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Everything posted by Quendorite

  1. It does not, though. All the sets that have "hood up/hood down" versions include both chestpieces in the same set (and it's the same with other examples: the swimsuit with and without the buttcape, the miniskirt with and without leggings, etc), while I don't think there is any (or at least not many compared with the amount of sets people would pay to have hoodless) example of a set that is sold separately with and without hoods.
  2. You know why high ranking military officers usually keep talking about politics, sexuality, and weird inside jokes nobody but them gets? Because it's a General Chat.
  3. I promise my unborn first child to the developer (if it's a team they decide how to share) who finally gives us an art-deco apartment, à la Kaliyo or a fraction of Vailyn's palace!
  4. For the same reason that toggable hoods/cloaks, mixing primary and secondary dyes, previewing weapon sounds, removing loadouts, and such has been added, I guess...
  5. There are some chairs (like the ones in the cockpit of all ships, plus at least one in the booth of the Smuggler's ship) where you can click and it basically forces your character in a specific position and does /chair. That position is not accessible by walking, since it clips with the chair - and, tbh, I find it really difficult to believe there is absolutely no way of doing so when there are already decorations who do that, but with other things (like the "Outdoors Jedi Temple", which basically makes you do a /meditate, or the "Meditation Chamber" which makes you do a /calm)
  6. Quite the opposite - this is like those "Unpopular opinions" that are basically something everyone can agree on. "Sittable" chairs, couches, thrones, etc have been one of the most requested things in regard to decorations - if not generally interactible ones (do /sleep on a bed - either you're super bad positioned, or your head clips on the pillows).
  7. Mine is closer to "Expect nothing, then be disappointed regardless" 🤭
  8. Well, one is Elder and the other is Old, there is a connection there. 😜
  9. Because the Mandalorians are aligned with the Empire.
  10. In the next 6 months? More forum posts, a few server downtimes, a handful of DeveloperTracker updates, MAYBE a promise of a future update.
  11. I am not sure about the solo launcher - but through Steam every time you change the language you need to download all the files each time. I usually play in English but, some days ago, I changed it to German (I am learning the language and know the story cutscenes by heart, so it's a way of immersion and making me acquainted with the sounds and phraseology of the language) - 12 Gb download. Then, I changed it to English for the GS mission (since I do not know it and I am not having ChatGPT translate every line of dialog), 12 Gb download. After that, yesterday, I changed it again - 12 Gb download. As one comedian said once, "We should be careful with downloading, we don't know if we'll run out of Gbs!"
  12. Given what they have done with the two new Twi'leks (can't even remember their names. Rihan? Rikan? Is the guy - but you know, months since I saw any of them for the last time) - I think I prefer the cartoonish 10-years old we have currently, thank you very much.
  13. I suppose it's more for RP (either personal headcanoning or with other) purposes - Like how people make light-red skinned PBs to be used as Zeltron.
  14. I mean, check out how hilarious this part of the Terms and Conditions is:
  15. There are some decorations - like a dancing Togruta, I think either from the Nar Shaddaa Cantina Bundle or from the Nightlife event - that have 3 or 4 positions and, when placed, one is selected at random. Some dancing Twi'leks are similar, where the dance doesn't change (I think), but their skin colour rotates between green, blue, and yellow, if I remember correctly. Something like this could be expanded for most 'Personnel' decorations: Granting a mercenary (for instance) the NPC posture of holding a gun and pointing forwards, the npc position of them with the gun just drawn out, and the position of them crossing arms with the gun holstered. This way, one could choose how they want to place them and no new decorations need to be created, at least from scratch. This shows different dances on the same dancer, chosen from the internal pool.
  16. Because it's not a "real bundle." I do not know how the proper terminology works in this game, but there are two kinds of "gear bundles": Armor sets, which usually look like a cubical gray box, and for preview options work with all the pieces of gear they contain at once. Gear boxes, which usually look more elongated and beige, and which can contain other pieces of gear apart from armor (relics, earpieces, even mods), which are, in general, non-previewable - I'm guessing that because, in principle, they can contain /only/ non-previewable items, so they are non-previewable by default Now, despite containing only armor pieces (to my knowledge), Set Bonus Armour sets are inside Gear Boxes, instead of Armor Sets.
  17. 7 days to play Karagga's Palace, Dread Fortress, and such in SM? The only thing keeping any 80-level from doing the four of them in one night is time - and df can be runned in ~15 minutes, just check out most tech frag runs nowadays!
  18. Yes! I found it hilarious that they wanted to make all sets available so you would know which one you were buying - but then you need to have a webpage opened with the images of the sets so you can know which one you want to buy!
  19. Forums: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/931178-game-update-731a/?do=findComment&comment=9777811 X: https://twitter.com/SWTOR/status/1701979759389856097
  20. Honestly, right now the game is great /if you start now/. It is similar to the KOT** experience, where there was a wave of people unsubbing because there was "nothing" to do between chapters - but right now, if you play the expansions they are good, telling a unified (more or less) and coherent (more or less) story. If you start playing now - or if you make an alt, you can go from your character being whoever they are at level 1 to them receiving the vision from the Voss Mystics without interruption, and without having to wait for months for 4 cutscenes and a set of fake dailies.
  21. What I found kind of cheap is that we have... Ehem... Eight? sets, but there are only... Four? variations. In the past it made sense to have a set per class because they gave stats, etc, but nowadays they are only cosmetic. The players that don't bother with H&Z are those who don't bother about stats, so if you are going to sell cosmetic sets, don't just repeat them, imo.
  22. I'm not complaining. As I said, adding stuff to the CM is cool, and the GS adds a new armor. Reread my message.
  23. Adding stuff to the CM is cool. Only adding stuff to the CM is meh. At least we have the GS armor set, but the only (non repu) new things we have had in a while has been the Interpreter's Retreat sets.
  24. Isn't her lower outfit standard imperial soldier, from the Collector's Edition vendor? It's been... quite a few expansions since I saw Anri for the last time, honestly.
  25. This has just joined the club of "Apparently simple things that most poeple would love in the outfiter that probably won't see the light of day." "Welcome", said Toggable hoods. "Make yourself comfortable", added mixing primary and secondary dyes. "Do you want some tea?", asked choosing whether to put your lightsaber on your back or on your waist.
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