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Posts posted by krackcommando

  1. 38 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

    However what's hurting pvp even more is having no competetive mode for these people to go in. And there's no initiative for new players to log on. Seasons were a mediocre attempt to create even less work.

    do you really think <reign in ideas not known> wouldn't be doing the exact same thing in WZs regardless of the existence of rated? I actually don't think SF is bad in the first place. But honestly, they're the only ones that are a nuisance in WZs, and that's b/c they don't play to win. not that they're stacking the deck. iunno. when I do WZs, I don't get the same guys all the time.

    I did do arenas late night the other night and same squirrel 4m was in the queue for like 2 hours. and there's like 6 other ppl in the queue. so that killed it. tbh, most ppl on SF when the grp in 3m or 4m don't stick around for 2 hours. iunno. that was a new experience at least on SF. 

    then there's the sin tank who sits in stealth until gas who i reported and recorded last week. the videos remain unviewed. only shared url with BS. so...yeah. eesh.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Enomars said:

    Also you said it would split it up into 4 queues. Technically it is already 4 queues... cept its not.  What would happen is a slight balance. all of the premades would only be filled in with experience players and the opposing team would again be experienced players.  Leading to a more competitive match 

    arenas, wzs. that's two queues.

    now you want areas for -80 valor and arenas for +80 valor; that's two.  plus WZs for -80 value and WZs for +80 valor; that's two more for a total of four queues. what am I missing? you're doubling the number of queues with the same population in the current two queue system.

  3. 28 minutes ago, kjarnage said:

    I have seen a first warning sign. Four people dropped out of a match because it  was lopsided. Willing to take the stick of not being able to queue. This and the longer queue times seem to me to reflect dissatisfaction. The stick was needed at the time but now we need the carrot. It is time to apply a carrot while working on other options to even the battlefield.

    The carrot should be to give two rather than one credit for a lose. Now people who are constantly winning may object that this is rewarding failure. I agree! But I rather reward failure than spend longer in a queue, or worst not seeing a pop at all.  Try to keep things going while you consider other changes. Do not drivee people away from PVP with the status quo.


    the person who enjoys pvp and has a general sense of justice screams hard no to this. 1 credit for a loss is more than fair.

    however, awarding 2 per loss gets rid of the lemmings quicker b/c they complete their weekly seasonal targets quicker. all of the rewards are already grindable for...Pete's...sake!

    unfortunately, that also reduces the pool population and makes literally every problematic thing about BW PVP over the past 12-odd years worse.

    • Like 2
  4. 9 hours ago, Enomars said:

    I already mentioned a solution. valor as a gauge.   legacy wide.  all players with 80 valor (converted to legacy) or less would be slid into one tier.  while 80 and above an grouped players would be in a different tier. 


    worthless solution. game's 12(?) years old. you could rapid shots (auto attack) your way to 100 valor 10x over by this point. and that's before valor buffs. furthermore (and more importantly), there are already two queues (arena and WZ) splitting that into 4 queues, whether it's grp and solo, or -80 valor and +80 valor, is patently absurd. in fact, all it would do is placate the lemmings who only queue for the seasons and want nothing whatsoever to do with pvp. as you are NOT one of those players, I fail to see how this is a solution for your particular issue or for the existence of pvp at large.


    9 hours ago, septru said:

    I have nothing personally against Musco. He seems like a nice guy. But the community management in this game has been utter dog water since day 1. There's no utter profession where you can fail so terribly at your job, and somehow get a promotion to game producer. 

    major assumption there is that your metrics for success/failure are the same as BW's were. think of it like this: the NFL commissioner is a job that purports to be the leader of the NFL policy making, PR, etc. It's really none of these things. He's paid MILLIONS of dollars every year to be the public face and targeting dummy for the owners. He takes the shots from the press and fans for bad policy moves that the owners tell him to do. that's your community whatever role person.

    now what is more alarming is that he's now (head?) design team (or so I read on this highly reliable forum 😄). if he was making design decisions when 7.2 was decided upon, when the 10 year anniversary was decided upon (with almost no content), when madness spec was finalized...i mean...well...yeah. that's bad. it's not uniquely bad as I think bubble stun when it first went live was the most colossal display of design incompetence ever in any game I've played. but yeah. that's bad.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, CadeStive said:

    yes! that's the guy. I may remember a different game. it ended on the west side. that the only post?

    edit. found it. same guy. but I gotta eat my words. maniac and co. complimented them. and then the next round "why aren't they ever good at their games."

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, kozmicaos said:

    I have this weird idea that devs don't erase premades from the solo pvp because they play premades themselves.

    I think that if you were to do some research, watch some videos from when devs and other BW reps attempted to play both solo and grp arenas, you would retract this statement. from backpedaling to taunting healers and just getting absolutely obliterated, it's pretty clear that the devs and current design team (musco for certain) didn't even know rudimentary pvp skills let alone crush pugs with premades.

    fwiw: a premade of bad players is worse than a team of average pugs.

    edit: here's the old Modny montage.

