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Everything posted by TyrFoge

  1. Or better yet sell me a "reforged" one with new updated textures. They did it with the Black Nebula after all...
  2. We need some new Companion Customizations. Its long overdue honestly. Nothing "crazy". Nothing making them look COMPLETELY different like 99% of the old ones. Just the same 'ole base face we're used to by now with some different hairstyles. I'll use Torian as an example here since he's the most recent Vanilla companion to get some air time. It's been 17 years in game since we started our journey... You'd think after all that time Torian would have seen a Mando barber about that Emo Tweenager cut by now. Wouldn't that hair on his forehead make wearing a helmet uncomfortable anyway? 🤨 But in all seriousness Lana got a face and hair update post SoR. Is it too much to ask to get some design choices on our other companions that already exist as assets in game while secretly crossing our fingers for some face texture updates? Perhaps. But I think a lot of players would like to see some new options.
  3. I too think there needs to be some additional body types specifically for height. (For the sake of argument I'll just call them 1.5, 2.5, and 4.5.) In absence of an actual height slide bar (preferred) for both male/female it would really be nice to have the height of Body type 3 with the options of the other three actual body types. Our characters shouldn't have to be bodybuilding champions just to be tall...😉
  4. This does feel like a renege. Even though the devs hadn't said that ranked and ranked flag rewards were going away specifically yet one thing they did say specifically was "replica rewards will be going away in 7.2"... Not "re-offered" or "obtainable in a different form" but rather "going away". I along with everyone else took this to mean that anything with "replica" next to it would be unobtainable even if items without that title continued to be so in 7.2...
  5. So does this is a bit confusing. (Likely due to the needed vagueness). Does this mean that premades will always be with premades or is this rule (because of the "try to") mean its subject to the "#1 priority rule break? Similar question for the "limiting roles of 2 heal/2 tank". Is this subject to the rule break as well? Does this only apply to premade groups? Will these roles be unable/locked out of the ability to queue beyond that limitation? Or will those 2 particular roles just be in queues longer waiting in line to get into a match?
  6. Exactly this. Removal of "certain" emotes and flags (especially flagging) is not the hill I'm going to die on in this conversation. I for one enjoy having players who are "poor sports" (forum rules/etiquette edit) have the ability to out themselves in matches. It lets me know easily who to target for the matches duration. But that's just me and I get how other players find it off putting no matter how silly I think that is. More importantly however at this point I feel that arguing for keeping flags and emotes is counterproductive to the real and more important topic at hand. Removal of Ranked and the ability to see Leaderboards.
  7. No#1-I'm not sure if you're saying no they've never said officially how the MMR works (if so I thought not) or No it's not a bracket system rather than a true rating system 😉 No#2-I could have sworn something was said something about the matchmaking system so I went back and checked and you're right @36:58 into the Stream he said "some matchmaking stuff we've been working on down the line".
  8. Or just /laugh. Players already spam that one. So many emotes that /spit seems like a strange one to single out...
  9. Have the devs ever actually said exactly how that works though? It's always been my understanding that players gave speculated that it's a bracket system rather than a true rating system? Plus didn't they say in the Livestream that they were retooling the MMR system in some extremely non specific way?
  10. I'm not convinced a Leaderboard is as simple as we've been thinking in previous posts. How would it be judged? W/L only? Because medals and Objectives are important to Regs too. (and wouldn't that just encourage rage quitters?) DPS leaders? Heals? Tank? Because the Leaderboards in current state revolve around Classes. How will that function when characters can now have 2? And if they revolve around DPS, Heals, Tanking etc how will that work when characters can do all 3? Not being a naysayer here. Definitely think it's possible and should be done but it's certainly not quick nor easy...
  11. This is actually a fairly solid guess and a fair point I have heard no one mention/consider yet. Having players able to spec across 2 classes certainly could have made "Leaderboards" a mess...
  12. Shameless I know: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925271-lots-character-customization-pack/#comment-9722809 Not just Sith Eyes like Malgus 1.0 and Zash had but the wrinkles to go with the DS corruption. (Wrinkles in general like several NPCs have even in base game)
  13. So this 2nd SS looks to me like the "Personal" category like shown in the first SS is an addition as well as the "Season" category and in this case both "Round 1" and "Round 2" on the Scorecard. This is the case or have I missed something? This means the Scorecard is getting MORE features and not removed as first thought? Because if this is indeed the case and the Game is actively recording your characters "Season" then it seems this could easily be displayed on the Leaderboard page in some capacity.
  14. All of this. Not to mention along with #3 they specifically have said in the Livestream that they are opening up grouping to be larger than 4s. (Implying allowing 8s). If their intention is to reduce toxicity while increasing participation this by far is the worst call. Matches without a shred of doubt will become Premades vs. Solo Queue players and the solo players no matter HOW "good" they are personally will get rickrolled because they won't be in "perfectly balanced" teams, in comms, or organized in any other meaningful way.
