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Posts posted by krackcommando

  1. On 10/21/2023 at 10:51 AM, OlBuzzard said:

    My own observations:  (some will like ... others will find contemptable)
    ** These people are not professional actors ... presentation was much better this time.  Please note that this comment does not mean that I approve of all of their content.
    ** Regardless of what each of us think about what was in (or absent from) the live stream DID tell us what their priorities are (and will probably continue to be).  It's up to each of us to decide whether or not we think those efforts are enough to keep us interested.  I for one see some positive.  I also see reasons (Plural) for concern.  
    ** For example:  the GS series still leaves a LOT to be desired (this time I hope you enjoy the dark side ... since it's something to embrace right up front).  AND if a player is primarily engaged in PvP ... OUCH!  There was some passing statements made but nothing that was clearly definitive.  
    ** Malgus fans??  (Never mind)
    ** Several updates that seemed promising.  The updates on some of the textures:  I have noticed some improvements.  Will that be true of all of them?  IMO some of that is subjective.
    ** Screen shot winners.  Congrats to those finalists.  
    ** I-rating increase.  That's cool.  As long as we have access to it I'm tired of all of the gates and the confused mess it takes to sort out where to find what (and who has it).  I've seen worse in this game ... but that doesn't justify making this series a royal pain in the ...  tail feathers!

    Bottom line:  I'll still make up my own mind.  I do have a clear-cut view of where the new (old) priorities are at.

    I wouldn't count on 8.0

    are you trying not to use the bulleted list option in the posting box? or did you not know about it? it makes making sense of your post a whole lot easier.

  2. On 10/23/2023 at 7:46 PM, xxSHOONYxx said:

    A very pve focused player and loves KOTFE?
    The same KOTFE that as "pve" did not add a new operation and the player base went 3 years without a new operation (if you count tyth release as a full operation)? that did star fortress and uprisings that are so "fun" that barely no one does? :jawa_confused::jawa_confused::jawa_confused:

    KOTFE = BW saying, "yeah. we give up. we can't maintain end game ops to save our lives. so we're going to dole out 3 hours of story content 20 minutes at a time every 3 weeks until that becomes too demanding for us and we just trade wet farts in the bathroom stalls."

  3. 2 hours ago, SoyElSenado said:

    Yeah I really don't get this insistence by the devs on having low queue times at the expense of enjoyable gameplay.

    you're never going to get majority "good" or "even" matches. you can get them. but the more random the queue population is, the less likely you are to find skill-balanced matches. this is particularly true with a bunch of randos (i.e., solo queued players). and splitting the casual or "reg" queue into solos only and mixed is a non-starter. there has literally never been a large enough population for that (despite what some here might say).

    you're never going to get skill-balanced matches. but FML. you can at least role balance things. even with premades of all sorts, you can role match. if you cannot break up a premade and they have the only healer, then make them wait 5x longer (supposedly something like that does happen according to Samcru?), but you have to use them eventually if the alternative is no pops. the same is true for healers and tanks: they are not the same. eventually you can count them as the same, but don't just do a quick straw poll and then treat them the same. and never ever ever put more than one of each T/H on the same arena team or 2 of each on a WZ team no matter what is or isn't in the queue.

    TL; DR: I think for a casual queue, pop times are the most important consideration, but a stronger enforcement of role balance is needed. The greater issue of faceroll matches is more about the type of player remaining in the game/queue, and that's a reflection of game-wide design decisions by Biosword. You're not gonna fix that with just PVP queue manipulation, imo.

    edit: to be clear, trying to make grps baseed on skill/talent is a lost cause and should be a distant third next to role and gear. too many times I'm in a match of 8 pugs (arenas) and one team has both undergeared toons. usually at times where role matching wouldn't have hindered balancing gear either.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I nearly redied in a respawn in ARENA yesterday because of the amount of debuffs still on me. And I would have if I didn’t notice & started healing up 🤦‍♀️

    huh. I never experienced that in arenas. but sometimes you don't get your hp back after the reset.

