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Everything posted by MeNaCe-NZ

  1. I'm confused ... someone was being mean to Snave so Snave didn't want to stream or is there some whole "backstory" we are missing here?
  2. I do so love these cop out, ad hominem posts where people quite simply can no longer support their argument any more. I read posts like yours here as "I give up, I was wrong, you were right, please stop embarrassing me" To which I can only say ... stop embarrassing yourself.
  3. Sadly you are correct, often the only way to get exploits fixed is to wait until everyone knows about them.
  4. Indeed - this one seller across all servers currently has over 13 billion for sale which is rather obscene really (especially considering how much they sell a week as I previously mentioned). Something strange is definitely going on.
  5. Nice try but your own posts yet again ruin your flawed logic for you: That's not you talking about YOUR experience, that's you coming to an inaccurate conclusion about a supposed benefit of GC. You now try back out of your original claim by making it only about "your experience" and using false claims around pop times improving for you personally ... now I'm sure I could make up lies like that too but, to use your own words against you, I would rather my arguments retain their integrity. The current state of SWToR could have been since 5.4 (where we've seen a boost in players due to bug that massively speeds up the GC grind) vs during 5.3. Again you've managed to clarify your own imaginary experience in any means that even comes close to showing GC is somehow beneficial to the game compared to before weh ad GC. It is when you first statement wasn't implying a personal experience at all: The consequences like watching you squirm within your own arguments? Using your own arguments against you? Yeah, me excuse if I'm not overly worried about any "consequences". Wrong, the population trend measures server status. Server status is dictated by the volume of accounts logged in (to reach the varying thresholds). If the trend of "standard" server status decreases and the "light" server status increases it means that less people are logging in to achieve the "standard" server status less regularly. Thus ... less people are playing. Simple really.
  6. More frequently than when? Increased from what? More so than when? See your subjective anecdotal evidence seems to differ from most other players subjective anecdotal evidence I see reported on the forums. Even the closest thing we have to quantitative evidence in torstatus disagrees with your view of the world. If you are talking about pre 5.0 then I think you would struggle to find almost anyone that would agree that player activity has actually increased though I challenge you find me a few people who at least agree even if you can't provide any evidence to support such a view. However rose colored glasses and all that. Oh yeah, remember this? So your argument has lost it's own integrity now then as I'm not seeing any information supporting your statements here?
  7. Ah right, makes sense then. I was having trouble seeing where you were coming from there ... maybe state that part at the start of your post.
  8. Out of curiosity to what you say here and more so in regards to the point of someone running around you on fleet ... What would you have BWA do? Implement rules on running around people on fleet? Whilst I don't disagree the person was no doubt most likely trying to annoy you (or maybe impress you in their strange reality) ... what would you have BWA do in regards to the more benign behavior? It's hard to have any rules for this sort of thing because then rules can be abused (trolls just love to get other to get themselves in trouble, hence baiting) and there is no way this sort of behavior could ever really be actively monitored by mods (they have enough trouble dealing with racism and pedophilia chat let alone this sort of thing).
  9. You aren't the victim here, try get that through your head. You are actively attacking others purely based on their opinion - you can have your counter opinion without attacking them. I've not got anything from you ever because it often results in rants and attacks that are hard enough to understand let alone reply to. Maybe slow down and think your posts through more clearly before clicking the reply button. In any case there is a button to deal with your type of posts so we'll let BWA decide if it's out of line or not, no doubt many posts in this thread will go come Monday as some of the subject matter is iffy in regards of ToS I feel.
  10. An argument you say? As in a dialogue between 2 parties? Regardless of how you behaved you chose to continue with said argument even though the other party was being all these things you say they were that caused you to get so angry you had to go to your mom over it? I mean come on, this is what I mean about personal responsibility. Learn when to walk away, the fact you would continue to engage such people even after getting so personally affected can only really be on you. Yes, why did you give this person such control over your life? Seems you need to take your own advice.
  11. You raise an interesting point. For simply having a view you got quite a derogatory response from a poster here who claims to often be a victim. If that is how this poster chooses to behave is it any wonder they are often targeted? Perhaps people need take a bit more personal responsibility in regards to their own behavior before pointing the finger at others.
  12. See this is the problem with your posts. People try have a rationale discussion on topics and every time you blow it out of all proportion simply because people have a differing view than you. You are actually attacking people in your posts now so you are no better than the people you supposedly detest as I see it (the bullies etc. of the world).
  13. You must be playing some other game because reality does not match your theory. No, it's a step backwards. They could have expanded on their previous currency system (that was more simplistic that this overarching system is now) to reward currency for more content and made BiS available from said currency. Which the old system could have done well if adapted instead of dumped with only top end currency dropping from hard content. GC is nothing but an unmitigated failure.
