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Posts posted by DarthMaulUK

  1. If you guys keep buying their Cartel crap packs, what do you expect? Knights of a Reskinned Republic is in full swing as cashgrab2016 is in full motion.


    I didn't think they could top the rock bottom standards of Shadows of Revan with bugs, but they have -even with the extremely limited content they have pushed out over 18 months.


    And instead of actually offering value(like the original packs), they just produce some colourful light show to open boxes to add a sense of value - when essentially, its the same junk not even close to being worth £25!

  2. 1) Will I miss certain story/mission/item content permanently or I always can access ALL content of previous chapter?

    2) Do the decisions made in previous chapter affect KOTFE? ( I knew Vette's dialogue will be different )

    3) Will I lost certain companion permanently? Or they will available in previous chapter as if nothing has happens?( such as Scorpio )


    1 - no

    2 - LOL of course not. Don't be fooled by the whole 'choices matter' - they don't.

    3 -

    You lose all your pets shortly after starting Kofte, as part of the 'story', then embark on an endless, pointless quest to recruit more and more and more. Old faces may return, some will go, some you will never see again. Bioware did mention something about a terminal where you will be able to pick the pets you want to keep - but that's *soon



    PS - I call them pets, because they behave like a pet. Stand on mailboxes, get in the way when you walk and are generally annoying when you need them not to be.

  3. Arsenal Mercs aren't fotm - but if left untouched, can deal a ton of damage. However, once everything is on cool down, can be sitting ducks as they are slower than a Bioware game update.


    I actually enjoyed playing Arsenal Merc. And remember, there is no combat balance in SWTOR, as you don't need combat balance for 'story'. They haven't made any real changes and since they don't test/play their own game - it shows in how things are just a mess.

  4. On Jung Ma and Shadowlands I am having to wait for so long that I either:

    1. Forget I've been queued.

    or 2. I quit the queue because I've been waiting for so long. How come?


    On TRE solo Q, (no premade), I can wait a good 15-20 minutes some days and then it ends up being an Arena - which is simply a waste of time. If an Arena pops again, that is a sign of low numbers in the Q, so I just log out. I haven't played in 3 days, as enjoying WoW again.


    It's just a shame I forgot to cancel my sub, so ive 20 days now of wasted game time!

  5. Tell your Funny stories:)

    Map: huttball


    I have got the ball,and i runs with my assasin to The another side,Then I wanted to be clever and make me invisible and Then i Runs over the line and wrote :yeeeeees in the Chat

    First thing:If i make me invisible i lose Ball

    Second:it was our goal line,so i was close to make a own goal:p


    But we won the Game


    Funniest PvP moments?



  6. I feel like venting, so, sorry I guess.


    Back in March my account got hacked and a couple hundred dollars worth of cartel coins was bought with my card (which didn't even have the money so I got hit hard with charges).


    BioWare banned my account as a result. I got reimbursed but didn't get unbanned until a few days ago.


    Like many of you, I have a whole lot of characters and some of them I don't play much anymore unless I need to craft something.


    So just now I was looking for my smuggler because she's my money farming character... and after going back and forth a few times, I realize she is gone. Deleted. She had maxed biochem and several million credits (which I'm sure the hackers relieved me of first) and was very special to me.


    I'm really unhappy, and I don't even know if I want to reroll her or not. This is just sad.


    EDIT: And now her name is taken too, so whoever got "Hollie" on Ebon Hawk, GG I guess.


    Why are hackers such a-holes?


    As others have said - call the CS department and they can restore your items and toon. I had the same problem last year. It took the CS guy almost a day to restore everything as he had to manually return everything I had. Poor dude! Hell, the hackers even transferred 2 of my characters to a different server!


    Its a shame you're not on TRE, otherwise I could have helped you with mats and credits if you needed.

  7. Alright, I'd been trying to do the LvD event and I'm currently working on Champion Level. So far, everything is going great until I get to Valor. Of course, the objective is to reach Valor Rank 5. However, I sucks at Warzone. Every time I enter the Warzone (solo), five seconds later, I died.. respawn, enter the battle, five seconds later, I died, and so on. So, bascially, I stay away from these Warzone and cursed at it. How can I reach level 5 at Valor when I sucks? :cool:


    All you need are 8 medals from a warzone to max out rewards. (XP,Valour, Coms win/lose). Also expertise is your key in PvP.

    Lowbies and mids - 1936 cap

    65s 2018 cap.


    Just ensure all slots are filled on your lowbie toon. You are given relics, ear piece and Implants after your first warzone quest or second.



    Being killed doesn't really count unless you are in a Voidstar or Hypergate. Why?


