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Everything posted by Nightkin

  1. I find myself nodding while reading your text, i agree with every line.
  2. You are very salty my good sir, very very salty indeed
  3. Your entire thread is cancer, the community is toxic as F*********K and very few players are willing to adapt even slightly in order to play better. No, it is much better to whine and drown the internet in a endless sea of salty tears. But do go on, all this whining is very amusing.
  4. TLDR ; Waaah waaah waaah , wah wah, waaaaaaah, whawhaw
  5. That facepalm feeling when some random muppet who has barely tried the class tries to explain how you REALLY SHOULD PLAY THE CLASS (based on 99% biased observation). Give me a break dude, you are so damn wrong it hurts to read your nonsense
  6. I gave it a try today, http://imgur.com/Qe2TGBr Best dps i have done so far was 2,9k (in arena where people stacked up) wich isnt super high compared to true dps specs but being a tank and having the highest crits in a warzone every now and then is kinda lolworthy
  7. 3-4 years straight this feedback has been left to the devs without anything being done about it. That its still like this for all merc/commando specs is beyond ridiculus
  8. I mean no disrespect...well maybe a little, but listening to a PvP pro from TRE? Really? Larsson used to play on TOFN wich has a much, much higher overall skill lvl among its pvp population and even there he was among the absolute top for dps, moving to a pve server where people in my experience can barely gear themselfs correctly and then getting good dps records is hardly shocking and nowhere near proof that merc as a class is good for PvP.
  9. Does anyone know if theres a dmg return limit on saber reflect? I tried a duel against a friend who plays merc and his all time record heatseeker crit is something crazy like 35k on some poor pve dude, but even without a stance active and with lots of tries his heatseeker never reflected more then 13,5k back to him. Its decent to be sure but it feels like it should reflect higher especially since we tried his crits against me without saber reflect up and those reached 18k+. Whats with the missing 5k? Is my own force/tech dmg affecting this? Im currently immortal spec but with all out dps mods so my force power is somewhere around 2200 ish.
  10. You may also need to read up on resolve, you know the little white circle around a players health bar or whatever wich determines if the player can actually be stunned at all during that time.
  11. I disagree, skank tanking in vengeance is ok but you will have very poor rage management and your ravage reset only works with the right stance (not tank stance). If you on the other hand skank dps as immortal, you get viable rage management, faster taunts, aoe acc debuffs, aoe heal debuffs and so on and so forth. Managed a 2.2k dps and a million + protection today as immortal with dps mods but...yeah screenshot button did its usual superb job and didnt work. Crits will be higher in immortal as well as far as i have seen.
  12. Its entirely possible to push some dps as a immortal tank, but you sacrifice loads of survivability. I have to admit its rather fun though. Adds more to do then just guard swap/taunt/intercede cc etc, you have to push dps at the same time so its almost like playing two roles at once wich get a bit stressful but loads more fun. 1800+ dps http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=250ngpz&s=9#.VlrvpL-bZrE 1600+ dps http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=rmmfed&s=9#.VlrvY7-bZrE
  13. This whole post is loaded with truth, i switched to sorc and its ridiculus how easy it is to dominate in situations where mercs would melt without hope.
  14. ...1500 protection, did you sneeze at the taunt button by mistake?
  15. Ofc you make sense, we have all seen these numbers season after season and BW still think its fine. Does that tell you anything? The lack of balance for pvp in this game is horrifying, its stupid, its beyond stupid. It is, simply put, SWTOR IN A NUTSHELL
  16. Wasnt hold the line the solution they came up with? Oh and lets not forget they added 5% to Kolto Overload, clearly this class is fixed now, i mean just take a look at the leaderboards, not a single merc/mando in the top 100 and only 29 in the top 1000. Now thats class balance for you!
  17. The problem is the same as it has always been, this class is great in PvE where heavy armor means something over the course of a couple of hours raiding. And mobs dont interupt you every 2 seconds so thats not an issue either. So basically mercs/mandos work really well in PvE and BW fear what would happen if they gave this class the survivability it needs for PvP. We whined and cried since the game launched and we are still sh-ii-iii-it...and we will stay that way until someone else gets to handle class balance.
  18. Hell dude, i usually play Merc but even i do this when i see other mercs/commandos. They are just so easy to kill! The mystery is solved.
  19. Yeah that dude is amazing. Quite possibly the dumbest and most stubborn human being in the world
  20. I almost reported your post since it was full of dumb, but i managed to stop myself
  21. I wonder, was it something like this? This guy is a prime example of idiots believing hacks exists everywhere (just check his youtube collection of proof)
  22. Take care buddy, his WHOLE team saw him teleporting! Like, you cant dispute how real this makes his point.
  23. Heard it all before, but i hope for the best!
  24. Whats purely ridiculous is that you and many others mistake 2 different specs with different abilites for one single spec, and most people mistake the lowslash "mess" effect for a hardstun. I smell L2P all over this whine thread. And i dont even main a sin.
  25. Disable Force Speed as well then, you forgot to mention that because thats what you use yourself. Blind ego
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