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Everything posted by lordgracy

  1. Hello all, I played the game when it first came out and now i'm back subscribed as of last week. I didn't buy any previous expansions so my question is will I be able to play that content once the new one goes live or will that all change? ie will my lvl 50 be able to advance through the class story of hutt and revan expansions and then move to the new expansion story? Or is all the previous story stuff changing? Is it just if you start a level 60 that you cant go back and do previos stuff? Ima bit confused because I watched this video and the guy said new and old returning players cant go back and do the old story line once this new exp goes live but I think he was talking about if you started at level 60. Just want to confirm things because id love to do the whole story through each expansion but I feel its stupid to buy them now and do them before the 20th. thanks!
  2. SWTOR is pretty much a direct copy and paste from WoW. Why the heck would it not be a WoW competitor? LOL
  3. My sub has been canceled because of this. 22 on the fleet makes my gaming experience go down the tubes.
  4. I used all these tactics before the patch. Doesnt change the fact that healing is much worse then it used to be.
  5. Me too I was excited to start playing again for 1.2 then logged into a broken healer. Great work bioware.:wea_03:
  6. The healing mechanics just suck in general for a sage. Now they suck even more. They might still be best healers in the game but the mechanics are just crap. Moving and healing for a sage is pretty much non existent. All you have is bubble, cleanse heal(heals for crap) and rejuv(which is terrible only for conveyance)
  7. According to the fleet numbers its dying on my server. Also how fast the WZ's pop. Wake up.
  8. Its funny how people belittle the OP when hes actually spot on.
  9. This is actually a very good post and completely true. I try to employ tactics on my server such as you listed. Pushing, flanking, pulling to ambush points, scouting etc and eveyone would rather just stand at a faceoff on the bridge. The only fun is when people get knocked off the bridge and we fight below it. Totally sucks. I come from other games where open world PVP is all there is so I know a bit about tactics and what makes for fun fights. The problem is getting people motivated to try such things. Its also difficult because everyone really needs to be on vent to be effective.
  10. Pretty sure OPs first langauge is not English guys. Cut him some slack.
  11. Can we please have an ETA on dual specs? Also equipment manager tool to go with it. Thanks. Great game. Having fun. We just need more feature rich tools.
  12. The reason why this strat of two sides is brewing is because most pugs will send a zerg to mid so like others have said its easier to defend then try to cap. In most cases its easier to get the sides first because most other teams will send a zerg to mid first. And imo its easier in a pug to defend two sides with the speeders. Now if it was half premade it might need some better strat there. After you clear one side of an attack you can pretty much just keep bouncing back and forth between each side because 9 times out of 10 every time they fail they are calling to go to the other side.
  13. Originally Posted by Axcys Man, does anyone remember what it was like before wow spoiled the crap out of everyone? Even in the BWL days in that game there was a threat ceiling with the drakes and everyone just had to be good enough at their job to do it properly. DPS had to watch their numbers and KNOW when they were bursting too hard and tanks had to count off their wing buffets. Every raider had to be comfortable with their tank and know their limits or their own. Man back in the day when people actually had to be decent at a game to get anywhere.... you had to test threat mechanics yourself to quantify them. It's like physics with differential equations vs high school physics. In one they hand you the equations and you plug in the numbers and don't give it a second thought. In the other they make you go get the equations yourself. So put on your big boy pants, go test threat mechanics yourself, don't raid with baddies, and stop crying about everything thats not made easy for you. I swear, its like mmo's these days are a preschool playground. So this is a great point but there is also a counter to it. By having addons it allows the devs to push the complexity of the fights even harder then without. Think about it. Devs in WoW know they have addons for a bunch of timer type stuff so they can add even more complexity to a fight because they know we already have tools for simple raid mechanics. It might be dumbing down fights but it dumbs certain mechanics down to push other mechanics even harder.
  14. Ok so in most MMOS there is no visible threat meter natively. The reason why tanks dont really need them is because the devs usually code the threat algorythms to favor a tank that knows how to play his class and if they are using thier rotations properly and generating threat on the proper targets at the proper time there should really be no issue. On the other hand it would be a nice to have just to see for theorycrafting purposes. Also the devs algorythms might be off. I hear a lot of people complain about the gaurdian jugg aggro and that its not adequate. Could just be heresay though.
  15. 2/10. You should have waited a few more months to write this buddy. The honeymoon phase is still in effect. While I agree I'm loving the game there is a CRAPTON of stuff that needs to be adressed or I wont be playing this game for too long. BIOWARE has a lot to do and a lot to address. Good thing Ive play some MMOs that have great gameplay but have a VERY BAD dev team so im used to whats been going on so far. For instance patch 1.1.2 looks terrible. They need to step it up. They are in the big leagues of MMOs now.
  16. imo this is not true. I believe its biowares lack of ability to handle perfomance issues in the game. There are many tell tale signs. One is removal of a combat log. Others include queue for thier website during high traffic, instancing in zones, illum troubles when too many in same area, aution house UI only allows for very presise queries instead of open ended queries I could go on and on. and the fact that they said they will add combat logs but only for the individual says the same thing to me. we cant handle the load of logging everything around you so we'll give you a highly stripped down lightweight version of it.
  17. THE MOST ANNOYING THING EVA FOR PVPEES. Please allow this option BW. Options are always best. Also fix the camera zooming issues please.
  18. One problem I think is that flashpoints can only be accessed via the fleet. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE design. You dont get people looking for flashpoints of thier level out and about on planets in general chat because the entrance is back on the fleet. Its the most rearded thing Ive ever seen.
  19. Harder to get cause its hard to find a group?? Wow you're dumb.
  20. We almost cleared hardmode 8 man Eternity Vault last night(up to last boss with some solid attempts). It was basically our first night there and two of our members just dinged 50 within the week. I'd say its way too easy. There is no progression path either. There is no reason other to experience flashpoints to ever do them because you dont have to progress through them to be able to attempt operations. People will blow through this content very fast because its too easy.
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