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Posts posted by krackcommando

  1. 23 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

    There was a dood in ranked days doing the same exact thing for years and wasn't banned for a very long time. So I wouldn't necessarily say things have changed much. 

    yeah. i meant that these are defacto reg arenas and don't NEED high maitenance the way rated did (and didn't receive it). but then you have to make the "rules" governing it more elastic than rated (where desertion penalties were neccesary).

    • Thanks 1
  2. it's a shame you cannot just LEAVE arenas when you see this guy in them, but then you get penalized with a lockout.

    if you're going to run maintenance mode game (and no offense intended here; I mean that you don't have the resources to hunt down every bad actor like in the rated days), then you need to structure your immutable rules to account for the bad actors that you don't have the resources or will power to enforce. example: deserter debuff. yeah. it keeps players from leaving early. it also forces players to sit through games like this. and news flash: there are rarely more than two arena matches at a given time, which means half the population runs into this guy EVERY MATCH. so if you're going maintenance mode, the least you could do is to allow players to leave matches...at least before the first gate drop? and also allow players to see whether they are accepting a back fill or fresh match (wow does this for dungeon runs - I usually take in-progress dungeons fwiw, but it's nice to know ahead of time).

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  3. 3 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I think we can all guess that it was some devs brain fart of an idea to get more people running premades & they’re too embarrassed to admit it was a mistake.

    that was my thought when it was implemented in 7.2. except for the embarrassment part. I kid you not when I say I look at the same issue the BW peeps look at and we see two diametrically opposite ways to address it. like...complete opposite (e.g., how to deal with back fill/desertion).

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Combined PvP with PvE design from the start.

    you mean WZs with objectives that ppl fight to capture and control? please tell me that's not what you mean.

  5. the only consistent or even noticeable lag I have experienced since returning in 7.2 is in open world and instanced "solo heroics" while speed leveling my characters. the animation lag on my jugg is beyond reasonable, and I have zero explanations for what's going on since (at least by comparison) 7.x pvp is butter smooth.

    so no. I don't have lag issues either from bad actors or bad game design (outside of the well documented leap and roll desync). I am, however, alarmed at by the 1-2 second animation lag while on solo quests both inside personal instances (yikes!) and open world quests. wth is up with that?

  6. 7 hours ago, black_pyros said:

    The solution for AFK players is to stop giving participation rewards and it doesn't have to be as harsh as going back to win-only requirement. Victory have to still give more rewards than a defeat but they should put bigger emphasis on contribution by reworking medals/objectives system even further to ensure AFK/non-contributors get nothing no matter if they win or lose and real contributors get good rewards no matter if they are an unlucky solo players in a defeated team versus coordinated premades.

    I don't think this is at all possible. it's a nice thing. like "end racism" or something. but no amount of legislation (rules changes) is going to ensure the AFKs get nothing in these medals systems. we've already seen the outcry when medal requirements were tightened. even when the outcry was understandable, giving into it only made it easier for ppl to "not contribute" while getting credit toward the seasonal objectives. /shrug


  7. 28 minutes ago, merovejec said:

    No the only thing you can do is leave PVP out of seasons

    pvp needs seasons. it needs regular recurring events that last ~3 months with only 2-3 weeks between. rated needed this. regs need this. the concept of having seasonal pvp is a very good one (regardless of the existence of rated).

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  8. 28 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I always thought it was too draconian too. But I do understand why they did it because without incentives, people just AFK their way through to get rewards for doing nothing. 

    I did push hard for them to adjust the win:loss ratio to allow losses to count. But I never thought it should have been made as easy as it is now. 

    At the moment, it is way too easy to just AFK & get the rewards. Which only encourages people to AFK. I don’t want them to make it easier or to go back to the draconian wins only system. But something needs to be done to make people try to win instead of AFKing.

    I think they should make the win:loss ratio much higher to finish the dailies/weeklies. And the only way to do that is do something unpopular like increase the required wins:losses to finish the weekly.

    I mostly disagree...at least on the details. prior to 7.2 (way prior. I think they fixed it in the end of the 6.x era?), you only got credit for daily and weekly quests with wins. that was absurd. they also reset the quests every day/week (and still do) which is also absurd. like what difference does it make if a person takes 2 weeks to complete 1 weekly? but anyway.... the reason that wins policy was overly harsh was because they were literally just daily/weekly quests. there was no great reward at the end of the tunnel. certainly nothing worth PvPing if you didn't want to PvP.

