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Everything posted by red_onion

  1. This sums it up. The fact that there are currently fourteen pages of people arguing with you over it is mind boggling. You're absolutely correct, they went way too far in the other direction. How about some sensible activities for lowbies that actually requires an active objective? Killing world bosses on DK and NS but only for toons under 30 or something. But instead we have these passive things like "riding a taxi" and sending a comp to the vendor... the problem is that they are completely passive and not objectives that you actively set out to complete thus removing any sense of accomplishment for making personal conquest as it is just something that automatically happens now unless you fail to log in. I'm happy that they recognized a need to have options for low level players who can't even reach some planets to meet the old objectives; they were essentially locked out entirely and that wasn't right either... but I made 500k on a single toon this week without even trying to make conquest which means that inevitably they are going to adjust the whole dang thing again and end up raising personal goal to 200k or more or something to compensate for how ridiculously easy it currently is, passively.
  2. Here's the problem with said approach... guild size doesn't reflect active members nor does it account for what percentage of members actively contribute to conquest (by "active" I mean with intent and awareness that they are contributing and/or they are being pushed to accomplish tasks by guild leadership to that end even if they aren't aware of the end goal or striving to make personal conquest). I'm in several large guilds that don't regularly attempt to win a planet but still do on occasion. Such a system would force them to cut numbers... remove alts, more frequent purges, etc. b/c you want to get rid of all the "dead weight" that is hurting conquest efficiency. Most large guilds aren't necessarily out to win conquest, nor do they care if people make their weekly individual goals... but they still want to occasionally dip in and try to win something as a team. So as someone else already mentioned, if you were to have smaller guild requirements for a certain class, you still end up getting large guilds who create sub-guilds filled to the brim with focused conquest grinders. Not only would you have the same large mandatory-conquest guilds creating new subguilds to this effect, but you'd also force large non conquest heavy guilds to do something similar for the sake of the minority of members who do want to compete (or force them to put alts in the established conquest heavy guilds, just further perpetuating a cycle). That said, I think you have the right idea. It's just a matter of also finding a way to weight the numbers. Perhaps limiting what counts as a member to first meeting a certain conquest point threshold as well as limiting contribution to guild invasion to a single toon per legacy in each guild or something like that. Although I'm sure those things likewise have a bunch of unintended consequences.
  3. I once found myself at a bar on an outlying island near Singapore that didn't have plumbing... took me a few tries and a language barrier before I finally understood that I was supposed to do my business in a small trench/gutter looking thing and then use the large barrel of water next to it with the aid of a metal ladle. I never did figure out what happens if you need to no.2. The engineering spaces on my ship had a classic urinal, but when that backed up (not sure why anyone ever put urinal cakes in the dang thing, that was the problem)... well, there was the bilge or there was reusing your 20oz container of apple juice. Good times. Never drink the apple juice.
  4. Somehow I've managed to avoid this bug until yesterday while playing a vet Star Fortress... when I suddenly found myself falling to my death. There was nothing between me and the NPC to my knowledge. To avoid a repeat, since using phantom stride is part of my rotation, I started minimizing the distance between myself and the enemy and didn't have any other issues. I can't say with absolute certainty that there was nothing between my player and the NPC b/c I wasn't watching for it... maybe I caught a corner between platforms or something. Anyway, on the positive note, I didn't even realize there was a Star Fortress jail if you die until encountering this bug so hurray for new content!?! lol
  5. Male? Female? Body type 1/2/3/4? I think a lot of times these disagreements have to do with assumptions we make about one another's characters without asking for that clarification. What works for one body type doesn't necessarily work for another.. even specific classes sometimes matter as there is a variation in combat stances that can creep up (saw a lot of this when people were arguing over the Nautolans when they were released), granted, that's irrelevant to a discussion on how weapons look when sheathed. I generally prefer the back mounted dualsabers.. but in some cases they don't center correctly and look awful. Not to mention, your concern regarding clipping is completely valid. I've seen hip mounted dualsabers that looked terrible too... ones that go right up into the armpit. I guess that's the downside to creating one weapon for eight different available body options. Thus, why it's necessary to always preview... lesson learned the hard way, unfortunately.
  6. It was a mistake.. an accident. Hold your horses. Devs responded in another thread on here that they were planning to do something to make up for it. *edit* here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=973661&highlight=%22alliance+statue%22
  7. This thread is a joke.. you make a claim, don't back it with any data and essentially ask for someone else to do the work for you. If anyone attempts to respond constructively, you become condescending. You accuse others of repeating themselves while you repeat yourself multiple times. How is any of this remotely constructive, for anyone?!
