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Everything posted by Malibbu

  1. If though you still want to have romances or certains decisions kept, you can also do this : - play the 3 chapters class - ilum - makeb (do the first quest) -oricon (do the first quest) -Revan -Ziost Then start KOTFE and do the 9 first chapters (stop when you finish Alliance chapter IX) and ignore all the following up to to the end of KOTFE At this point, if you want to get some lost companions and do not have them already returned, go to the alliance base and get the ones you want back with you Do the quest quest To Find A Findsman (Yuun),, so it will allow you to receive alerts and gain some extra companions you would like to have Then jump directly to chapter 1 of KOTET Wrath and ruins Enter the chapter, and as soon as you drop into the chapter, fly away by travelling to your ship. Do not fight just leave, and skip the whole KOTET. If you are in romances and want to keep them, then you are at the point where you have to follow the game and do Iokath as the most important romances scenes is right after the Nathema instance. Following this i am actually doing Onslaught and once i will be done, i will go back to finish Makeb and Oricon that i started and which still are in my quest logs if you dont care about romance, then choose on the console whatever you want to do. (Why am i skipping ? i did completed KOTET and KOTFE 27 times and i am at the point where i can not stand anymore to do some fights. So by doing this i can still enjoy the content and be married to Theron )
  2. I do love Makeb too. Recently with a new account, i did all classes again, and did not skipped Makeb. Took the time to run around and discover beautiful area too. If only i was not suffering from fear of eights. I close my eyes each time i cross a bridge ;P ((The planet i would skip with a real pleasure is Hoth. I hate it with all my heart)
  3. I had the answer provided by the game, once i finished Yavin, so you do not need to bother with this thread anymore
  4. For the first time i finally played a Trooper (on the 5th account). I tried to not be mad too often and i finished Corellia finally. Thank you
  5. Then Gran'ma lost her mind for good .... *facepalm* Thank you for letting me k now that the event still going on, and no thank you for letting me know i dont remember at all :P
  6. I am back since 3 months now and still no Bounty event, so i was wondering if they totally removed this event ? I was working for the reputation to get some items. THank you
  7. log off at 9pm est on January 5, and logged in this morning when the server log in was up. The 3 instances i did completed are still there, seems the roll back affected the heroics dailies completed which are not anymore and i lost the story fp launch succeeding Taral V. I guess its not really important. I can redo these. I was just suprised. On my other account, my telekinetics sage had her main bar totally changed with healing skills and multiples icones of the same skills. I guess there was some data problem while i was sleeping
  8. I wanted to do this morning some story Umbara, and Copero, to raise the 1000 kills with some of my companions, but i can not access the lift at all. The button is not grey, but nothing heppens and no choice is offered. The only way i found out to be able to access the staging area was to be called by flagship into the staging area. And i can not even leave the staging area once i am inside. Using the Odessen travel button bring me back to the last room i was in, not on the landing area. I can only use the Cantina quick travel to get out. This happens only on one account. All others are fine. Sub is up to date I am though on the Echoes of Oblivion part (meet with Lana). Is that blocking me to enter ? (i am not ready with this account to enter this part of the story for gearing reason) if you have any idea, please let me know THank you Just realised i can not even open my bank, or anything needing right click or asking for a choice. And my main bar skills is a healer one when i am only DPS and never healed at all.
  9. no random here, same rewards again for me too, starting by a versatile steam for noob, so no use for me
  10. After the log in issue, getting in and instead of having the Story-Foundry quest ready to go, i am in my ships, with no quests anymore. Instead, i have all the log heroics missions of balmorra (2/7) tattoine (1/5) and taris(1/5) waiting to be finished though i did those all prior to start the stories flashpoints of Taral V and Directive 7
  11. 8.22 am est, still can not log in PC - NA (Quebec)
  12. ? means that she looks all Voss now ?? I can not check as she is part of my alliance (but not available)
  13. Unless it is a new plot, i do not think that Satele Shan is a Voss Mind to correct this tiny error please ?
  14. ok this part has two goals : - 1 - doing the 2 lores existing in that room on each side by avoiding the Snipers -2 - falling down to be able to continue the FP (intended) ---- For the 1 - i too died and then was stuck with a closed door. I started again the FP and once in that room again, i stayed hidden behind a sort of big vase, and send the companion to attack the sniper. After 1min, the two snipers vanished. (not sure if this is intended but it is what happened). Then i could walk careflly on the side of the room and get the two lore completed and ran then in the middle of the room to fall down for the next section. i totally feel your frustration and wish you good luck
  15. Probably but the result is that from now i have no interest to create new characters. I will not complain, my sage is done, i skipped over the bugged chapters, and still could romance Theron until the end. So no more money to spend for outfitting, no need of GTN either to buy stuff. if i have to play with characters generics (meaning that if you go to tython for example, Qyzen will be identical for the the whole zone for new players) then i pass. Its breaking totally. After 11 years (?) they decide to remove something that was working.... (honnestly they should rather concentrate on the game breaking code). I have actually 3 classes that i did not finished (smuggler and trooper and inquisitor), i give up. I will not force me to play with companions that i do not like as they look.
