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Everything posted by waisting

  1. It really is tiring when it's endless cycle of deathmatches and one team is running 5/8 ships as gunships. Like how is that fun for anyone? I wish something could be done but I don't really know what the solution is. I just don't queue as much anymore, especially when I see the same multi-gunship premade over and over and over...
  2. Tactical is a big part of it too for sure. But I am starting to feel that the level 70 and 75 set bonuses should just not work in pvp. I'm fine with the 306 modded gear with optimized stats, it's just those added bonuses from the sets are way too unbalanced.
  3. It can be pretty bad mostly because the level 75 set bonuses are so overtuned compared to anything else. It's tolerable in warzones, but mids arenas are a total joke. Either you get the irating 306 level 75s on your team or you don't, and that's how wins are determined too often.
  4. I'm a casual pvper that solo queues and I pay for it. 44% win percentage right now in 80s arenas. I try my best but I'm definitely learning. Nothing like most of the players here almost certainly. I pay for it with the occasional toxic crap thrown my way too. But it is what it is. I enjoy the game mode so I just ignore them and queue up again. I enjoy it enough that I already have 28% achievements in the new arenas category. But it's the toxic crap that makes new / casual people not want to try it (or continue with it), not the premades. Most people can't just take that and want to keep playing. From the perspective of a casual player like myself, premades aren't that big of a deal. I don't go in expecting to win almost every match I play like the more competitive players. So if we get stomped in 2 quick rounds, whatever. It wasn't fun, but it was quick and better luck next time. Warzones, yeah it stinks to run into a big premade 6-8 players but what can you do really. That's when I just bring out the celebration jawa and give up on the match, just jump around and have some sort of fun with it. I doubt this is what Bioware intended but for someone like me and my PUG team, we have no chance so why bother trying? Overall you had a great write up here and thank you for sharing. It's unfortunate that you experience so much toxicity in warzones. People lose perspective that this is a game sometimes.
  5. This is my thoughts too. If I see someone is eligible to be vote kicked, I look at the map real quick. If they're half the map away from everyone else and just sitting there of course I'm hitting vote kick, If someone is legitimately trying to play support bomber in deathmatch, I would recommend speaking up in ops chat to say you'll move your nest once the cooldowns are up. If you just say nothing and aren't moving, I assume you're off making lunch while everyone else is trying to win the match. You're right. Even an afk bomber with a nest set up is contributing more than the self destructors who are not punished in any way. It's a problem with the system for sure.
  6. Seconding. One of the few cute skirts in the game. Please remove the leggings.
  7. The only fix GSF vote kicking needs is for self destructing to not count as "contributing." It's not hard to contribute - shoot something. Go to a satellite. Get engaged in the match in literally any capacity.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to share Eric. I hope it's true with the emphasis about this being season one, and feedback will be taken going forward. It definitely seems like the general feedback from the most devoted PVPers is to incentivize higher skill ceiling rewards. Perhaps a harder to complete rewards track based on medals / kills / damage (actual contribution) that rewards only high level play and not simply participation. Participation is fantastic of course but as you say, PVP is by nature competitive. Therefore the highest rewards should go to the people who contribute / win the most. Similar to how the highest rewards in raiding are not given out in story mode operations.
  9. Yes and no. For some people, high levels of competition (like rankings with rewards at stake) are what is fun. So for those players, their fun is certainly being removed. But you are right that PVP still exists as a game mode in its most popular capacity, unranked / objective based. I think it's understandable why ranked players are not happy. It's what they log in to do (for years probably) and it's gone. Overall it effects a small segment of the game population, but I think it's unfortunate that any part of the community has their favorite thing deleted from the game. I would say the same thing if they deleted NiM ops, MM uprisings, or any other group content barely anyone does.
  10. Exciting news! I too am hopeful for a collections unlock sale. These cc are burning a hole in my pockets 😆
  11. I so wish it could just pull loadout gear from legacy storage. Having a constantly 90% full inventory stresses me out.
  12. It will probably only get "worse" with pre-mades in queue in the update. People are going to want to get through those objectives ASAP. I don't have any issues with people opting to play with friends rather than solo though. Pre-mades are exactly what I expect because that's part of the game. That being said, I wouldn't complain if they added an additional daily mission or something similar to the current daily but is rewarded for solo queueing. More rewards I'm always ok with. More restrictions to player choice? Not so much.
  13. I don't even participate in ranked and am sad to see it go. I don't like seeing the removal of the game modes other people enjoy. I can't be bothered with HM raiding. I would never go into a thread saying too small a percent of players nim raid so they should just delete them all. Just a weird hill to die on. I hope all the ranked pvpers are able to continue to have fun with the new system, or find another game you can go have fun in. 💚
  14. Yeah I wasn't too clear. I mean to say that people who are AFKing / self destructing in GSF are clearly not enjoying that content. Instead of making GSF weeklies harder for people who enjoy it but maybe aren't so good at it, bring other weekly content in line with GSF so the people who hate it can just go do what they actually want instead. It's not uncommon for someone to try their best in GSF and get just a couple of medals, or if they're new they might try hard all match and get maybe 1. It would take them forever to get the weekly done and that just doesn't sound fun or incentivizing. Players who aren't as skilled for any number of reasons including being new or facing disabilities would be seriously hindered by a change to requiring medals. I'm more in the "make the game fun / rewarding for as many people as possible" camp when it comes to stuff like this. I love GSF, but I'm totally fine with people being bad on my team as long as they're trying and having fun or learning at their own pace. Totally! But I feel GSF is more established now than it was 2 years ago. As long as the rewards don't get nerfed (both the weekly and conquest) I don't see it dipping too far.
  15. People afk / self destruct even without galactic seasons in GSF because the rewards way outpace any other content. The way to reduce that is to get those players out of GSF and doing something else they actually want to participate in, like make the weekly mmfp or veteran uprisings weekly mission the same as GSF for example. And also flatten the irating for gear across content so anything is viable to be more like 6.0... but that's probably a pipe dream at this point.
  16. Yes I hope they add some more currently unobtainable stuff, like the Black-Purple Striated crystal and Kurtob Alliance mount for example. I'm sure there are tons more things they could add those are just the two I really wish for 😁
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