  8. Game's currently on an upswing.. I'm seeing a lot of former players coming back which is something I've noticed in guild chat. At the same time, I'm feeling pretty meh about how long it takes to kill some npcs to the point that I'm reading Twitter in the middle of a fight and just clicking. Between that and the new gearing system, I've lost interest. Still, I think the game overall is on an upswing. Time will tell.
  9. Droids seem ok.. I don't have any issue with influence 50 droids. I've read enough posts complaining about the creature companions that I've never even tried one nor will I. As far as requisitions go, I've only used the T4 Annihilator and K1-Z3N so can only speak to those two.
  10. I haven't even run this game on an HDD, but SSDs all around make the computer run so much better that I'm surprised this is even a question in 2019. SSDs have gone so far down in price that it's the only thing I'll use anymore (well, NVME M.2 aside). Unless you get a killer deal on a WD Black, I wouldn't bother with the older tech. It seems like so many of the individual reviews for HDDs have gone down hill over the last few years in regards to reliability. Is an M.2 NVME an option on your board? The ceiling on those for data transfer is much higher than an SSD; I'd even call an SSD somewhat obsolete at this point. Something relatively cheap like a 1TB Intel 660p would work well for this game.
  11. I wonder how many people responding have actually done the heroics since 6.0 rolled out, and how many are just talking out their asses? You should be able to complete most of the DK heroics without any issue. <Friends of Old> however is a royal pain now and that's the one I assume that you are dying on? It's still solo-able with a full heroics bar and a level 50 companion, so you shouldn't be having an issue if you have both of those things. Without them, you'd probably need to group up with someone. I think it used to be a Heroic 4+ so they probably need to relist it as that again after the nerfs. Whatever the case, Friends of Old is entirely too hard for a typical player just starting out with a low level companion, few if any legacy benefits, etc. That one's a legit complaint. The heroics on Coruscant are way easier and nothing even touches Friends of Old in difficulty for a starter planet. This does need to be addressed without just dumping on the player for not using their cool downs... how many defensive cool downs does a level 10ish player have again, or even a level 20 for that matter? Yeah, you guys forgot that not everyone has all the abilities like you do.
  12. I'd hang onto any gear with older augments like 228 (which still wouldn't apply to you) but you can re-buy any mods you need at 210 level from the vendors. It's easy enough to get 258 level 70 gear from story mode flashpoint drops right now. Clear your bins.
  13. When I run an operative and/or scoundrel, I prefer to put my companion on DPS and not healing. Two reasons... 1) the obvious one, because I have my own limited heals which can be used. 2) energy depletion. I find that if my comp is on heals while running around in open world, I lose track of my energy to fire weapons. While I have a full health bar, I run out of ammo so to say. Requiring myself to stop and heal up after every mob guarantees that both health and energy remain sufficient and having the extra DPS help from my comp means I get through the mobs faster. As for running as a straight up healer with the comp on DPS, you'll just have to try both and see what's a better fit for you. It's probably DPS while leveling but then it depends on how much DPS you manage to put out while running as a healer. I've done it with a sage/sorc but haven't tried with an operative. Keybinds.. I reassigned my left hand for abilities. I use the arrow keys when I want to move in a direction other than forward, which is rare.
  14. Before I say anything else, apologies to the OP for my taking the bait here and responding to an off-topic comment. So you think the Mandalorian is garbage? I honestly don't understand the Disney hate that many have. Were the new episodes (7&8) a disappointment? Sure, although I think a lot of that is driven by youtube opinionators. Certainly the story telling could have been better and I'm sure any of us have a long list of things we didn't like. Personally, I thought both Rogue1 and Solo were great. I hope that the writers learned something from those and the warm reception the Mandalorian has been getting. My personal opinion of what's wrong with the latest trilogy... it's too much of a clone of the original trilogy only 40 years removed and so much has changed in what we as an audience demand; we've seen it all before. Can you imagine how amazing a trilogy could be if it had more of a feel like the movie Event Horizon but with a StarWars backdrop (like an inquisitor story). There are just so many places the franchise could go and I feel like the writers have their hands tied. I actually hope that some of the stories within this game open eyes as to what's possible for future directions.
  15. I played through KOTET twice.. once with an Imp and once with a Pub. I'll never play through it again b/c of the stupid walkers; I can't stand them. I agree with what others say that it's nice to have content that mixes things up, but leave them as side missions that can be skipped rather than the core story we have to play (Iokath and Dantooine turrets for example). I spend all this time building my character, learning rotations, setting my keybinds just right only to have some sort of GSF side game thrown right in the middle of my play (at least they kept that independent from the story itself). I don't mind it so much when it's a non-combat mechanic thrown into the story e.g. Vaylin's party or the droid in the Agent story. I just hate when I have to fight from some tin can and my story can't progress until I do (unless I skip and accept default choices). Between the walkers and the forced companions (after we spend so much time building our companions up) I can understand why so many people have a critical negative opinion of KOTFE/ET. Sure, some people like this stuff and I'm not knocking that. My argument is that it shouldn't be required to get through the story, not that it doesn't belong in the game at all.