  5. 20 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    That’s a gripe I’ve had for years. What’s also annoying is still having debuffs on you once you respawn. In my opinion, if you die, all debuffs & CD’s should reset instantly in WZ’s. 

    as i understand it, that’s a bug and a reflection of the “current” dev team’s lack of command over the hackneyed hero engine forked code that the initial devs cooked up. 

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  6. On 11/22/2023 at 2:02 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

    And that every class should have kept their hard stun. If stuns were such an issue for the devs in PvP, they should have just extended resolves white bar to last longer

    just noticed something here. white bar is actually a great thing imo. the problem with it isn't how long it lasts. any longer would be broken in the other direction tbh. plus too many classes already have caked-in immunities (something that maybe should've been pruned?). my beef - especially in WAR ZONES - is that half the time you don't get to do anything with white bar b/c it drains away in spawn or while you run back to a relevant section of the map. that's unacceptable, imo. white bar resets behind the screen, but your 2m(?) breaker is still on cd. it's just total arse.

    nobody seems to play the games to win anyway. they just treat it like team death match with infinite respawns. you might as well reset everything upon death (similar to arenas) or do something really revolutionary that requires some degree of thought like not ticking white bar until you take dmg or are under cc. some cc are out of combat, but it still takes skill/thought to stealth out and sap the guy who is white barred, hence including cc.

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  7. 13 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    I agree and disagree, there was some justification in some areas, of dead abilities. 

    But there was a lot of abilities that should be mainline that we all agree, like Force stun should be given as mainline for both sentinels and Guardians. 

    If they prunned the abilities that were not often used and put them in the tree instead of the class, I'd be fine with that, say I want spike on Assassin, or I want obfuscate on my Marauder. 

    Things like that I felt would have made prunning not as bad as what it is. 

    people don't like to hear this because everyone likes and gets used to their toys. but the fact of the matter is that too many classes/specs have (well had) too many survival/mobility/escape abilities (dcds). that needed to be curbed. it's just that the way this was done seems terribly uneven. additionally, some abilities are simply core to the class identity.


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  8. 2 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    The point is that pruning threw out balancing and is IMO the reason we see such imbalanced specs. 

    pruning was necessary. it was just (predictably?) done unevenly. it's not really even unbalanced. it's just stupidly tilted. they took away (or made impossible "choices") on abilities that have been core to specs since 1.0.


  9. 9 hours ago, BallisticKaine said:

    Also the Madness/Balance needs something done to it if so many people are running it knowing full well that it is a range tank that is damn near unstoppable. 

    it's pretty easy to kill a sorc/sage of any spec. granted, I'm normally on a merc with enet. it annoys me when my team allows the sorc to set his pw and then fight on the other side of the map. like...attack him there. worst case scenario, he gets his barrier off and then dies 4 gcds later. but ppl are afraid to focus sorcs. /shrug

    however, class stacking is obnoxious no matter the spec.

    it's particularly galling (to me) when it's a spec with a hard stun. then it's just constant stun stun stun with only the little time that white bar is active. I can live with everything else. but having lost my stun while other specs can afford to keep theirs is irritating.

    • Like 2
  10. it's often back fill. if someone declines a pop, the MM tends to replace them with whatever is available. this is particularly true in late night and arenas.


  11. 17 minutes ago, RACATW said:

    I see what you're saying but they wouldn't really fight well anyway. When people don't believe they can win (even if they can), they won't actually try anymore.

    you ought to be able to /stuck both rounds. get it over with quicker. I think there's a 90s delay? unless you're just there to troll, the person who uses stuck is trapped. like...it would be nice if he could just leave and maybe you'd get a back fill who wants to fight with you or against whoever he sees no point in fighting. maybe you wouldn't. but it's not like the guy who uses /stuck was going to do anything to help you win in the first place...not that you would have in the first place...unless he's just trolling.

    of course, if it really matters to you, you could just put a grp together and queue that way. /shrug

    I don't care that much, tbh. besides, it's fun tweaking thaeus.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Bigfallenstar said:

    Someone not getting or liking the reward they got so they screw over other people because they don't get what they want. What's not to understand about that?

    scroll up. it's been explained to you by two other ppl at this point.