  15. Now I've gotta say I like this new screen they have here in terms of showing what medals were earned and how. If they are going to make medals the most important part if PvP there absolutely needs to be better transparency for the newer players this new system is going to attract on how to obtain them. That said there is absolutely no way I can get behind removal of the Scoreboards the way they are to compare how you did against the other team and players (teammates as well as your opponents). Sure there is Starparse (as already noted) but I would imagine a vast majority of players even use it. I myself have been guilty of not even turning it on during regs at times. If this new character screen (as shown) is an ADDITION great! If it's a REPLACEMENT than this a terrible terrible idea... Was the Scorecard perfect? No. Were there things about it needing improvement? Yes. Needing removed? Absolutely 100% No How are we supposed to vote MVP medals? Uh no. I have a bad feeling about this...
  16. Good lord do I regret posting this now... (Even though I'm certain I personally had 0 effect) But as I've said in other posts as well players want MORE things not less. Adding new rewards to regs? Great! Spectacular! Wonderful! Should have been done. How exciting right!? But this doesn't/didn't mean get rid of Ranked entirely or offer Ranked rewards for Regs matches ffs... What I can't wrap my head around is why the decision to remove Ranked entirely was even made. Ok so it's population suffers because of a misconceived notion of extreme toxicity. Well that's fine. Honestly that's Ranked players problem not anyone elses. "Don't like it don't queue it". If the devs had announced that there wasn't going to be separate "rewards" for Ranked and Unranked play (same cosmetics, same tokens etc.) except for a leaderboard being kept in Ranked I STRONGLY suspect they would have been met with 1/3 (or less) of the vehemence they have so far. Sure Ranked players liked their toys, flairs, and cosmetics but I don't know a single one that participated in Ranked for them. That's like saying Quarterbacks only want to win the Superbowl for the ring. I certainly don't think Ranked players would be quitting if they didn't receive separate cosmetic rewards. No? With this in mind I don't get how "hard" it would have been to add all the new changes and just leave Ranked alone and say: "Titles for Rankings TBD" and start the season with the Unranked one. If no one queued? So be it. If only a handful did? Fine. I'm sure just "having it available" wouldn't cost a tremendous amount of resources. I'm just baffled. New queues and rewards are great for Regs. Just "keeping Ranked around" shouldn't have been that hard. So why not walk this decision back? Give more take less
  17. Interesting and...not good. I only say "interesting" at all because the old Ranked rewards are clearly marked in their titles (ok not every single one now that I look again) but even if this is the case and Ranked rewards will be obtainable through reg tokens purchases (please no) and this is the finalized list it seems really random as to what's offered. (Example: "Furious Infiltrator" is listed there but none of the other Furious sets). So some are but not all? I'm sincerely hoping this is an oversight and that past rewards wont be re-introduced into the new system. They should just go away and be unobtainable along with Ranked... Some acknowledgment in an official capacity of this would certainly be appreciated before 7.2 goes live.
  18. But that's just the PTS. Don't you think the items in that vendor will change? I can't imagine them repurposing the vendors (which they will) and adding the new items without removing the old ones.
  19. I had this exact same question. They aren't specifically addressed in the "floor/ceiling" section at all. If they aren't getting an iR boost it would be nice to have a rationale addressed for that decision for player reference.
  20. I'm not convinced removing Ranked will add to the toxicity of PvP at all. Opening up unlimited F2P queues on the other hand...
  21. Original GL-13 Blaster https://imgur.com/PwzXLIF New since Patch GL-13 Blaster https://imgur.com/zCd5RBz I mean.. I get it. It looks more like the Glie-44 now: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Glie-44_blaster_pistol But I was under the impression that "CM items" do not change after release. Or maybe that's just an "unwritten/unspoken" policy. Either way even if this is the "originally intended" look and weapons are being "fixed"/altered in the background than why have we still received no updates on weapons whose bits disappear in cutscenes? (Many of which are Platinum items)
  22. You may certainly be right because neither have I nor have I tried just logging in without playing (and won't just to to test it). I still get the feeling that the lvl50 before 400cc payouts are certainly to discourage log in and or credit unlocking levels on multiple servers somehow though. I think the real unaddressed insult to injury on the CC reduction for GS3 is the increase in collections unlocks of 10CCs to random exponentially larger amounts... Decrease reward but increase cost? That's just plain mean man.
  23. My guess? I'm betting because the first half of the season can completed just by logging in everyday but not actually doing many if any of the daily/weekly objectives...
  24. This is a valid point. When I first saw this change in getting less CCs I immediately just felt like..."awww dang" kicks dirt. But it wasn't a HUGE disappointment in the scheme of things as others. But what you point out here is there certainly does have an overall feel in the game right now of taking alot of L's with too few W's. It would certainly be nice to get a Dev post that does nothing but make players smile for once...
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