    Voidstar -

    If no team makes it past the first door (for example), the game then decides the winning team based on the LEAST amounts of deaths.


    Hypergate -

    So many people will fight middle for those Orbs. Yes they have a purpose, but kills count more - much more (I think its 10 points if I remember) - so it can be a game changer. Which is why if you are dying rapidly over the orbs, the next best thing is to prevent them capping their pylon - they then score no points.


    PvP in lowbies/mids and even 65s has no combat balance at all because you don't need balance for 'story'.

  8. :eek:


    "no purpose"? what "purpose" are you looking for? is this because CW cures that one obscure case of cancer so every other map should cure something too?


    I mean...really dude. you don't like arenas. that's cool. but look at what you're saying, they "serve no purpose." lmao. they're actually the only format for which you can earn rank and ranked tokens for pvp specific rewards. they let you get pops even when there aren't enough in queue to pop a match on the smaller faction. they're faster than WZs thus being ideal for quick matches. so...like...ugh. whatever. tired of fighting ppl on here.


    Arena serve no purpose as its where lack of class balance combines with lack of combat balance. A pure waste of time and given how often they pop now and how often people leave them - its not surprising. Things were much better when it was just 8v8 - including ranked.

  9. With Legion just around the corner - offering a massive update to pvp, things could be looking up in WoW if you like to pvp. PvP has no future in this game - the endless nonsense Bioware have thrown our way has proved that.


    With no Cartel coin value in PvP its now rock bottom on their list and whilst grateful for 1 map after almost 3 years(I don't count Arenas as they serve no purpose) - Odesson is poorly thought out and designed.


    It isn't easy to accept that PvP is now full of ultra casuals who for the most part are ultra bad - or guilds who form pre-mades and think that they are all conquering by stomping pugs and are there only to farm numbers without a thought for the objectives - or the defender calling for help several times.


    Bioware should just go ahead and rename this game to Star Story as it has nothing to do with Star Wars at all. Not even their boring solo story chapters.

  10. With the new server selector, players can't tell what is populated or not, unless they check the website (doubtful).


    It is common knowledge that theres really only 2 servers left - Harb for US and TRE for EU, with 2 RP servers hitting 'standard' when the moon is blue.

  11. Brackets need removing - period. Its utter nonsense the argument 'players need to learn their abilities', especially when most of those key abilities only arrive late game.


    Removing gear, removing brackets and making everyone 65 will increase pvp pops, remove the headache from bolster and make it much more fun for everyone. Bioware could turn one of the capital ships into a PvP training area with more warzone dummies for players to try stuff on.


    Or just make the combat area - a combat area and place dummies there and keep it all central. With Warcraft removing the gear grind, adding a new skill tree just for PvP - that is and has been the future for many years. It's a shame SWTOR won't adopt it (Musco said that in the recent interview with Snave) - so removing brackets would be the next best thing.


    When the next expansion arrives, it will probably get worse, with the Lowbie bracket extending again to 10-45, 46-69 mids and 70 top. IF they introduce 5 new levels.

  12. They were 3k+ without it.... they honestly don't need MORE ways to get out of the battle and heal to full... Nobody complains that assassins have it because they can't simply heal themselves to full hp and get a reset on ALL abilities by the time a hostile catches up to them...


    I find it hard to believe that the same designers that gave assassins such a perfect ability would have this big of a judgement lapse...


    They will probably get 'Leap' next due to how Bioware look at their metrics - upside down!


    The changes were made and other classes were made more mobile with some new part time abilities. I say part time, because some of them only work when they feel like it (Holotraverse?). However, because Bioware don't play their game and don't PvP, they don't realise that the volume of slows and roots in the game is the very reason why they made these changes.


    You get slowed by a sniper x4, maybe one from a Sin, plus one from a Merc, and you feel like you're crawling home from the pub after a heavy night out. No one can understand what goes on in their minds.

  13. Now with the new packs, chances are pretty slim in actually getting an item from that pack. Plus something I miss about the old packs? You would open a hypercrate and have bays of items. Now you can't even fill a bay. Less intrinsic value overall, regardless of what the old packs gave the players. New packs essentially come across as pay more, get less.


    I used to use credits to purchase packs but gave that up as I hardly ever get anything decent to use. Watching some streamers opening the packs, to see the face of disappointment sums up just how bad they are. And I've just seen a 'new and exciting way' to OPEN the packs. Blimey!