  13. 35 minutes ago, BallisticKaine said:

    And on the PvP items you are wrong. The new stuff on the vendor for PvP seasons are stated as REPLICA, even Baron Death Marks Mask isn't the same as the OG. So no it doesn't lower the meaning if you have the true PvP weapons, armors and all that.

    and you can tell the difference just by looking at the item in a player's hand (furious weapons). no. you cannot. go away with your "but but replica" horse crap. that's like creating a gold flair with a number on it but if you "inspect" it, it says replica. seriously dude. go away with your "but but replica" nonsense.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Bigfallenstar said:

    Worst explanation ever! So just because you aren't getting anything, you're not even going to try or just farm kills? Might as well have not que up if you're not even going to do the objective to begin with.


    I don't think you understand the conversation that you jumped into.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    They already removed deaths from the board. People like to be able to see how they are going compared to other players. They can do that by seeing their own stats & others. What your suggesting is nanny state tactics that would annoy more people than it would help. 

    they did? I can still see when I hover over dmg taken...last time I bothered to.

  16. 1 minute ago, AocaVII said:

    They will never fix PVP. They don't understand PVP and never will. This whole part of the forearm should just be shut down because they are going to do absolutely nothing. And if they do something it'll be the worst thing possible.

    not gonna lie. there's a good deal of truth to this.^

  17. 3 hours ago, septru said:

    1) The matchmaking should continue to prioritize premade v premade, like it already does. Hopefully we would see far less premade v solo matches as more PvPers coming back to the game. And I have already proposed cutting premade sizes to 4 in warzones and 2 in arenas which would also help with matchmaking. 


    But most importantly, as I mentioned before in a another thread, "every now and then, a premade might vs pugs. But they will gain significantly lower ELO if they win (+2 to +5) than they would gain if they went against another premade (+ 10 to +15)." 


    2) The old ranked system penalized you by declining a ranked pop with -15 ELO and a 15min lockout. I guess they could do the same thing for any player that opts-in to ranked. 


    In the end, you want this to be a perfect system. It's not. BioSword only has so many resources and money, and that doesn't even begin to mention their general incompetency as developers. Will there be que dodgers, throwers, trolls, etc? Probably. But this is a start. And it's certainly better than what we have now. SWTOR PvP needs some sort of mountain to climb, some sort of meaningful goal, some type of incentive to get better. Otherwise you get what we have now: a maintenance mode endgame that is plagued by throwers and AFKers which dies the second PvP Seasons ends.


    We're talking about player retention. And this is the only way to do that. 

    I'm not opposed to the general idea of maintaining a mixed queue with something in there that encourages (can't believe this has to be championed) winning...excellence...or just improvement. and I really love the idea of flairs as rewards from rated. honestly, I think those were the only rewards rated needed. that's your status symbol right there. but I digress. sorry.

    I think the mixed queue as it exists right now would be so easy to manipulate that it would be easier to game than s1 was (when factions were locked, there were  20-odd servers with different skill levels but sharing the same reward thresholds, and balance was so wonky that you could spam two buttons on AP to get 1500 rating in 20 matches). not saying current queue recreates the same issues, just that it would be that laughable.

    I really think any sort of rewards based on merit should require at least some tightening of the queue (at least invalidate matches that pop with unbalanced roles). don't port players to the pvp maps until every single participant has accepted the pop. I like the previous poster's suggestion about grading various premades separately while allowing them to remain in the mixed queue. I know you cannot restrict the queue as tightly as rated (at its tightest), but...well...you have to sacrifice something in the way of pop times in order to run a rated/unrated mixed queue imo.

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  18. 1 hour ago, septru said:

    A skilled based rewards that are part of PvP Seasons would be far more inclusive than ranked ever was. Primarily because it would all be in the same matchmaking que. Everyone would already be playing "ranked".

