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Everything posted by MeNaCe-NZ

  1. For you personally. How quickly people forget BWA are a business and if it seems they can make a lot more money by keeping those decos in cash packs vs losing possible customers from this practice (or gaining them trying your idea) then that is what they will do. I imagine if they put a lot of decos cheaply on a vendor some snowflakes would start complaining about how it sucks everyone has access and all their SHs look the same.
  2. I see where you are coming from but I'm not arguing that there isn't an RNG element to it but then there has always been an RNG element to it. So your example ideally remains the same if it's 200 people or 1000 people but the difference between 200 and 1000 is supply from 1000 is greater than from 200 regardless of tastes and RNG. The more people buying the greater the spread RNG and personal taste is applied to so either way ... greater supply. Also it's given that if BWA doubled, tripled the amount of decos per pack supply would go up right now - that's just common sense. I was basically pointing out how flawed a statement of this is:
  3. Because previously we effectively started at tier 3/4 for our gearing that was outside of operations. Thus we could play content that dropped our glowing/radiant crystals (was better under comms but lets go more recent) and get a boost to operations to get better gear or a boost just to more difficult content. To do the equivalent now you need to grind to tier 3/4 just to begin getting the same gear. Now doing operations to gear is better than it was previously but that's not GC. GC replaced the currency that helped people who wanted or needed better gear for more difficult content more quickly and put in a major grindfest to get to the point of just earning the equivalent gear again. Now - if you just play the game and don't want to do difficult content, pvp or what not then it's no biggie I agree. They catered a gearing system to people who by your logic shouldn't even give a **** about the gearing system. They should have just left the currency in place and added a GC ... I mean why not? Gear the quickest and best gear from operations, gear some great gear to help with operations from other difficult content, eventually gear via GC - and leave PVP the hell alone.. That would have probably left the largest majority happy but no, they had to **** with quite a lot of players by messing with and increasing the amount of time required to gear. That is the issue as I see it, they could have used GC to make things better for all but instead forced on everyone meaning no matter what there were a lot of players who ended up worse off.
  4. Hmm or more likely you have no valid counter to make and just want to talk nonsense like this. I get that you are angry over not being able to afford you over the top wants, is there more to get? It is therefore more ridiculous to use 8 million per statue in your example then. There is massive variation in price and type of statue ... you are starting to make no sense at all? Pretty sure that wasn't being argued or even mentioned but feel free to make your own topic on "hook size" issues. Heh nice ad hominem to support your non-existant argument. Heck I've barely started pulling this post apart and already slaughtered everything you've put up but hey, let's indulge you and continue on. What a nonsense statement. We are talking RNG drops from RNG packs for CM decorations here and you are trying to say that it's not dictated by population that would dictate how many people are buying packs and thus introducing decorations to the market? You are simply trying to suggest that the lowering supply could be countered by BWA introducing more drops per pack etc. which of course they could but that's still just a fix to the current symptom of reduced supply due to less purchases plain and simple. I suggest you educate yourself on supply vs demand because implying the population "does not cause low supply" is ludicrous and incredibly small minded. No, you have to deal with it because it is what it is. If they improve it, great but otherwise ... deal with it or participate in increasing supply. No, your personal tastes are gated by a lot of cash. Many people can decorate strongholds without spending a cent beyond their sub fee. They can use credits to purchase decorations and drops from other content for example (see - examples are much more useful than just talking **** as though it is fact ). I don't see why BWA needs to change their company policy and how they monetize things just because you personally take issue with how you personally want to decorate YOUR stronghold. The benefit of having a pretty stronghold is out of wack with what? As mentioned some can do so and have lovely strongholds for no real world cost, your tastes seem to imply a real world cost (or laziness to not want to earn the credits). You keep talking this "balance" issue but you've not once managed to quantify it globally - all you've managed to do is basically say "I want all this stuff that's rare and expensive and this economy is massively out of wack because I can't readily and easily get it". Welcome to reality, work for it or stop whining. You are implying some people are only hanging around for "cosmetics" due to content drought and are therefore angry that BWA choose to monetize it for those people (evne though it all can be gained free but lets pretend that's not an option right?)? There is plenty of new content and old content to play through and if you feel you've done it all that all you have left is "cosmetics" and feel so jaded by the cosmetic system ... it's time to take a break. Don't talk nonsense. If you WANT a pretty stronghold with the most rare decorations you don't NEED it, you WANT it. The only one mincing words would be you if you implied differently. However if you WANTED to do NiM DF and only had tier 1 set bonus gear then you would NEED to either have someone carry you or you would NEED to get better gear. Simple to differentiate yet people like you want to pretend there is no difference and pretend that you are so hard done by and the economy and balance there of is so out of wack simply because your extravagant wants can't be easily met - pfft. Then don't spend the money on it? Put in your feedback on how it could be improved, don't make up nonsense argument about how the economy is out of wack or unbalanced because your cray personal tastes are so excessive. Maybe it's time you took a break from the game. I recall you once before stating you were unsubbbing and you lasted all of 2 weeks if even that and when questioned on what made you rejoin so soon after making a big deal of unsubbing you conveniently did not answer. Seems to me maybe the issue isn't so much with the game but with you personally and what I would almost view as an addiction to the game that is now skewing your views of parts of the game into some "nefarious" systems where there are none.