    But with 7.2, pvp seasons brings real value to completing those weeklies. Now players who have no interest in playing the game mode are in the matches, and b/c you can grind out (especially WZ) pvp quests while literally AFKing or actively trolling (sabotaging), the only thing you can do is make wining the deciding factor. literally everything else just results in players working against their team (like camping the held node for defender points or grabbing orbs instead of answering calls to nodes, etc.). the fact of the matter is you're still going to be carried (even in the present conditions of pvp) regardless of how bad you are (as long as you don't premade with similarly bad players).

    which leads me to...

    37 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    But to do that, they also need to make it fair for solo players or small premade groups to be able to compete & complete the missions too.

    So the first thing they need to do is reduce the premade sizes back to 4 man in WZ & cap it at 2 man in Arena. Other wise the proposed changes would drive more solo & small premade players from the game.

    opening matches up to full grp premades was always absurd. no idea what BW was actually thinking, but it's obnoxious. there aren't many players, even really good ones, who think allowing full teams was a good idea. iunno. BW be BW. now they're full on BS? it is what it is. they gave little or no explanation for the change in the first place.

    personally, I would rather things went back to wins only for advancing the quests regardless of changing the group requirements simply because the players trolling the queue by "AFKing" is far more common/offensive, in my experience, than running into overlarge premades who bully the queue (it happens, but not nearly as much as the other). I would also eliminate any sort of rewards for "medals." attacker/defender points is a stupid concept that just encourages jack wagons to act in their own self interest rather than the team. /shrug

  9. 5 hours ago, merovejec said:

    They tried solving this with losses not giving points toward the weekly but that must have been bad since they reverted the change.

    denying progress toward daily/weekly quests with losses was a really draconian thing to do. but that was before pvp seasons. now those quests have a lot more riding on them than just completing a daily/weekly. and now there's an actual justification/reason to only award progress for wins. imo ofc.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Just like they did with crafting and some are still optimistic about that.

    i actually thought crafting in 1.x was fantastic. the ability to "discover" new schem combinations, no matter how wonky, was fun. but they turned crafting into something similar to the story mode wherein everyone does (practically) the same exact thing with the same exact scripts (combining all stories into the same streamlined story every patch).

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Samcuu said:

    8 man premades were like a passing comment in the 7.0 live stream and nobody even knew it was intended until 7.0 dropped, wasn't even in the patch notes iirc

    it was announced in a yellow post, which I assume was patch notes or earlier. I vividly remembering it as a reason to pay for an account and post (along with dissolution or rated). 😄 (that's not to say it wasn't slipped in under the radar, but it was announced a couple days/week before it went live).

    2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    If they aren’t going to make any changes at all, then they’ll be lucky if PvP is even active in 6 months, even during seasons.

    you keep doing this. no. that's not the case. maybe ppl who pvp because they like pvp will disappear. you will (probably?) see grps like <reign without idea> still there as they don't really care about winning or difficulty/skill of opponents.  but I'm 100% certain that the fewer the number of players who know how to pvp are in the queue, the higher the number of SM space barbies will participate in said queue.

    edit: not trying to pick a fight. more trying to point out that biosword isn't coding/designing for "you." they're doing it for the CM lemmings. and honestly, they seem to be doing that poorly too, b/c afaik 7.x has been a debacle from the beginning - all centering on a dearth of content (of any kind).

  12. 2 hours ago, RACATW said:

    Just imagine, an extremely simple bug fix to broken tacticals happening in 2 months instead of 2 years

    at the risk of sounding like a broken record, you do realize this is (was?) the same company that created bubble stun (applicable to all members of the party and could be "popped" at any time by clicking it off). then it made it through PTS. then...my gawd! how long was bubble stun (applicable to all raid members) live? definitely months.

    you have to set a really low bar for this game devs. and then brace yourself for disappointment. 🤨

  13. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Depending on the server & time of day, some servers are still fairly slow on pops due to their overall low server population.
    And even servers like SF have slow pops outside of the 6-8 hour primetime window during seasons & getting slower with each season. Which I can see getting worse if they don’t fix the excessive ping spikes happening for OS players since the AWS migration. 