    I'm skeptical about awarding (e.g.) flairs for gold, silver, bronze. some obvious barriers to the idea of doing it with the present queue are 1) premades in the same queue, and 2) you'd need a far more restrictive queue. like if you don't accept a pop, what happens? are you penalized max elo? deserter debuff? and I'd be pretty annoyed with 3) counting healers as equivalent of tanks and vice versa. Also, there are A LOT of wonky team comps in arenas (multiple healers or tanks). I'm not sure you could do this without making the queue/MM more restrictive.

    i like the idea of just creating three tiers for rewards. but I would be pissed if they were given out without a much more restrictive queue system. and I doubt Biosword would ever do that.

  19. 9 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Which makes their decision to increase premade sizes from a maximum of 4 man to 8 man totally illogical.

    that was crazy. I think everyone in the game, when they saw that, their eyes popped out. even players who do form 8m teams (or as close as they can get to them) were like, "wow! really? ok. lolololol."

    and at the same time BW opened up access to 8m teams in what is a defacto "regs queue," they also opened the floodgates for a legion of space barbies and solo/SM players to run into pvp in the mythical way lemmings run in droves off the cliffs of Ireland. just an astonishing combination of nonsensical (dare I say dumb?) design decisions by someone(s) in charge over at Biosword.

    it was such an epically bad/dumb design decision that, honestly, you kind of have to laugh out loud. like...legit lol. not the generic typing lol.

    I talk a lot about Biosword looking at the same "problem" that I look at and coming up with diametrically opposed "solutions." omg. this. lololololol so. bad.

    did they actually expect a bunch of SM/Space Barbies to form up their own 8m teams like a school of prey fish in the ocean? and even if they did, did Biosword somehow think that was going to make them improve or enjoy the pvp experience? that's called a "bait ball," and it gets attacked by literally every predatory fish/mammal in the ocean until all the little fishies are devoured. it's the only time you'll see dolphins, sharks, BIRDS, whales, and seals working TOGETHER to devour a common prey. just imagining Space Barbies grouping up "for protection" when they join WZ or arena queues. lolololololol

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  20. 2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I actually like Quesh. Especially since they seem to have reduced a lot of the dsync that was happening. I just wish they’d fix the leap bug for Warriors so we can once again leap from inside our own end zones. I don’t need to be able to leap into the enemy zone as an attacker. But if they insist on keeping it that way for warriors, I would ask they stop Operatives from being able to roll into it too. 

    it's a garbage design. first, you cannot carry the ball from spawn to ez. that's not how the game is played. you're supposed to be able to get your tank around the map. but it's even worse b/c only half the players on any map are trying to win, so having to pass in that scenario is nonsense.

    then, b/c the ball spawn is at the bottom rather than mid, you cannot even rely on a scrum at mid to overpower or push the opposing team off of spawn (i.e., control spawn).

    third, the map is vertical, but only in relation to the spawn. so you do all the work and carry the ball 2 or 3 levels, only to lose it at the 3rd level, and the other team is like 1 sorc pull away from a score. you could argue that such a design promotes strategy, but there's no move - counter move involved. it's a stick and ball sport except the goals for both teams are right next to each other. dumb.

    desync honestly only bothers me when I'm DMing at mid, so I wouldn't complain about that at all personally.

    however, the fact that leap doesn't work but you can still stealth camp, sorc pull, and (i think?) pw there (or on the pipe right before the ez)...that's utter garbage. a bad bandaid concocted to account for bad design. and if it's a glitch not intended, then it's game breaking, and I'll happily ignore objectives every time I pop into that trash map in favor of DMing at mid.

  21. 5 hours ago, Jonito said:

    where is the report function these days?


    in-game, you need to create a ticket. don't right click for harassment. that just takes a chat snapshot and sends it to CS without being able to explain the situation. supposedly the pvpreports@swtor.com is also "in use." I received no response or acknowledgement at all from that one. filling out a ticket will result in a generic response from the in-game system. don't bother trying to report anything on the forum though. you'll just get a warning or an infraction point...which is kinda a good thing in that it's the most lively response I've encountered from Biosword.

    supposedly you can DM jackie, but as she's already stated, she's just a forum mod and has no power or, apparently, knowledge about how to actually effect change.