  5. Billions in circulation? They are a 1 time currency, once spent they are gone. Are you implying there are billions unspent? I don't think CC are a rip off at all either, they are the legitimate currency of the game and can't be compared to credit sellers in their inherent value being that buying from sellers could and SHOULD result in action against an account (but clearly it does not - when you look at the volumes moving you can't tell me BWA can't readily track that). Thing is people will compare the 2 if they feel there is no to little risk. At that stage the cheaper option may very well prevail to that buyer and it's 100% on BWA to remedy that situation with harsher enforcement of buying and selling and far more proactive action against the ability to generate obscene amounts of credits via automation in the first place - oh and much better action in regards to exploits though I understand that's a tricky one when people can so easily wash their credits and they don't want to risk removing mass credits from legitimate players. I disagree that it's purely an attempt to attack either group (some have sure but not in general), I think personally it's all a major example of the effect of credit selling and how BWA need to take more notice and take more action - especially publically. This word efficiency being misused again ... pay money get credits - that's pretty damn time efficient. However I agree people who think anyone with a ton of credits must be buying them with cash in some form are very uneducated on how easy it is to make credits from this game. Funnily enough ... how many "how do I make lots of credits like you?!" messages (or even threads) do I get? Zero. People just want to throw public accusations around and not really take action to educate themselves.
  6. Bwahaha. "BWA are the worst at QC, they need to better" "Just change the CXP Bonus rate, it'll only take 5 minutes". Someone doesn't have too much real world experience me thinks.
  7. In pretty simple terms accuracy to 110%, crit chance/dmg 40/70, rest into alacrity. Favor power over mastery (often the higher mastery items have more endurance anyway so less total offensive stats) though to be perfectly honest the difference in terms of DPS between the 2 is so small you won't notice it if you did end up with higher mastery pieces of a higher grade. In the end if you aren't running HM OPs+ or trying really difficult content solo it's not that much of a big deal.
  8. You actually quoted him asking the question about how well these sell so ideally he had already taken your advice and was looking for some insight from people who may already know as opposed to having to try it for himself (or monitor the market) to figure it out for himself.
  9. Not being repeatable has absolutely nothing to do with efficiency, you can do those first then go do something else for example. Now not one of those examples have you managed to demonstrate how they are more efficient sources of CXP than earning 10 crates in 45 minutes from Yavin (that's more of a max time, when done more "efficiently" you can get this under 30 minutes). Lesser crates for lesser time from other dailies. So again, what is more efficient that dailies? The examples you gave are not.
  10. Wasn't that CXP efficient compared to what exactly out of curiosity? I made 10 crates in 30-45 minutes, are you telling e there are other areas I could be doing this for as easily as Yavin?
  11. Wow ... TIL ... not all RPers are ERPers ... whatdyaknow.
  12. Basically any of the "planetary dailies" you see via your galactic command interface under plantary missions (or whatever it says) have a bug that is rewarding massive CXP. Note these are not the heroic ones, just the dialy ones like Section X you mentioned. Should be ... Section X Blackhole CZ-whatever number it is Ziost Yavin Oricon Note that all also give big CXP for the bonus missions (kill X enemies) except for Section X - skip the bonus for Section X.