    I don't consider that an issue. I'm not dismissing your problem (being a player who plays off peak hours). I simply mean that these are (essentially still) regional servers. the game isn't (and never really was) big enough to have high pop 24/7. queues died on origin servers (courageous). queues died on 2nd (canderous ordo) servers. queues died on 3rd servers (jedi covenant). queues die on the current super servers (starforge).  I've never played this game on a server that didn't ebb and flow like that. /shrug

  14. 1 hour ago, Samcuu said:

    Is pvp dying tho? Pvp was kinda already dead on SS with a couple matches popping in prime time, where ur facing all the same ppl. That's why I transfered to SF and this was like 3 years ago. SF feels exactly the same since in transfered. Imo pvp had already bottomed out and you've mainly got the ppl who are swtor lifers in queue for the most part, in fact the seasons probably brought more ppl into matches than were previously playing. The loss of ranked obviously has contributed to more pvpers leaving, but then again you'd never really see ranked players venturing into regs. Guess I'm talking purely in the sense of 8v8 regs here but again I don't see a massive drop off in player base. 

    there's an obvious decline between seasons. during seasons the pops pick up much faster than I remember in late 5.x and all of 6.x. keep in mind there are 2 "reg queues" going in 7.2, and they both pop quickly during seasons. I also don't recall rated pops being as fast as the 7.2 arena queue or as populated, so it really is 2 full queues. but if you take away the absolute lemmings who are there only to feed numbers to the population during seasons, I don't think anything has changed since well before 7.0. more like late 5-something. being honest though, I'd avoid WZ queue just to not have to play vandin, quesh, and opg. I would love it if ahg and nc popped non-stop. but that's neither here nor there.

  15. 31 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    What I said isn’t false. It is impossible to properly balance 4 man premades against solo players.
    But your compromise of 2 man size limit would make it work better as long as the matchmaking doesn’t put 2x 2 man premades on the same team against solo players. 

    yes it is. you said "premades." as in any premade of any size. and if you spent any time at all playing arenas, you'd know that running into 3m is rare and 4m extremely rare (as in one guild one night in a month of queuing). the matchmaking is just bad. period. it is rarely, if ever, caused because a healer and tank are in the same premade. in fact, the most common MM screwup, is putting two heals on the same team or two tank, or back filling with support rolls. and it does this when I KNOW that the support roles are not even grp'd with each other. it just a really bad MM.

    i just played 3 matches where one team has a tank and heal where the other only has a heal, and I know for a fact that everyone in there was solo. the MM is really bad (for role balance). it' ain't the premades. i'm not a fan of premades in arenas, particularly more than 2. but that isn't the problem. SF doesn't have a premade problem in arenas and the MM is still garbage.

    edit: fwiw, you're arguing theory. in theory, a 4m or 3m or even a 2m could break or bully the queue. in practice, however, this isn't the case. one time in a month. and they were all dps, and they weren't even good. it's just the queue was that bad. srsly, the MM has very little interest in balance. role or ability (kinda hard to build around the latter). yes grps are usually opposed to each other. but honestly, it's role that's more obviously mismatched, and I stated above, the MM is frustratingly bad at that. most likely b/c someone did not accept or declined early and it paid no attention to other possible options? iunno.

  16. 11 hours ago, Whykara said:

    I don't know where you get those horror scenarios from. You're acting like something like this is a common occurrence when it is not. Even when the lockout times where longer, this did not happen. There is no need to conjure up imagined problems when PvP has enough real ones. 

    it's quite real and does happen all the time. "this team's better than us?" ok. hide. 3-4 "teammates" sit on own node leaving 4-5 remaining to deal with the 8 of the other team. afk under spawn. sit in corner and argue in ops/gen about how bad your teammates are or premades are. iunno how you don't see this every other WZ but w/e. give me freedom to leave or get a back fill that doesn't just afk any day of the week.

    don't follow someone's arena strat round 1? rage hide in corner or stuck. change around the markers? same. lose first round? rage and /stuck.  I liked it better when a player just left and my team at least has a roulette chance of getting back fill to compete in round 2. not in this system. not anymore. /shrug

    • Like 2
  17. 56 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Trixx, thanks for taking the time to write that very well thought out post. Great suggestions there indeed.