  14. This would help explain why I've noticed some credit sellers managing to sell through billions a week and at incredibly cheap prices even for credit sellers. If this is a credit exploit (there was a decent explanation on reddit ) hopefully BWA do something before lots of people find a way to do the same thing and then you really see billions of credits flood into the economy (when it's just sellers the credits only hit the economy if people actually buy them which the majority of people won't do).
  15. I don't think anyone is saying it's acceptable and most of what you say is indeed accurate. However in regards to this game I would like to hear an actual decent case study on what "Bioware don't do". In this I mean some well documented evidence of the harrassment, the process the person went to put this to Bioware's attention and the end result. From personal experience (from quite some time ago) I do know Bioware do take action when people go to the trouble of documenting their evidence correctly and supplying it to them though this may have changed in recent times since the game has seemingly downscaled staff wise. I think if it's a case of why aren't Bioware actively monitoring chat and doing something about it well that's wishful thinking but I do agree there should be active modding (not community based either, community based moderation leads to bias every single time) but I just don't see them having the resources to do so. In saying that though ... a user here did make a thread on reddit about their experience of talking about a possible exploit in chat and they were quickly messaged by game staff over talking about it in chat. It raised an interesting point that clearly someone is watching yet doing nothing about it which makes things worse imo. Also strangely enough the people watching chat aren't Bioware because the way the response from staff was worded was "I've spoken to Bioware and they have said this is ok" or something to that extent .... strange and disturbing if indeed they do watch chat but do nothing to the extremes of chat harassment such as racism etc.
  16. Wow what an utterly boring rant of a video ... Deathrow though ... I know you then and all I can say is ... pot calling the kettle black much? Good to see your alive and not in jail or anything though.
  17. Don't watch gen chat then? Seriously if it's as toxic as people make out then why partake in any of it? There is the ability for custom chat channels that means for RP purposes no one should ever need concerns themselves with this whole toxic chat concept. Honestly this "toxicity" argument against merges feels like grasping at straws. Then again the past 150 pages have just been re-running the same **** people have been saying to the 100+ pages prior but apparently repetitive monotony is popular ( hence GC ).
  18. I think giving people permanent one time, one way transfers off "dead" servers is a MUST for this game to be doing now yet it's still not happening. They could then bump back up the server transfer costs if they liked (helps slow down some of the credit selling speculators imo) as they would ideally only be a novelty thing for people on already active servers as opposed to a perceived necessity for some players to get off dead servers. I say one time because it would limit any botting activity of transferring back and forward from a dead server to a live server and getting that free part off each time. Also I would look to restrict (or heavily warn as had been mentioned by others) new signups from making accounts on those servers. If people still want to play those servers then fine, they can pay to go to them and enjoy them this way.
  19. Which is exactly 100% more anecdotal evidence suggesting the majority dislike the system the anecdotal evidence you can gather saying the opposite. Any maybe pigs will fly as the saying goes...
  20. Ben said that, we got GC. Excuse me if I mute my optimism though Keith has thus far proved infinitely more capable than Ben.
  21. To be fair to FF14 I think it's sub by virtue of the quality of the product and amount of content being released on an ongoing basis as much as the name. Else you would think this game should be able to keep a similar model based off the name alone but clearly it could not. Different companies though with different concepts of success. Square might be more than happy to throw money at FF14 development where as this game may barely get crumbs out of EA. As for this games launch and period thereafter before F2P I do at times wonder how they quantify failure/success because even after it bled subs the levels of subs might still very well have been considered quite successful and nice to other companies but it simply did not meet EA's financial goals (which must be lofty on a $200M development budget). I still think F2P was the right move though ... I wonder then, would FF14 be even more successful with a F2P model now that it currently is or would it hurt it? I've never managed to see the logic in how a F2P model "hurts" a game when the subm odel is running their right alongside it - I understand how cash shop and micro transactions can hurt the game but if the sub model is there to remove the micro transaction concept ... how does that hurt a game when you can bypass the micro transactions? Cash shops I can see how some people perceive as being evil since they feel they miss out on vanity items in game solely because the development is fully put into the cash shop items which probably isn't too far from the truth.
  22. October for 5.5 which is only the 3rd of 5 bosses I believe? Not looking overly positive for that operation to be done by the end of the year. I'll wait for the roadmap of course to see what is coming but I can say so far in regards to actual content released this year is actually even less than I expected. I hope this is a sign of a lot of attention being put into an expansion next year and better content updates going forward (so wear a lean time now to get greater rate of content in the future). As opposed to this becoming the new norm with less content each year. As that will not be enough to keep much of an MMO player base around to the point that developing actual MMO content would be a waste of resources if they don't bother coming back to take part in it (and many puggers have trouble finding groups).
  23. FYI for the most part using the Cartel Slot Machine to get certificates is a much cheaper method than buying those decorations from the GTN. People may not like having to go through the monotony of doing so but it IS a valid option to get all those decorations.
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