  13. I take that advice with the majority of that users posts, best advice I've given myself in a long time.
  14. Define necessary? I post how I choose to post, don't like it use the ignore function. Is it necessary for you to try play forum police and comment on other people's posting style or are you just trying to troll because that is what it seems like. Because it was nonsense and a whine? Should I ignore the facts? I think not. Any ideas that harken back to less fun for me in the game have no merits to me what so ever. You could call it selfish sure but then the post I replied to was entirely selfish also. Sure you are otherwise you wouldn't have bothered making a public reply of this sort would ya champ?
  15. True but then they aren't entirely "rare" during that period so that's why they are a lot lesser priced. If you try chase things up after embargo or even after a new pack drops then the price of course goes up.
  16. In other words you are going to continue neglecting the part of gearing to 300 in the first place? Not going to endeavor to justify it? Ok cool, I'll take that as you ceding the point. Also GC is only secondary for those that gear via operations just as 4.x comms were ideally secondary if you wanted to primarily gear via operations for set bonus gear. Nice try though ... well no, I lie, that was a rather poor try. Seems to me you caught yourself out doing the exact thing you implied would lose an argument it's integrity. Gotta love when people self defeat their own arguments though. "very little time" - how perfectly generic, subjective and more than likely outright false. Maybe focus less on my other posts and more on the substance of your own because so far you've not given any substance to demonstrate how a 5.x system could be faster or more beneficial than the 4.x system.
  17. Your first example was dishing out 8 million per statue and now you using examples of 350K and 1.5 million? Far cry from 8 million don't you think? 250K for a Karraga statue right now on my server. Also over 80 items with the word "statue" under 8 million listed on my server. Right so your whole rant isn't that the economy is over valued for vanity items but just you personally who just has to have an individual looks and tastes for each stronghold. If you want the luxury of being able to play that way you need to work for it sorry. This however has absolutely nothing to do with not being able to decorate a great looking stronghold for reasonable prices without just throwing chairs or other random cheap stuff around the place. This to me just screams "special snowflake" syndrome which is fine, but if you want to be that special snowflake you are either going to work for it or pay for it. There is no reason it should just be handed to you. They can and they also cannot, they become rare over time. Strike whilst the iron is hot and they are new. I know as well as you do you've been here for like ever and rarely take a break so there is no reason you can't jump on cheap pricing before embargo. If you are trying to pick up rare items after embargo then yes they will cost, such is life. Very few decorations go for 100 million, very few go for 50 million (yavin combat arena and underworld bar are a couple I can think of selling). If they are listing for 500K then that is the nature of the economy right now. 500K really isn't that much. Also there are 6 different lights you can craft for next to nothing, mix that up with your expensive lighting. If you need 100 temple chandeliers then yes that's going to cost a lot due to supply vs demand. Accuse you or ask a question? Your defensiveness seems you've sort of answered the question for me. No it's not. Supply vs demand. If they were over priced and no one was buying the prices would drop plain and simple and for the most part when a CM pack is new the prices are reasonable in today's economy. Cost you ... YOU. That is because of the decisions you want to make on what decorations you have. Other I'm sure could decorate there's for 1/10th of that price and be happy with it. There is little evidence suggesting an out of control pricing structure with your personal subjective tastes. You want 8 of them, you don't need 8 of them. You could try a different decoration than you can easily get 8 of, or maybe work with 4 ... there are options here. It can't be helped also if less people are buying CM packs for you to spend money on the GTN to obtain. Whose fault is that? Yours. You don't have the money to fit your personal subjective tastes that imo are pretty over the top. You could choose different decorations or get more credits. You are basically trying to say things are unbalanced solely because your tastes cost you 500 million. That's not things being out of balance, that's you simply not being able to afford your tastes. I know people shouldn't knock it before they try it. If they are incapable (I don't see how but ok) then that's too bad sorry. They will need to make do with what they can get their hands on or are we going back to the silver platter concept and change things to cater to those people who cannot or will not help themselves even though others have worked their asses off (or learned something new because it's really not hard work to get billions in this game) to get where they are? Again whose fault is that? The games or yours? It seems to be your tastes are beyond your means so adapt or just sit on the forums and complain and maybe the devs will listen. Either way ... nothing to do with balance. Again with the balance point of view ... your over the top tastes mean things cost too much time or money and that instantly makes the game unbalanced in regards to the ability to obtain the decorations? No, it simply means you cannot afford or will not pay to meet your tastes. It's a vanity market plain and simple ... you want what you want and that's how much it's going to cost. As I said your 500 million can easily be someone elses 50 million which they might think is reasonable enough for their end result. This is not a case of balance at all, simply a pure example of how someone cannot (or will not ) afford to do what they want to do in a vanity market and when you are dealing with real world $ items that's just the nature of the beast. Again, your tastes are too rich for you if that's the case - only the top of the top CM decos go for that sort of price when they are new. WANT 10 or 20. Not much you can do about paid decorations from paid packs if no one is buying them and neither will you. I'm sure they could add more drops to the game etc. but then the complaints of "you only put the best decos in the packs" pop up. Bingo, supply is too low and it will not get better as long as the game population is so low so it's something you will have to deal with. Either way this is not a balance issue since for the economy/game as a whole since it's purely subjective to your personal tastes.