    "Vandin Hutball 5.9.3 PTS playing and farming Eric Musco with SWTOR Central"

    I can't find the one I had in mind though. it was by a merc/mando streamer from the early years. during the first arenas he got some games against a BW squad (musco and others, not necessarily devs). they just crushed the BW guys in tatt canyon. but the above videos should be proof enough.


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  7. 5 hours ago, psycoq said:

    that said, regarding the pvp itself and not matchmaking. it's definitively not broken, it's PvE centric trash by design. if they wanted the pvp to be good 8v8's would be a deathmatch too.

    no. back in the day RWZs were quite fun. intense. it wasn't all this "pvp is popping heads" vs. "all these premades are just farming kills." good players were maxing out their talent to win objective maps against each other. WZs for the past 6+ years have been a sad parody of that.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    All  PVP  "rewards"  rotate/change  each week on those 2 Fleet vendors, no ?

    i think he's asking about the "new" stuff from the 7.2 patches? and I assume that they will eventually make their way into the "legacy"(?) vendor rotation as well.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Check your browser ?  On my screen,  the email  link within the sticky thread:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/881858-how-to-report-cheating-and-win-trading/  ...is still showing as it always has.   And it's not only for  previous  "Ranked"  btw.  ( it still applies to current  PVP  situations too )

    My suggestion , however,  would be for you to also  CC  to:  support@swtor.com

    ( just in case )

    interesting. the link is just "mailto" and blank for me. ty.

    edit: we're talking about different parts of the same post. hehe. I was talking about the email link. I see the forum link you're talking about. that's there for me. 😎 nope. that's the section on appeals. hm.

  10. So...I was gonna report someone in game, but I wanted to include a URL. Anyway, I wasn't sure where to go but when I logged onto the forum, there's this sticky at the top of the forum to report pvp issues. the sticky is still there, but the email link is blank. pvpreports@swtor.com. is this just since rated was removed and it was only for rated? it's weird b/c the sticky post is still there. sorry for the new thread, but that sticky thread is locked. so.... 😄

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  11. 11 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Matchmaking is  jacked because they can't code an algorithm that can separate groups from solo'ers in the same Q.

    They could have made a no grouping allowed True Solo Q a long time ago to give players the choice. But they have never done that either.

    what on earth makes you think that they're trying to separate groups from solos? there will always be solos and groups in the same match unless there's an actual 8m premade, which occurs about as often as a Biosword employee post in the PVP section.

    they put premades on opposing teams when possible.

    11 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Currently, Pre-mades are the only way to insure playing with consistent success and why they are so popular and rule PvP.

    premades have always been the best way bolster consistent success. the more known quantities you have on your team, the fewer slots available for possible derps to pug into it. honestly, man, what has changed is the population size and composition. the number of players with a clue how to play has dwindled, and the number of bots has increased in droves. if you solo queue, you run the risk of having to carry 2-7 bots every match. if you premade, you have to carry 2-7 fewer bots. from a rules perspective, Biosword seems to have gone full **** by allowing more than 4m premades. but this idea that you should ever enjoy "consistent success" as a solo pug in an 8m format is...what's the word...naive? unless you're a god amongst mortals who can carry 7 teammates, solo queue is random luck. if you're actually bad, your win rate will be below 50%. if you're (I hesitate to say normal but) the middle of the road, your win rate should be around 50%-65%, and if you're winning in the 70%+ area solo queuing then you're a god amongst mortals, and please accept me into your cult. I'll strike any bargain your demand of me, my dark master.

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    • Haha 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

    It was pretty funny to see all the content creators get mad at them for it then swtorista like the good lapdog she is said more content was coming

    she is her own thing. I tried watching her stuff half a dozen times. once or twice just from google hits when I wanted to find out what was new as a returning player. her content delivery is soooo slow and drawn out, I gave up on every single one of her videos that I ever tried to watch. it's quite literally like listening to an elementary teacher explain things to the special ed kid. and the content is actually an absence of content like showing you where the esc key is located on a keyboard.

    tbf, I usually stop trying to listen to cease too b/c I can't hear him. 😄

    • Haha 2
  13. 31 minutes ago, Jdast said:

    having Jackie smash the ban button for an hour will annoy all parties concerned.

    I can't be bothered to sit through the drivel of these Biosword live streams (as you said, it's just planned PR nonsense). but I'm all-in for the anarchy that you want to avoid. let them feel some of the frustration, as it were....

  14. I like the variable release idea for HB.

    but that also assumes both teams are trying to win. unfortunately, the latter is more problematic than the former atm. I think they need to come up with ways to make winning according to the "rules" of the map more important first. still, I do really like the variable release idea. you could also play with that in other maps like VS maybe based on different metrics.

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  15. 1 hour ago, AbsolutGrndZero said:

    I am on disability and live alone, and I don't understand how those of you with full-time jobs and families manage to complete it each season, much less when you have the Galactic Seasons on top of it.