  16. wow ... no comment. If this can lead to bad thinking i will just remove it. Pure and simple. Gran'ma is not shocked more amused though And for those wondering, my pleasure it too take pictures of game moments, views, expressions. For thIs last chapter, i took about 2000, and now i have to make choices and keep only good ones
  17. Except that none of the Fallen empire companions are temporary ones or guests ones. Yes you have to play them, and normally i do, after i outfit them each time. Today that was not the case. So, the landed companions for me today were hidden for the fights and just showing up for the MUST have dialog, as i could not outfit them. I ended by beeing a following character on of my alt account, who did almost all beside the important dialogs, while i was solo running behind with no companions. I will not play with a companion that is the copy conform of x player, Y player, Z player. Breaking for me. I do not beleive in the story. So its ok, i accept the change they made, but after the chapters already done, i decided to jump directly to Iokath and avoid the following chapters to come. Right after i could outfit them all. so lets say all is good.
  18. Lana, Theron, Kalyo, Senya ... all the new ones you get with The Hunt and following chapters. But since i posted, i could outfit Koth, and Theron and Vette. Once i finished the Fallen Empire. I guess more will be available with more others chapters but its a strange change from before. I think its probably a bug following the change they made.
  19. Yup i agree, but so far i had no luck doing it. i am trying at each new chapter in case. and lol lol i could though outfit Koth without problem after 2 chapters. i am trying here to understand what could block and unblock lol
  20. When i tried to remove that, i received a message in red saying that it was not possible to remove it and to outfit the companion. I could equip one piece at a moment (aka chest) but then all other slots where preventing me to do it, including the cuztomization slot. So either i am bugged, or there is something wrong with the patch.
  21. The hunt : you keep Lana, Koth, Senya, Kalyo, Jordan ... and more. All of them have equipements slots that allow you to outit them (at least it was like that before this patch) now, you can not do that anymore, until the chapter they are main, is done and sometimes even after more chapters. Those were never guests or temporary companions. You can play with them until you decide to kill them, On my 4 accounts always been like that, i never encountered this before today with my sage, on this new account. If their status changed, then why allowing us to raise their influence. And the patch notes says that guests do not have anymore slots for outfitting. Those companions have them. --- I could post numerous pictures with Kalyo doing the chapter with me in a different outfit that the original, same for Senya, Lana and even vette as soon as i had her joining me in the concerned chapter. All those, where outfitted by me and their influence raised because i knew i would keep them for long in the alliance. i never outfitted Jordan, or Gault. And depending if i wanted to keep Torian or not, he was also immediatly outfited after the first dialog in the tent, starting the chapter
  22. Actually a lot of companions NON GUESTS and with slots for equipping or changing appearances can not have their appearance modified since the patch, or can but after some chapters are done. The result is that i do not play with those even if they are the main companion of the chapter, and bring an alt from another account to help me. I am in an MMO and i love to see players around, but having 10 or more identics Kalyo, or SENYA, or LANA and more, is really not fun. Modifiying their appearance once the chapters are done has no interest. So no movie, no pictures of the chapter as i used to do. I guess my sage will be the last new character for a long long time. Also if those are temporary ones then why do you let me raise their influence to 50 as soon as i have them appear, just at the start of the chapter ? There is no logic.
  23. YUP LOL But it seems with age i tend to mix things and shortcuts. Playing two games (mainly for housing for the second one) and this morning i was doing Ctrl U to get my ui up again when i should have done /reloadui ..... and of course as it was not working i rebooted ...... i will have to be more concentrated i think from now haha
  24. reorganising my keybindings, for better and easier fingers placing, and using alt or shift for some. Going in game, and testing my new settings .... crash ? uh ? what is wrong ? starting again, crash .... until i realised that Alt+f4 for outfit was really not a good idea. Of course, husband did not miss this and keep laughing and if i encounter a problem now LOL
  25. thanks to all for answering. As i do not own any flair it was strange
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