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Everything posted by TyrFoge

  1. I could go either way about the "sheathe/unsheathe" button default preference but completely agree with the "show gear as outfit" being default "On" needs fixing. Who really wants their gear as active default anyway? I also agree with the outfit names needing lengthened. I'd venture to say even twice as long (as long as it fits in the box) would be easy to do and much appreciated. Lastly an "activate" button for the selected outfit much like the loadout screen has should be added as well. All in all a nice QoL update though!
  2. This would actually be a relatively good compromise to eliminating trade completely I think. It won't help as much as eliminating trade altogether but will certainly help curb it a little. Especially if there is some sort of account lock out for doing it (say 1 per server day). It's been mentioned before but I think another point we're all completely missing here is with many trades now occuring at above character limits how long will it be before no it gets completely over run by predatory "sellers" that scam players taking billions but never actually trading the item they promised since they are "completing the transaction" over several trades? Correct me if I'm wrong (and someone will I'm sure) but there's not any real way of reporting such a thing happening that has teeth. It's sort of like an unwritten policy of: "Hey, we provided a GTN for your safety but you chose to use the Black Market instead. Do so at your own risk". If you ask me this and this alone should be enough reason/inventive to force users back onto the GTN let alone some of the other reasons expressed here in this thread.
  3. I get it. I honestly do. This is why I said "there's no simple solution" and "it's all a double edged sword". All players won't be 100% happy with any changes made. It's called compromise. But as far as alot of the very valid reasons you gave pointed out here for keeping Trade how many of those can be solved by placing said items in a Guild bank for a friend? Again maybe not all but I'd be willing to bet a fairly large chunk of them. The inconvenience of that reality outweighs the ability of players ability to abuse the Trading and Mail system to circumvent the GTN taxes and most importantly it's cap.
  4. This would require the devs to actually do some world building on Odesson. As is it's just some instances acting as a planet so I don't see them actually making it an explorable one. That said they certainly could add some new instances. I for one would love (as you suggested) to get some more companion conversations dealing with past decisions. We really need some monthly tiny story updates at this point much like they did with Onslaught and I think expanding our companion conversations we've had previously is just the ticket to deliver some.
  5. It all is a "double edged sword" really. There's no "simple" solution where everyone's going to be happy. Arguing that "X amount of players may quit" over a change seems a bit counterproductive. It could easily be countered with "X amount of players may quit" if nothing is done. So perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned "new players" because I don't want this topic to derail into an "inflow vs. outflow" conversation. Honestly however I believe there are more players in an "uproar" that items are costing billions and billions of credits, that nothing is on the GTN but rather in Player to Player trades, and BW is literally doing nothing than there are players who would be outraged that they can't sell there wares for more than the GTN allows. BW created the GTN with it's "taxes" for a reason. To control the economy and create an artificial credit sink there. Allowing players to get around it has had some seriously negative unforseen outcomes of late. One that can't be fixed by simply adding "more credit sinks". For example if they increase costs for repairs (as I've seen suggested) it's just going to encourage players to add yet another hypercrate or an extra billion to the price of their item and pass that cost on. Credit sinks like that will NEVER impact the sellers. It's kinda like real life that way. 😛
  6. Exactly this right here. I've said this before on here but I think unfortunately the only thing that can fix the economy (not necessarily the inflation) is to remove in game trades (not just of credits) and exchanging items/credits through the mail system. It's not a perfect solution or even a desirable one on all fronts but what is the option? Do nothing? I think we can all agree things have gotten WAY out of control and something needs to be done in order if ANYTHING to not drive off new players who can't afford a single item on the GTN. (No I'm not talking about the most desirable/new CM items or whatever). I keep hearing/reading "but what about if someone in my Ops need a stim/boost/vaccines etc!?!". Simple. Add a portable Guild Bank to the Legacy perks just like the Cargo Bay, and Legacy bank. Make the blasted thing FREE (or virtually free) if you have to so there's no excuse not to have access to it. Leave it up to the guild leaders and raid leaders to make sure any potentially needed items are in the Bank and their members are taken care of. "But what about PUGs?" Yes they will be negatively impacted but lets face it. They inherently are to some degree anyway and I certainly don't mean to sound calloused or rude but the trade off of possibly "not getting a stim" for an Ops far far outweighs the "needing a billion credits" for one...
  7. I know I know the unwritten "policy" is usually that CM items aren't changed after release (Sometimes sounds do for some reason though). But please PLEASE I beg. Remove the scope the size of the entire blaster itself from the side of the LH-94 blaster pistol! Releasing a tiny .357 Derringer pocket/purse pistol was a super cool idea but it's completely ruined cosmetically by it having that huge scope on the side. "Its Star Wars" so I won't make the argument about how the gun can't hit the broadside of a barn at X amount of feet anyway so "why a laser sight" as well. But BOTH? I can deal with the laser sight but that oversized scope?? I'm begging you please here BW! My female smuggler would REALLY be thankful if her COP .357 fit in her clutch... 😍
  8. Case and point: https://swtorista.com/decorations/illumination-probe-crate/ But also for another more recent example I'd like to have several dozen of these or so but with current drop rates I would have to play only that FP for...ever? https://swtorista.com/decorations/archives-power-storage-unit/
  9. This is literally the only change I would 100% agree with. It may be a few seconds of inconvenience to a player wanting a guild invite but a proper Guild recruiter would be more than happy to walk any new player through the process of turning the Preference off and "old players" in a new toon would already know. (Maybe 😛)
  10. Unfortunately you are probably partially correct here. I think the only way inflation will ever get significantly dealt with is to eliminate the ability to mail and trade items from player to player forcing things on the GTN with it's credit limits. Not a great solution.
