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Everything posted by powerofvoid

  1. Can you describe what you think should be done about this? Other than having a better in-game tutorial which I think everyone here would agree with.
  2. If there's too many arrows, you could add settings to customize this: Render indicator arrows above other UI elements Current target indicator arrow Satellite indicator arrows Enemy fighter indicator arrows Ally fighter indicator arrows Ally repair drone indicator arrows Enemy repair drone indicator arrows Other ally drone/mine indicator arrows Other enemy drone/mine indicator arrows Powerup indicator arrows
  3. I suppose it might depend on the ending? Obviously if you gave Ardun Kothe the Codex, it would be ludicrous if he viewed a Star Cabal presence on Tython as irrelevant, and didn't do something about her, but I could see the Empire or the Agent not viewing her as a priority. Oh, apparently it's Keeper (Watcher Two) who says they're going to send the Republic after the Star Cabal, not Minister of Intelligence (Keeper):
  4. Doesn't Cipher Nine and/or Keeper/MoI do something to eliminate the Star Cabal in every single possible ending? Even if Kolovish escapes the bounty hunters and/or SIS and/or Sith Intelligence or whatever, she would presumably at least be discredited and hunted.
  5. If people SDing to get all four classes in a match is a problem... make the CQ objectives for "fly 5" only count the first class you fly, "Start 5 GSF matches flying a ____"
  6. I support this suggestion. Ideally it would be user-configurable, but that might be complicated to program, so things you might want to consider separating out: Separate subsettings for Force, Tech, weapon, and environment effects Separate subsettings for targeting markers (glowing shapes on the ground) and effect visualization (glowing ball of telekinetic force) Separate purely cosmetic effects from flashy but not-entirely-cosmetic effects More than just "full" and "minimal" effects for a given subdivision And, since people keep not getting this: making it client side means that each player decides what they see, not what other people see. The data on the server is the same, the data going in and out of the server is unchanged, only the app on your computer is affected by your choice on this setting.
  7. There are so many neat toys we can get for our characters, but they all take up inventory space to have easily accessible, and we can't unlock infinite inventory slots. Since most toys bind on use, it would be nice if they just unlocked in your ability menu, like vehicles and pets, and you could access them from there, instead of needing to go through the collections menu to reclaim them, then use them, then drag them out of your inventory and delete them when you're done. Bonus points: have multiple menus for: Toys that recover health and energy (with a legacy ability to use a random one of your favorited recovery toys) Toys that spawn effects on the ground (useful for giving instructions in open-world content) Toys that create an effect on a character (same) Toys that are basically just animations Any other toys that don't fall into those categories
  8. Because of how much spinning and rolling goes on in GSF, it's often easy to lose track of which way is which on the minimap (which way is up), which can make it a bit of a production to figure out which way to turn to fly back to the group if you get separated. It would be a lot faster and easier if there were arrows (presumably green) on your targeting circle pointing to your teammates when they're offscreen, not just your enemies (red), which already have that.
  9. When I did this the day it dropped, we were (on MM) only able to beat him by breaking roots and moving to avoid his rocket punch. IIRC, we avoided interrupting full auto.
  10. Be preferred without artifact authorization, grind to level 75 in primarily FPs and GSF. Sub-75, FPs drop purple gear, which require artifact authorization. L75, a lot of the gear FPs drop requires artifact authorization too. Normal vendors don't sell left-side gear. (earpiece, implant, relics) World-drop 270+ implants and earpieces take a lot of farming AFAIK, the only reliable non-story way to get high-ranking relics that don't require artifact authorization is crafting What this adds up to is it's not terribly hard to have an iRating of like 140 (buy 220-rating right-side components from a vendor while having no left-side gear) when you get to 75, and only gradually get to 174 (with 270 Onderonian gear and 270 components), and then cap out there because you won't get 272 Onderonian until your iRating is something like 269, and you can't use the onderonian relics and implants and earpieces, IIRC.
  11. That depends on your level, and whether you are doing PvE or PVP Assuming you have subscribed since Onslaught and have a level cap of 75: If your iRating (top-left of character sheet, under name) is less than 306, wear the highest item rating gear you can, regardless of stats. If your iRating is 306, and you are doing PvE, go for 1590 accuracy, ~2k alacrity, and ~2k crit, with 0 shield and 0 absorb, and, for now, 0 defense. If your iRating is 306, and you are doing PvP, go for 0 accuracy, ~2k alacrity, and ~3.5k crit, with 0 shield and 0 absorb and 0 defense.
  12. Is what you're saying is that it never mattered what ability the physics immunity from this set bonus was on, because you were never going to be satisfied with it?