  14. 55% off something that isn't worth 100% of its selling price - celebrate 5 years of SWTOR with reductions on cartel tat. They are probably building up to your very own reskinned HK-56 droid for 3000cc as their 'gift' to those long suffering paying subscribers.
  15. I'm still trying to figure out where and how Bioware *THINK* these new packs offer any kind of value - especially almost £24 worth!


    If you look through the collections and check the original packs, and scroll through the pack history, you will see just how much better value the original packs were. Lots of NEW armour sets (not dull reskins), emotes, decorations, mounts - infact - FOUR pages worth of 'stuff''


    These 'new' packs have just TWO pages - and they call that value? Fanboys will bring out their usual line 'well don't buy them then' - and I don't. But I used to spend a fortune on coins before Bioware put in 5% effort into the game whilst reskinning everything they could think of to toss in these 'new' packs.


    Look on the GTN. 12 months ago, a standard cartel pack would sell for around 400k give or take. Today, a single chance cube goes for 300-400k, with the actual packs selling from between 1-12m credits. And you will find it hard to find a single Hypercrate pack of 24+ packs for sale too. Even the whales have stopped buying them - and THAT should be a worry.

  16. Well,i have a powerful pc and iam playing on maximum (ultra) graphics with max shadows and i don't care about fps. Anyway,it's sad that swtor has such poor world pvp policy....what sense to play this game then? We have small chapters each month for 30 min. and then nothing....the purpose of this game is just to log in once per month?


    PvP has no Cartel coin value - therefore it hardly gets any love. Bioware hate pvper's for a reason. Shortly after they tried and failed to Cartel coin PvP with GSF they have just slapped the PvP community down time and time again as punishment.


    During the time of the first great server merge, those who PvP'ed transferred to ToFN. A ton of guilds and players went gearing up for the new seasons, the open world pvp and more. Then yet ANOTHER Bioware brain fart saw them remove 8v8 ranked without warning and replacing it with the mess that are Arenas.


    That opened the door for a mass exodus of players and pvp has never recovered from the glory days. Then, adding insult to injury, Bioware have made no effort to bring any kind of combat balance to PvP leaving one or two classes as FoTM for months (or in the case of Sorcs - 24 months).


    You can also throw in the endless amount of times bolster has been broken. Naked bolster, Ship components adding to bolster, weapon tuning slot breaking bolster - a few of the recent ones.


    They haven't even posted in the PvP forum for almost 2 years which sums up how much love they have for pvp. Its ultra casual, and should be treated that way going forward.

  17. After joining an Arena over the weekend where our opponents started round 1 with 5 players against our 4, I thought - why is this even happening? Then when we slapped them silly, ANOTHER player joined their team to make it 6v4!


    Now. it's rare I even play Arena because its where lack of combat balance combines with lack of class balance to create a new kind of hell - but now when a team has not one but TWO extra players - it left me thinking 'has Bioware just kicked quality control out of the window?'


    I think back to the last real expansion - Shadows of Revan which was a bug fest. Even the final boss battle was bugged to hell, and left broken for over a month. Then you look at other bugs in the game that have been around for ages - not as game breaking as SoR bugs but bugs that have plagued the game since it began.


    With a trickle of 'story' updates over the past twelve months isn't it time Bioware found or made the time to actually fix some of the nonsense in their game?

  18. World PvP wont happen simply because the game engine can't handle it. Clearly you weren't there at launch with the days of Ilum and 2fps.


    The only way any kind of World PvP would take off, is if it was to be part of conquest or something additional like it was in SWG - where you raid enemy bases on planets, which flags you for pvp - word got round, so the Rebels turned up to defend the base - creating open world pvp - it rocked


    But this game is all about story, so pvp is rock bottom on the list of priorities.

  19. Just pay for a subscription.


    I'm not trying be rude or anything, but if you can't afford like 30 bucks a month for a game you play for hours, then your priorities should be on something other than video games for the time being


    Its not about 'affording' the subscription - its about VALUE. Clearly shortly after launch when almost 1.7m left the game in record time, they saw no value in a subscription. And given Biowares lack of attention to detail and endless reskinning of old tat - it even seems like the 'whales' who used to purchase cartel packs in big numbers aren't bothering either.


    2016 has not been a good year for the game. Server populations are at record lows and Biowares only response is to offer a recycled event and cartel tat packs. When Legion arrives this place will be a ghost town.


    As I said above - locking content behind paywalls doesn't benefit anyone. Hell on my final day today, Q times for warzones are 20mins + then its a pointless Arena.


    You watch Biowares stream and see the devs pat themselves on the back for achieving bare minimum and you think 'are they playing the same game as you?!'. I'd rather throw my sub down a drain then pay for this current batch of clueless developers.

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