    However, due to their long proven propensity to ignore all player input and feedback, I also have to doubt their willingness to even consider putting that much honest effort into improving PvP design.

    Though I would be glad to be proven wrong.

    untrue, young bucky. prime example: a bunch of players complain that ppl are quitting matches the second the first "point" is scored or that they end up having to back fill (sometimes 5 seconds before a match ends). so BW takes action. what do they do? they institute a deserter debuff. now every player who would have just left the game afks, /stucks, etc. until the timer runs out. literally the only players unperturbed by this are those who only play to kill other "players" regardless of the win conditions of the match. they're fine b/c the hapless fish cannot escape the barrel (not that they'd care if they were replaced  by other fish; just don't end the slaughter early b/c nobody is willing to backfill it). literally every other player, be they talented or noob, is left holding a wet noodle b/c half his team is afk or hiding someplace where they won't get obliterated. good job BW!

    careful what you wish for, friend. they'll find a way to give it to you while simultaneously making it taste sour in your mouth. (maybe an op can roll fire but wars cannot leap to players on an EZ ledge? half-crap "fixes" created to patch poor design choices in the first place).

  18. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Premades should be eliminated in arena all together because it’s impossible to balance premades vs pugs.

    ^this is patently false. but I would like to see it reduced to 2 in arenas.

    I could pair with one top tier player against a pair of gold plates, and it would balance itself out. and I'm not even gold. it would still come down to the other two players on each team. honestly, the only issue I see in a 2m cap is that they're h/t, and I don't mind that at all so long as the other team has a h/t (not necessarily premade) on their team. there are very very few combinations of players who actively grp that would hurt the SF queue if they always grp'd together. 2m is just not a big deal in arena most of the time - unless (ironically) it's a BAD 2m team. 😄

    edit: e.g., 1 gold player solo queues. 2 golds premade. a silver on the solo gold's team will basically balance out the premade. and there are A LOT of really good players who solo q anyway. I think you need to take my word on this unless you've actively started playing the past (how long has it been?) 10 months? the only time a 2m could kill arenas is if they have the only tank or the only heal or everyone else in the queue isn't merely solo but absolutely terrible.

  19. 10 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

    That's what people don't seem to get when they want premades deleted from swtor. People aren't making them do delete noobs all night that $hit is boring af for everyone invilved. It's fun when you go against another premade and actually have a challenge. But like you said the other team mates are complete dogwater. Last time I went against a premade in 4's which is honstly pretty rare. It was the funnest match I've had since ranked was removed. We would've won if the other dps could clear more then 2k.

    it gets worse when one of the 6 other ppl in the queue is a sin tank who sits in stealth all round then pops out every once in a while to meme pull + punt before cloaking again and eventually coming out of stealth to auto attack until you kill him.

    I don't actually remember moophie, but I assume this is the equivalent frustration of that guy in the solo queue.

  20. 1 hour ago, septru said:


    I qued solo arenas too, for the first time in a long time. I got against them. It was the most fun arena I've had in a long time. We lost, of course. It was closer than I thought it would be. I probably could have won, if my teammates weren't utter dog water. 


    Pugs are just so bad these days. It's become disgusting. My sin didn't stealth out any of the 3 rounds. I asked him "hey bud can you please stealth." And he literally responded with (verbatim quote), "stealth is for *****." 

    😄 i remember you saying the same in a tat canyon match where i was chasing your sorc around the map for a min or two on a ******* merc. and all we could manage was a stalemate. at least there was an excuse for that one  my other dps were dead  

    the other night felt kinda the same. there was a weak vg i could kill every time and could pretty much kill the good vg or the sin. but every game i was somehow the only one chasing…on the merc(!). and every game there was one or two globals who died before i could open dot rail dot spread (all instants). i think i alt-f4 on the sixth match when a 325 guardian was dead before i could fire a single shot. can’t guardians pop ed in stun? whatever.😒

  21. 2 minutes ago, Enomars said:

    no it is currently 4 ques.  Premades are supposed to only match up against premades by design however this is not happening.  

    Premades filled with randos  arenas 
    Premade filled with randos warzones. 

    solo ques arenas 
    solo ques warzones. 

    the problem is that these four are intertwined making the game unbalanced. 


    no. it's 2 queues. you're playing mental gymnastics. your complaint is that it's not 4 queues.

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