  22. long post incoming but I'm bored...

    1 hour ago, Rhys_lightning said:

    Or people like to cheese play by just having 1 stealth character go to the enemy goal line and just insta score.

    that's not cheesing anything. that's called strategy.

    1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

    this is a tactic a lot of players know about and use to win fast and you know there is a counter class that can stop the stealth players near the goal also i think the gunslinger has a skill like that can stop the stleath mode.

    lol no. you defeat the "stealth in the end zone" by controlling ball spawn/mid.

    FWI @rhys_lightning players who DM in the pit will do so at mid and (usually) give your team control of mid almost accidentally. This is also mostly true of vandin. however, vandin is harder to move the ball from spawn to ez without help than the pit is. but controlling mid is easier. quesh is a trash map by any metric, from placement of ball spawn to denying fundamental/core abilities to classes (like warrior leaps to compensate for bad map design).

    1 hour ago, Rhys_lightning said:

    huttball does NOT belong in a Warzone but should be it's own pvp option entirely (which spoilers wont be surprised if no one picks it) as when comes to PVP players would always want to do big damage and big numbers, not giving a care for objectives.

    So I hate to sound like one of those types, but I would LOVE a dev to explain to me right now why huttball is considered an acceptable warzone, while I'll happily explain why it is all a huge waste of time, if nothing then they just proved exactly my point, so easy options as i presented either remove/uninstall huttball or just put it as a different pvp option, which again i doubt anyone would pick unless you force them to play just for rewards

    HB is the most dynamic of all WZs in the rotation. I'm not sure how/why ppl seem to think "PVP" means "red is dead" and only that. you don't play football against AI (yet). it's still two human teams kicking/throwing footballs toward a goal defended by other human opponents. it's as "PVP" as can be.

    2 hours ago, Rhys_lightning said:

    no one plays the game mode proper/does not play the objective

    ^this is true. there are a couple reasons for it, but these reasons are not exclusive to hb. first and foremost, there's no real incentive to win HB - or any WZ. many players will just play their own game of "red is dead" on every map, but particularly in maps where they feel they cannot influence the outcome. others (often in premades) are so dominant that there's literally no competition involved in playing for the win, so they ignore objectives and play "red is dead," which frankly, also applies to every other WZ in the rotation.

    my point is this: the problems you describe in HB are problems with every map in the rotation. they are just exacerbated in HB b/c that format requires more strategy and cooperation, not less. however, you don't get a high degree of cooperation in defacto "regs," particularly amongst a bunch of pugs who (10+ years after the game was created) still think the way you deal with stealth in the EZ is to hunt around for them in the EZ. that's counter productive and a waste of time. but it's as regular an occurrence in the game as having ppl stealth the EZ (which is to say it happens every game).

    rather than eliminate the most dynamic format in the WZ rotation (please get rid of quesh; it's a truly horrible design), I propose addressing the reasons players ignore objectives in WZs generally - that is to say, incentivize winning matches by making the reward for winning overwhelmingly attractive to losing.

    the most obvious adjustment is in the reward structure. ever since pvp seasons came about, the rewards available for mere participation have skyrocketed, but those are the same rewards one receives for winning. the only difference is how quickly one completes the reward track. the other aspect in play is that there's no incentive for skilled players to express their skill by playing objectives in WZs any longer. there hasn't been any real stakes involved in WZs since BW killed rated WZs (what feels like) a decade ago.

    do they have to bring back rated WZs? eh. prolly not a large enough population for that now anyway. but as is the case with ALL pvp atm, there's very little incentive to improve or even play to win...particularly in WZs. So the population is split between bots drawn in there by the extrinsic rewards of pvp seasons and the mainstays who have long since lost motivation to "win" because there are no longer any stakes in WZs whatsoever.

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