almost 2 years since Muscos 'No' thread, 12 months since Muscos famous 'better than cross server' mention and despite a feeble 3.3 update, this is like a last resort to increase the long Q pops, and change the same tired old faces people play against.


    But like everything Bioware do, they never address the actual problem, just plaster over repeatedly until they simply can't.


    Many players are letting their sub tick down, because 4.0 was dreadful and extremely SHORT, considering we've all been waiting 10 months for something new - and Battlefront arrives this time next week. Expect PvP numbers to be even lower.


    The death of competitive PvP is upon everyone

  7. Its not uncommon to have imp v imp and rep v rep at the same time. The Arena Q system has had an impact on the whole ecosystem of how Qs worked.


    When Bioware 'forgot' to add Arenas in 3.3, Q pops were regular and mostly opposite faction. But this is the only game where you can randomly have 10 civil wars in a row.

  8. Modny and the PvP muppets at Bioware wanted to make classes more 'mobile'. Aside from increasing the slows and the stuns in 3.0, they decided to add these 'new' abilities to each class.


    Each class just feels so generic and are more or less losing their identity they had at launch. Combat is poorly thought out, has zero balance, but is it any wonder just how bad things are when you see a dev try to play their own game but cant?!

  9. When i tried to log in SWTOR this messages showed up: "This application has encountered unspecified error. Please try this patch again.", this error pops up about every time i try to play. I uninstalled SWTOR and redownloaded it over night. I tried to play again and when i went to log in my 65 marauder, it just crashed. It doesnt happen to my other low level character(1-5). I tried to log in my 33 assassin and crashed. Please help me!

    run a repair using the cog icon. Then, make sure that your graphic card drivers are updated.


    Did the game work before? Check to make sure that you have enough hard drive space too.

  10. Exactly how few subscribers are there left then? I mean if you're going to make that kind of claim then back it up with something... Otherwise you're just spewing BS.


    They don't mention subs any more because its so tiny. But you can attempt to read this from EAs last financial report citing a drop in revenue and how subs have not risen since 2012 just after 1.7 million left the game.


    But ON topic....

  11. Bolster ALWAYS gets broken.


    Some variations have been LOLnaked Bolster LOLBolster Bolster that boosted 55s and no one else (last expansion).


    Either way, it will take them 6 months to stare at their flawed metrics, THEN check the forums, then admit that those actually PLAY 'their' game are right.

  12. Bioware hardly post here and are hardly posting in the main forum due to the volume of problems 4.0 have brought. Bioware's Community Team are not proactive and you should have really taken a look in here first prior to subbing.
  13. You must be new here. The devs ALWAYS bury their heads in the sand when theres a ton of issues. Simply put, they are the worst Community 'Management' team you will come across in an MMO.


    This game has always suffered with poor communication between the devs and the players. At the start of a new year, we will hear the traditional promises of 'more transparency' and 'more communication' greeted by a flurry of 5 days of activity, followed by their trademarked silence.

  14. This isn't true in the least and considering WoW remains the leader and you can't even log into that game without a subscription...


    OP, I agree preferred is really bad, so I just simply never play preferred. It costs 50 cents a day to subscribe, and if you can't afford that, at least you can still log in and play the game when preferred. Sub only games don't even allow that much.


    I agree about the credit cap though. That's the worst.


    WOW isn't selling itself as 'free to play'. It has a trial up to level 20. theres a big difference. Google your facts first.

  15. i bought hypercrate for 4 million just 2 months ago i can not say whether it was whale who was selling it or one of those cheaters but considering hypercrate cost around 50 euro i myself would not sell it under at least 8 million.


    exactly it. Why on earth would you sell something deemed of value for such a small amount? Under cutting by 1-100k is common place for these packs, but my 2-3 million just doesn't make sense.


    To buy something that costs £24 then sell it for £12 make's no sense at all.

  16. Funnily enough, I have unsubbed, but I am setting my account in such a way so I can play PvP in SWTOR without paying for the rest of the game (lots of alts, various levels, to bypass the 5 games a week/gearing if I have to).


    Because PvP is what draws me the most, and everything else I grew bored with over the 2 years of subbing, and the new level of repetitive grind is offputting. Once sub is over, I am going to play ME for the story, and log into SWTOR to get PvP thrills. :)


    More or less agree. My sub runs out in 20 days and with Battlefront due in just 2 weeks, I see zero reason to give Bioware any more of my money. They can shove 'story' where they like, as 'choice matters'

  17. This probably isn't a new problem, but I just found world PvP for the first time.


    Our companions were healing us so well, we couldn't kill each other. (1v1)


    Do what I did - pop Heroic moment and watch them drop. I killed 2 players at the same time this way. But focus the pets first. They will die very quickly as they are not very smart.

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