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Everything posted by Malibbu

  1. THank you so much for this answer ) now i just wait patiently
  2. The boots and gloves can not be dyed individually. I did a search in the forums, this was posted in the bug sections but i do not see any answers from the devs for this. Could i have an answer )) i love the boots but not beeing able t dye those individually would make those of no use. So before getting some expensive dye i prefer to ask Thank you
  3. Just to be certain, this is only a minutes movie and then we have to wait next update in some months ?
  4. Stay safe and take care of your family! its not the time to think about us.
  5. I have the exact same amount of techs that i had at logging and nothing showed in the loot tab chat. On my other account, the gold box is mentionned in the loot chat tab, as well as the 200 techs and some crafting blue stuff. its just 200 techs so i will get those fast enough, but its strange though. And yes you are right there is more terrible things happening than that, so i will not trouble them.
  6. Well, i claimed the today box, and when i opened the box. it was empty. My loot chat showed what i was doing (learning reputation THORN) and did not even mentionned that i picked up the box and opened it. i have still the same amount of techs that yesterday
  7. Good to know, i was actually killing all the mobs from start to the last enemy droid. before i jumped myself into my droid --yes long long fight, but easier than to start again and again---
  8. Lord Scourge and Kira are away for the purpose of the next story. If you finished Meksha you must remember . They both will be back, and you will have a very good suprise too. Just go on with the story. I promise you they are not lost. They will be back and you will enjoy them (i dont say much to avoid spoiliers for those who did not completed the stories. And if they were influence 50, they sitll will be)
  9. During the class quest dialog, two risha are involved http://www.zoopsie.com/img/swtor%202021-02-03%2013-49-10-54.jpg THank you
  10. I was on my Imperial assassin, jump down into the trap with the tentacles after beeing targeted by the snipers and took the lift. Once in the room Harpoon staging, i realised that the 2 snipers could still target me from above and through the walls, and even stealthed See the picture below http://www.zoopsie.com/img/swtor%202021-02-01%2010-45-58-29.jpg
  11. k thanks will not give up then, but pause on this character for now. I decided to be done with it and went through the whole finish. It appears that some of my choices were not recorded correctly as some of my companions were suddenly considered as killed by me when i did not. May be one day i will try a new one little assassin, but for now, this try has push me away from playing empire side. I thought that i you choose all the way to be light side, that would be different but finally it makes a strange character half dark and half light even with full Light
  12. Before i should say that i did the whole content on Republic side, with 7 characters and i loved it. So i decided to try an Imperial character. Sith Assassin, did all. 10 Companions up to 50, and all outfited. Up to Onslaught i loved it (light side though) but once i started Onslaught my fun is gone. i am really not enjoying at all what my character becomes now. More a puppet than a commander. Forced to deal with the Dark Council, and to help the empire. Probably because of some choices i made, but those choices were great up to Onslaught. So far i did half part of Onderon, but this is more a chore than a fun. I will not expand what i dont like to not spoil. So do i have to finish Onslaught to be able to start Echoes of Vengeance or not ?
  13. ..... ok .... now i feel really a silly gran'ma. /facepalm Thank you!!!
  14. What would you think if this droid could be toggled off if we wanted ? I know it is very helpful, but i feel there is some times where he is not really needed and i would really want if off, even if that would bring a little more difficulty. Thank you
  15. As of today this achievement is still bugged. I know you are busy but still could you please check this. Thank you
  16. Before i start the process of (BUG), asking here if anyone else have this : - Mako : character gained with the return of Akavi. When i wanted to outfit her by removing her armor, she have below another set of armor not removable, that does not allow some outfit. You need to cover all parts of her body if you want her changed (can not used for example the Covert generic armor for hands) - Risha : i have actually 2 Rishas existing physically and wearing two differents outfit after having her back in my alliance. In the ship, its Risha as i want her to be with customization in the alliance area (hylo), she is there totally wearing another armor, and without the bought customization For all other classes, any companions originals or added with alliance are unique and wear even in the alliance area the outfit i choose. Update : i just noticed that all my companions existing in the Alliance area (lana, Koth, Senya, Theron, Elara, Shae) have all their colour outfit removed. if i summoned them and release them again, then the colours is back, but as soon as i leave the alliance area and come back in, all is lost, and i need to re apply the Unify color settings. Concerning Shae vizla, on all other classes, as i finished the spirit of vengeance, i do not have access anymore to this companion. But while i still completed the Spirit with my scoundrel, this companion is still available
  17. it happens when a player must stand into the console and push the different color levels. You fight some robot there, and have to not walk on the electrified ground. And some robot goes in the console. There is also another bug that can also happens at the start, when you have to stand on two blocks to spawn the mobs. If you have your companions with you, the mobs can not be attacked at all as they go in the ceiling. i had another bug in that too, as i was stuck could not move at all, and going to a stronghold did nothing. I leave the game and go back in. (To be honnest, i know this because my husband did that quest with his 3 accounts on all characters. And as we play in the same room, i saw him lead this instance for a lot of teams, and explains it a lot of times.) (The Unique time i did it, i had 2 of the bugs mentionned a bug and i was stressing as hell lol lol, this is the only moment i feel i am really a gran'ma near 70 lol)
  18. Ah i think i understand what you mean. Its right that for certain choices, i choose to keep them rather than kill them. Not often but may be one time i think. So yes that would explain. Thank you!
  19. Send one of your team member to his stronghold, this will allow you to bring out a DPS companion. Send the companion to attack and when the robot goes out, just call back your companion and kill the robot and your team member can come back of course Works all the time so far. Good luck to you just a little more info concerning the player sent to a stronghold. When he will return he will not be directly in the instance. For a strange raison the game return you to Nar shaddah but not the instance. So : - 1 - be sure first to check if the map phase is the same that all of you as most often the game transfer you to another map - 2 - Then head to the entrance of the instance that should be blue for you and empty of mobs
  20. Ah may be it would be interesting if one of the Devs could give us some precisions please ? Thank you in advance
  21. Thank you so much for the informations. So indeed it was bugged for me. I should have get the second choice I guess anyway that we can not do anything to correct it. But a least now it makes sens. Thank you very much
  22. Thank you for trying to help, i answering below in the spoiler tags to not bother anyone
  23. Modified the title. As for the section unless you know which one is good, i dont know where to post it beside here. Thank you anyway I should have added : is this a bug or not ?
  24. Thank you for the information. Though i do not think that everything is right actually. I can understand that the color may not apply correctly for loot items, but Craftable items should not apply to this rule. I used to be able to dye some circlet items coming from craft, but not anymore. You know i used to think by *if this is working, do not change it* but it seems that recently SWTOR apply a strange rule and the effect for us is more breaking that working. So what ? are you slowly going to remove all the RPing possibilities? actually the last choices you made is making the game generic and not particular. I do not see what SWTOR could gain from baring people to enjoy the game with little things. Lately i am avoiding the starting zones and chapters because of poor decisions (companions outfit limited by a guest gating, colors limited). Hear me, you would have done this after one year or so i could have understand and accept, but after 9 years you decide to apply correctifs on something that was great and enjoyable when i still encounter little bugs that would really need your attention. On a different point, you know that some outfits does not work well with movements and rather than create and adapt new models to avoid that, you keep creating the same models, since 9 years. Are you limited on creativity by the structures of the game ? Well, i hope honnestly that you will bring another solution to the gating companions and the color systems. THank you
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