    I see you're on Harbinger, which I have no experience on. But on Starforge, I get home from work on a Tuesday ~6pm and complete at least one weekly for arenas and WZs (usually 2 and 1) before I log off at 11 or midnight. I'm not just queuing straight through. I'm watching TV, doing research online, etc.

    as I said, I don't know what the situation is on your server, but I see similar complaints from players on SF, and I just smh. really. these are bad players. I'm what you might call a "competent pug." I'm not going to blow anyone out of the water, but I can do basic things that (and I'm not exaggerating here) 80%-90% of the population cannot seem to do.

    you don't need to do three weeklies in one week. iunno what ppl are trying to do here. but if you cannot complete the weeklies (at least two of them) in one week, then the problem is in the mirror. at least on SF. I just cannot fathom being unable to complete the arena and WZ weeklies with 6 hours of game time (spread out however you like; i do it in a night).

    • Like 1
  16. i'd like to complain that you're what's wrong with pvp because tanks should be tanking (i.e., guard swapping and taunting). but honestly...especially in this watered down queue...a full mit tank could easily last the whole round against 2 or 3 randos. so going lone wolf just to prevent a cap does work in the weirdest of ways. if only the rest of your team could figure out that the game is won and lost at pylons and not mid. and if you just like to kill stuff, with everyone at the pylons, you can do it there too. it really is just a cap and control game. ppl get all sorts of stupid by the orbs that the map dangles in mid.

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  17. 6 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Map Rotation: Players who Q for PVP are getting stuck in the same game mode over and over again. The common one of course is huttball, While there are those who enjoy it.

    understandable frustration, but the way the system seems to work is that you get 2-3 of the same map type, and then the next type and the next, and then back again to the first.

    I would be interested to learn if this "rotation" is shared by 80s, mids, and lows, or one roto for each queue. but I think you have to be terribly unlucky to get...honestly...more than 2 in a row, but certainly more than 3.

  18. 1 hour ago, AocaVII said:

    The real problem is far worse. People are in war zones for rewards not to actually PvP. They run away from the fights, literally do nothing. I would address that elephant in the room before any is done to any class. How can you balance anything when the fights are 3v6 ????????

    you do know what "elephant in the room" means, right? because what you're talking about is discussed in every other thread on this sub forum.

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  19. 35 minutes ago, TheVoyant said:

    Marketing/Expectations dominate the mindset of the average consumer. 

    Elden Ring won Game of the Year for example, not because it was revolutionary or ground breaking but because it met the expectations of its player base.

    If the Devs had effectively communicated the expectations would match the results, thus decreasing dissent. 

    You're entitled to your own opinion & to draw your own conclusions, but sheer data tends to support image & perceived value is paramount to most. Essentially just be honest & upfront then deliver on said promise. 

    I'm a former Regional Marketing Manager, this is literally my field of expertise. 

    (Also not sure why you chose to cherry pick one of the main points and not take it as a whole. Delivering on players basic wants is also important as well. The things listed are commonly stated over and over by the larger player base.)

    dev communication is meaningless. they either ignore feedback or, worse, give you what you asked for in a twisted worst case scenario.

    I thought my example of it was quite obvious. if ppl knew what wonky nonsense BW had planned for 7.2, they wouldn't have fed BW with their subs for ~2 years leading up to it.  prolly better not asking for anything in this game. they might actually (try to) give it to you. if you find that is actually an attack on you, then sorry. it's not. I thought my line that you cherry picked was clear hyperbole. 😜

    edit: again, "doing what I think they should have done and following my advice" isn't just "communicating better." it would constitute a full turn about in game development and resources. that ain't happening. it is a nice dream though. it would be nice to have.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 13 hours ago, TheVoyant said:

    all it takes is devs communicating better

    what color is the sky in your world? if the "devs" (design team, etc.) communicated better, then the chunk of players who stuck around waiting 2+ years for the 7.2 pvp revamp (1 year in the dead zone of 6.-something, 1 year in the dead zone of 7.0-7.1), then all that would have happened was the game would have lost those 2 years of subs.

    pick any change in the game, be it idiotic balance moves (bubble stun is the banner child for this) or institution and removal of game modes (RWZs a month[?] after everyone PAID to transfer to a server for concentrated RWZs because BW was too incompetent to program x-server). honestly. this idea of dev communication helping is a myth. all it would ever mean is more ppl leaving sooner. when they have something they think will be received positively, they'll announce it. when they don't, they will hide it or try to reshape the message. i should think it's a fairly obvious approach at this point.

    honestly, I think you're confusing "communication" with "doing what I think they should do upon hearing my advice."

  21. 26 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

    What do you ppl want no classes that can't kite so they just stand there.

    hi. welcome to literally every other class since 7.0.

    26 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

    Ranged are designed to kite. You can't take away kiting. I don't even play Merc anymore every single person jumps to u and u can't get away and u die bc u are supposed to be a RANGED CLASS . Not in a stupid melee fight. 

    so what? only madness should be able to range everything?

    in truth, the way you describe range sounds like a symptom of SM solo everything SWTOR. range should play behind their melee. they should play with guard swaps and healers. this game works so much better when it is played with proper roles. if, as a merc, I get dropped in a scenario where I have both a guard and a healer, then that's on me. but expecting to be able to be a hero who can passivly heal, escape, do dmg at the same time. bro. that should never exist. that is a terrible result of focusing on solo mode pvp.

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