  11. I do not believe adding back Expertise with more gear to grind is really the solution you are looking for. "No more gear for a while!" (a long while). I really at this point feel most players both PvE and PvP players alike would agree with this sentiment. But I agree there is something inherently wrong with the current Bolster and IR system. Perhaps more in line for an equitable solution is instead of bolster looking at an overall IR all it really needs to do is look instead at the individual pieces and cap/bolster them individually. If they want to insist on keeping the IR for PvP 328 so be it but I think from a Bolster/cap programming perspective the players IR shouldn't be taken into account collectively ("overall IR") except on your character page for progression reference and that would solve the problem on the back end.
  12. Calling me a liar is certainly uncalled for not to mention against forum rules let alone common manners. But it's ok. I did not realize this was such a point of contention and I'm sorry that you fell the need to be combative about it. The fact that Steam numbers are representative of Steam numbers isn't something I would have assumed was something refutable. I will say this though. When dealing with "raw data" statistics, and mathematics in general it is important to attempt to avoid appeals to emotion rather than logic in order to keep from getting overwhelmed and upset about the results. No one that I can see here in this thread including myself made any claims of issues "magically appearing". I did say the issues with Steam became more prominent. When 7.0 hit the 3 main questions that I saw in gen chat and fielded within my guild were about: 1) Gearing. 2) How to fix sub issues on Steam and 3) How to complete/beat Malgus in Ruins of Nul. In that order. I answered these questions alot. Perhaps this was my mistake in thinking that this was the common experience rather than just everyone I personally know. Exactly this. Thank you. Using partial data as I said to extrapolate full data nets false positive/negative results that can easily be manipulated due to the varying results. We do know that only a minority of SWTOR users use Steam. Of that minority the number of those that have left Steam but remain active SWTOR players and those that have left completely is immeasurable. It is impossible to gain a reasonable full picture of game population with such a large figure represented as an unknown integer. This is all I am saying and have said. I am surprised that this ruffled so many feathers honestly. I get the distinct feeling that much of the disproportionate defensiveness displayed here is due to conversations had outside of this thread...
  13. What's speculative? That players are leaving Steam? There's no argument there. I don't really like quoting myself but what I said was disingenuous is using Steam numbers to extrapolate general numbers. There are too many unknown quantities and factors involved. I'm not even sure what there is to argue about that. I'm certainly not.
  14. Correct. Representative sampling of Steam users. The devs are fully aware that Steam numbers are in decline because of Steam issues outside of their control. Issues that were not as prominent prior to 7.1 but still existed in 7.0. If they were not aware of this they would not have spent resources making their own launcher competitive with the Steam launcher with it's download time.
  15. Exactly. Using partial data as conclusive data is simply disingenuous. Everyone knows numbers go back down after every single content patch and "gear runs" will eventually die off but using Steam numbers as doom and gloom evidence is an incorrect thought process and toxic behavior. It was this and this alone that I disagreed with here and a trend that really needs to stop.
  16. Except they aren't. Despite the fact that there most certainly IS a population drop there ALWAYS is a population decline shortly after a content drop. That said what you are looking at is a decline in the use of Steam not SWTOR in general. The amount of players tired of Steam giving them Sub issues and going back to the regular launcher is pretty substantial and now that the launcher will be updated to provide the same download time as the Steam launcher we can expect the number using Steam to go down even further. There were a large portion of players that only moved to the Steam launcher for that benefit in the first place. If Steam numbers continue to be used like this it's very rapidly going to become not only disingenuous but toxic nonsense that no one will take seriously as well. It arguably already is.
  17. This would be nice. Plus there are a whole slew of Ancient Sith assets never released to us that are in the temples on Korriban, Drommand Kass , Athiss, Yavin, etc. One in particular I've always thought would be a fun addition is the dust falling ceiling hook asset you see in various temples.