  16. Just play early in the morning; blame dark side choices on a lack of coffee.
  17. How long does it usually take before someone has a fully unlocked SH open to the public for a visit? I imagine less than a day. Now if only they could charge an admission fee to get back those hard earned credits from all the visitors!
  18. I think you get Z00m from the HK-55 quest, Shroud of Memory. Which can currently only be bought with CC, is bound on purchase and costs near 4000cc. Too rich for my blood since I'd have to use actual cash. Maybe if it's 50% off sometime.
  19. The weird thing is that mine (Gree tokens) have been acting the way they always have, while the Bounty tokens have gone straight to my currency tab as you say. Reputation has been a mixed bag, some automatically being consumed and others showing up in my inventory (Iokath reputation, in this case). Not sure if I'm seeing bugs, or if the changes only affect some toons, or *** is going on.
  20. What I get from reading these threads, is that it's no big deal if you're running around with 306 gear. That's great. I'm in 274 gear, I play regularly, and it's been awhile since the update. Unless one makes it a determined effort to grind and gear up, the progression isn't as fast as some have convinced themselves. Which comes back to the fact that 6.0 is crap for casual players. At least these threads are great for feeding my ignore list, which relatively speaking, this is a good one as I've only had to do that once. I guess part of the difference is that some players finished everything that they want to do years ago, and if they go back to revisit some of the content, it's just that, a revisit to something they are already familiar with. That in of itself makes it easier for someone who is experienced. I'm not even going to try to solo the SF post 6.0. I'm sure I could probably beat it, but not without paying a ton in armor repair not to mention lost time due to repeating fights just to finally slog through it. That doesn't leave me with a sense of accomplishment, rather, I feel like I've wasted my time when I could be doing something else. So yeah, actually, I do plan on leaving the game as a subscriber. I'll continue to play, but it won't be end game anymore. I'm not saying that there aren't examples of game play pre 6.0 that were too "easy." I hope that this is a two steps forward and one step back sort of thing to find a better balance. Right now, we need to take one step back and fix some of the content that is harder than what I believe was intended. I feel for any newbies trying to tackle Friends of Old (DK heroic) for the first time... for example, as it currently stands, Devs need to relabel it as a heroic 4+ after the 6.0 changes. Sure, it's soloable if you have a full heroic moment bar and a high influence companion, but this is a heroic on a starter planet.
  21. That's good to know, and now that you say it, so obvious in hindsight. Thanks for pointing it out.
  22. I've always been terrible at the Iokath walker mission... either side of 6.0, I'm probably going to die at least once. So long as I remember to heal when I resurrect, it's only once. Can't speak for KOTET, I hate those walker missions so much that I won't even play any of it again, much less after 6.0. The Iokath Turret mission is a real pain though. To defeat the enemy walker, I had to dismount and use my level 50 healing companion. I couldn't get through that mission just manning the turret as designed. It was my first time doing the mission Imp side, but I don't recall having any issues on Pub side months ago.
  23. My role is to get shot and die early and often. lol
  24. ENTP here.. but I don't really consider myself a gamer. SWTOR is the only game I've played in a decade (unless we are counting Pocket Mortys) and I've only been here for a year, at that. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that most extroverts were just passing through as opposed to long-time consistent subscribers... generally speaking. I am out-going and I have a lot of conflicting hobbies pulling me away from the computer. It's probably not a coincidence that I've been active in this game during a year where I've found myself more depressed and relatively less outgoing than usual. As for types, I haven't played a tank or healer enough to say that I fit anywhere. That's not to say that I prefer DPS, it's just DPS is where most of us tend to start and then move to the others either out of preference or just out of need to put balanced teams together.
  25. People are in the habit of reading the first thing that pops up in a Google search, and not checking the dates. That's why I'm always such a jerk about demanding a reference when someone makes a claim, so that I can see where they got the idea from and what the original context is. There are some decent threads regarding companion DPS, with an empirical basis... but healing? It's harder to measure (not that it can't be done). I've yet to see any data on healing other than hear say based, on individual game play (let alone one that's up to date with 6.0). But, I could have missed something. If I had Z00m, I'd do a test myself. I think posting hard numbers would be the only way to put the claim to rest, if it's wrong. Talk about throwing a wrench in the works... definitely a benefit that falls outside of any test I would have come up with.
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