  18. There are other routes to making credits, people just choose not to partake in them. As I see it why should it be any different to the real world? Cars/clothes for example, we buy and settle on what we can afford even though they effectively serve the same function - ideally we want the more expensive due to vanity (well speed too for a car I guess but speed limit tend to make that argument moot). We can't all that without a **** ton of hardwork and sacrifice so why should it be different here? Yes it's a game and you get all the gaming part for your sub fee (or even free), the vanity stuff is extra and part of their business model. There is no reason they should change things to cater to everyone in a vanity market like this. The only part that BWA have dropped the ball that effects the pricing is not keeping enough people playing and paying (thus less supply of rare items which drives up prices) and really poor handling of the exploits and current handling of bots and credits sellers. Those drive up prices and are things they could control today.
  19. You may also end up dishing out 200K per statue ... bit of a subjective example me thinks. You could craft for decorations, you could craft for credits on top of that. I'm sure there are many other decoration sources and many GTN decorations aren't super expensive. If you want to deck out your stronghold in rare and sought after decorations then yes it will cost a lot but point is you do not have to do so and it will still look a damn sight better than just "chairs". You seem to be implying that either decorations cost millions or it's just chairs and that is just outright false. So the alternative is everything should be handed to everyone on a silver platter because they shouldn't have to run so many heroics or learn to understand the market or figure out the best crafting options? Pfft, if people can't be bothered doing these things then they should stay poor. I gave people the most simplest advice to making credits in this thread ever, not just credits but MASSIVE credits. If anyone thinks that is too complicated then they deserve to remain poor plain and simple. Expecting people to learn something new, different or even possibly difficult to make a lot of credits is NOT flawed reasoning, it's perfectly logical. Which GTN prices? That is such a blatant over statement it's not funny. What? Most decorations from new packs sell for dirt cheap prices when new and current, even the most expensive will be lucky to hit 5 million when current. Your "100s of millions" is nothing but hyperbole and even if it weren't you've gone back to deciding you WANT the newest decorations as opposed to just making do with what you can afford. It makes your earlier comment around only being able to decorate your SH with just chairs rather nonsense because here you are now more or less admitting you are upset you personally cannot afford the prices for all the newest decos more than just some nice decos for your SH. Which is made worse when you imply it would cost 100s of millions for the newest decos.
  20. I tried doing that once and gave a reasonable co-ordinate range but gave up after an hour as either no one bothered or could do so. Maybe next time I'll bump a 100 mill reward, that should do the trick surely.
  21. Lol love when people critique a game or it's coding because it doesn't work well on their ****** integrated GPU.
  22. Crew skills or playing the market - those are the only real "free" ways of making a **** ton of credits fast.
  23. Yeah let's not even start on PVP lol, I don't want any stat gear but if we are going to have to have stat gear then this system has been the worst PVP gearing system since launch I believe? I didn't PVP back then but I recall some other horrendous system at some point ...
  24. In regards to the torstatus trendline ... how do you explain the spike if more players aren't logging than were logging in the week(s) before? If population grows of course activity grows - that's given. However I don't see how the spike on torstatus could be explained by a spike in activity that wasn't also a spike in population growth for the periods being compared.
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