  18. We've made the dark side choices for a decade. Our character(s) have bathed in Dark Side energy and earned it. 17 years in game has passed. Can our characters after all this time get the end stage Appearance Customizations they deserve with all those nasty choices they've made? We all knew the Dark Side corrupted us and we chose it anyway... Please give us a Sith customization pack with "True Sith eyes" like Zash was shown in game with, the wrinkles, and pasty complexions to match them in all their glory... Zash: https://imgur.com/bTmDF8s https://imgur.com/14vIIUb Malgus: https://imgur.com/8Ln15LB https://imgur.com/Q7OQja7
  19. CZ-13K Guerrila Armor set with a collection account unlock fix 😍
  20. I think we've lost track here as to "the most important change we need in 7.2" is here. If you ask me the very tippy top of the priority list should be increase in populatuon and queue pops. In 7.0 we saw an increase in pops due to increased rewards which was nice. Those rewards have since been whittled down because they effected the economy. So the question needs to be asked "what can be added to PvP as incentives"? More tech frags etc isn't it. The answer may just be right under our noses with "ranked rewards". Fact is there are players out there who casually play PvP either queuing for Ranked or interested in queuing for Ranked solely for the cool stuff they see in the vendors. So why is it that all the "Unranked" PvP vendors all have such outdated items in it still after all these years with terribly low "Valor requirements" on them for purchase with a handful if credits? Look at Galactic Seasons popularity for instance or the Nightlife Event. Players will do just about anything (even the most mundane) for nice looking in-game rewards. If you want a simple solution to the "PvP population" problem rewards beyond items that can be bought and sold for credits is where the answer lies. Update the vendors with some really cool looking stuff exclusive to PvP with varying degrees of difficulty to obtain and make them Legacy Bound, with Account Unlocks available, purchasable with BRAND NEW "Unranked tokens" as well as differently skinned but similar items available for "Ranked tokens". Perhaps even implementing "seasons" for Unranked as well. Instead of focusing on punishmenments the devs and we as players should be focussing on incentives and rewards. Get players at least as excited about queuing for PvP as they they are for logging in...
  21. This goes for body Type 1 males as well. Helmets look ridiculous.
  22. No kidding. Frankly I don't get this tactical for Madness. Ok it will be useful for us in certain FPs and Heroics and in SOME trash mob areas in OPS but it seems to be geared mainly at Unranked PvP scenarios and pretty useless in PvE. Since that's the case if implemented what you're going to find dominating objective areas are going to be groups consisting of Madness Sorc, Engineering Sniper, and Vengeance Jugg just wreaking AoE havoc. Voidstar doors come immediately to mind. As far as the other DPS nerfs? Don't do it. End of story. Like others have already pointed out NONE of these changes are effecting "overperforming" specs. For example LT Sorcs do NOT need a longer cast time on Halted Offense if anything it's hard cast should be reduced so that change is odd and quite backwards. The buffs on Heals is the right direction. Same with the other buffs to DPS classes. The real question here is why are we focusing on nerfing "ok" DPS classes at all instead of boosting the UNDER performing classes in the first place? Sure there are some classes "overperforming" if you compare them to all the OTHER classes but it could be argued easily that 0 classes are "overperforming" its just the others are underperforming at such lengths it looks like they are "overperforming" when in fact their performance is closer to "as intended". So PLEASE change/flip your general focus/attitudes here about balance changes towards lifting classes/specs UP with buffs rather than bringing classes/specs DOWN with nerfs. It would be much appreciated and go a LONG way with community health and attitude toward 7.x The community would be much happier if every single class and spec could perform as well as the top parsing ones. We get unhappy when top performing classes/specs get nerfed. We get even MORE unhappy when mid performing specs get nerfed. Pretty simple really. Any proposed nerfs to classes at this juncture is certainly not what can be described as "Balance Changes"...
  23. I'm unclear what you are even asking for here. If it's more Eyewear I'm all for it! However if its to keep headpieces from disappearing in cutscenes that's just never going to happen.
  24. The only real solution would be to remove the trade feature altogether. Sure it's useful for giving someone a stim etc while in an Op but handing off something to someone is not the issue. What is happening with the "hyperinflation" issue is that players are misusing a feature in the game to sell items over their intended price of the GTN cap. Not just to skirt it's taxation. The GTN was set up with parameters so the Devs could control it. "Trades" the way they are is mearly a way around that. The same thing happened when the Devs efficiently removed the COD system from the mailboxes. So in order to "control" prices they have to FORCE them through the GTN because there's no other method. Then of course in order to compromise Trades removal the cap on the GTN would need to be raised a bit. With the way things are going prices of items are soon going to be over the character limit (and I mean soon) where Trades as they are now are going to fall into shark infested waters full of scammers. I'm sure in some cases (more then I'd imagine probably) it already has.
  25. Besides mat reward the vast majority of these longer Flashpoints have great Deco drops available in them but they are so inconsistent it's terrible and even sometimes never drop at all. A more efficient way of obtaining them needs to be accessible. Whether it's token drops that correlate into a vendor or achievement opening one or whatever. Back to the topic at hand. Length of time for a Flashpoint should be one factor. Also needing to be considered is number of bosses and quantity of trash mobs. Mobs should drop mats, bosses should drop mats, and mechanic checkpoints need to somehow as well. If a short FP drops a certain amount of materials than Med should drop twice as much, Long one three times, and Mechanically heavy ones that are a Pug nightmare should have a quantifier like 4 times as much as well. Carrot. Stick.
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