  13. ... What would Vinn Atrius's intrinsic motivation for abandoning his hatred and joining you be? Being spared doesn't seem like it would be enough, because his motivation isn't "the Commander is a merciless butcher!" it's "avenge Zakuul's defeat!" I mean, I suppose if you're a Dark Side character you could try mind control drugs, but...
  14. Just... make sure the rehab: Is Real: the character actually becomes a better person (assuming that's what your character is trying to do) Makes Sense: the character's motivations for changing should make sense given their prior motivations and events, not just be magically 'cured of their evil nature through a purifying ritual' or some such nonsense. Doesn't feel forced: it shouldn't feel like, "well, we have to make a rehab option for every character now, so this is what we've got for this character."
  15. When HK-51 is set to heal spec, instead of saying "Body count rising!", they should say "Antibody count rising!"
  16. Having done this a bunch of times in dailies for rep grind: the workaround is to log out and log back in (no need to exit game, just ESC -> Logout -> Immediate -> Push button to resume playing as character), then re-enter the phase. Progress shouldn't be lost.
  17. Which phase are you dying on, and what is actually killing you / your companion? What is your iRating? This is level 75 content, so your M/E/P aren't set to fixed numbers, and all of your stats actually matter.
  18. As far as I know, the conquest objective for operations is once per day per difficulty per legacy, so you can't just run fifty TC SM per day and get conquest for it on every character in your legacy, and you already can run TC SM every day on a single character and get all the conquest points for it. You need an infinitely repeatable objective with a per-character lockout, and the main infinitely repeatable objectives I'm familiar with (flashpoints, sometimes activity finder, GSF, sometimes kill enemies) have no lockout, and can be spammed just as easily if not more easily on a single character. Crafting used to be this, but it's daily now.
  19. That's a lot of suggestions. Level 80 cap and more story: based on simple pattern recognition, this is going to happen when they release the next full expansion. No sooner, no later. This is basically "the next expansion should be about Dantooine" Out-of-combat stealth for all classes (with no exit-combat-stealth for non stealth-specialist classes. Seriously, the classes are too homogeneous already) sounds... okay, but what would be really nice would be an actual stealth system, not just cloaking devices, where different classes would have actually different abilities for hiding, distracting guards, hiding bodies, and subverting or silently disabling weaker enemies, and mobs would actually patrol and interact in a realist way, rather than just standing around like difficult terrain. I think that all classes should have move-to-ground-target abilities for platforming -- jump for Knight/Warrior, teleport for Consular/Inquisitor/Smuggler/Agent, and jetpack for Trooper/BH , possibly with more movement abilities, like climbing, hovering at a specific z-value, walking/running on walls with magnetic boots or the Force... and maybe even actually being able to survive falling off cliffs like a Star Wars protagonist... Kaleesh players sounds fine, but droid players introduces some obvious lore issues.
  20. YES PLEASE! Having to rearrange my hotbars every time I switch specs is the biggest pain in the butt for switching specs, but forgetting to switch to the right gear is just embarrassing.
  21. The new character sheet definitely has issues. The main- and off-hand items break up the column of armor pieces. If they could be moved to the left side, above or below the tactical, that would preserve the effect of putting them near the hands rather than the feet, but without breaking up the armor view The amplifier window takes up a lot of space that isn't usually needed. If it could be opened and closed (default closed), that would be great. The window is rather large. If there were some way to resize it, or just a setting to switch between small/medium/large window configurations, that would be great. While viewing individual amplifiers is nice, it would also be nice to have a compressed view that showed the total value of each amplifier, across all gear Losing the second stat window (melee/ranged/force/tech/defense) makes taking useful screenshots of the character sheet harder. None of this is a deal-breaker for me, but that doesn't mean I like the current window.
  22. Maybe put the physics immunity on Resilience/Shroud or Force Speed?
  23. Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz is used as a healing ability with the Endless Offensive set and Metaphysical Mender.
  24. How about a floating version of that ring-thing Dooku kept Obi-Wan suspended in in Attack of the Clones when he was trying to convince Obi-Wan that he was a trustworthy source, after capturing him but before the arena? ("It may be difficult to secure your release.") Basically your character would be suspended in the ring, which would sort of bob along like a speeder.
  25. They were going to implement reporting comments for being "toxic" in chat in patch 6.2.1, but that is obviously still stuck in the snow. Any kind of banning, though... It should be preceded with warnings Those warnings should include a clickable link to read the general rules of what is appropriate for open chat in the game Those links should give the option to open the target in the game, or in an external browser. Should attempt to be "narrow": if someone only makes trouble in General chat, then they only need banning from General chat.
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