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Everything posted by TyrFoge

  1. This is the case with all of the personnel decorations this season. Weapons go missing...πŸ™„
  2. Wouldn't most of the same "problems/issues" of server mergers and cross server queues be the same? πŸ€”
  3. The "premade issue" is a tricky one and one that cannot be "solved" with a simple solution. On one hand you cannot punish players for wanting to queue with friends in an MMO. No one can really argue that queing with friends rather than just strangers isn't more fun. It just is. However the premade issue brought up in this thread are also very real as well. I think they were certainly exacerbated by the introduction of 8 man groups (which in theory is great and eliminating them isn't the final solution some believe it is) but more importantly I think the problem lies in not locking out "improper group compositions". Maybe maybe not but most certainly forcing "proper" groups for 3 and above (including analalizing for Tanks in DPS gear to subvert any "Tank requirement") would be a step in the right direction.
  4. I don't perceive the "Empire vs. Republic" perpetual back and forth as being the issue. At it's heart that is Star Wars (it's in the name) even if it's an underlying theme at times. The issue the current storyline seems to be having is there is no clear cut big bad to take on. Sure Malgus has filled that role again for the time being but by now there's just too many of us too sympathetic to his ideals at least to some degree. Even the writers know that or we wouldn't have conversation options saying things akin to "I wish we weren't enemies". Same goes for Heta Kol. Mandalorians are known for their infighting. So the Mando side arc as cool as it is to watch unfold still feels like just another day at ths office for them. What we really need is some sort of villian/villainous group/faction (maybe trying to take over the Empire's throne? Just bent in galactic genocide? Or any countless ideas that could fill an entire suggestion box thread) to fight that's 100% unrelatable and undeniably the "bad choice" that both sides can fight against individually without it feeling like the two stories are seperate and canceling each other out. KOTFE/ET was good for that with the Eternal Empire but the "Alliance" part of it and having us be leader of it is what made it finite and in a way ruined the concept. Revan served the role well for a time as well and many players will argue that was the best storyline in the expansions to date because of it. But again "alliances" were formed and ended that enemy. So if you can see where I'm going here "Empire vs. Republic" and them being enemies with one another is a key vehicle to good story progression. Just give us someone(s) to fight separately each with their own faction specific methods (and the nuances character player choices add to that the mix) that both hate equally and "can't let win"...
  5. 0 πŸ˜‰ Edit: Wait...aren't unripe Blueberries green? πŸ€”
  6. Honestly this is what I figured it would be as well not a companion...
  7. With all of these sabers coming out with effects some of the regular ____/white crystals look...strange. It would be nice to have more colors like the Lime Green Crystals which are just Green/Green. Call them Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Blueberry etc following the "fruit named" trend if you must but that style of basic solid colors would be a much appreciated addition. If you don't believe me preview the Lime Crystal in your favorite saber that has a blade effect. You'll see what I mean... πŸ˜‰
  8. For the love of Tyth please stop making these new sets so bulky! I'm not asking for them to go back to skin tight or anything (please no) but some of these newer sets are just so overly bulky they only really look right on female and male body type 1 characters. The effort put into the textures and modeling is very much appreciated don't get me wrong but when great looking sets like the Mando Nomad, Pyke Syndicate, Master Orr are released just so overscaled in the chest pieces it really is such wasted potential...
  9. Well Cassian's blaster and set will be out in 7.3 so the wait for that will be relatively short. That said the CM trends has been coinciding with the Dis+ shows (albeit delayed) So I can only imagine once Ashoka hits we'll see some force user love there in the form of sabers and sets (and not just Ashoka's). Not to mention possibly a certain Twi'lik Captain, Mando, and possibly a certain someone's updated Imperial uniform? Can't wait πŸ˜‰
  10. This definitely does seem to be an ongoing trend/problem with the most current bundles. (Making it 4?) You forgot to mention the Daimyo bundle where both the Syndicate chair (it's so small "/chair" leaves your character hovering in the air) and the Daimyo Throne (really think Jabba fit on that?) itself are scaled down to truly weird proportions. Don't even get me started on how hilariously tiny the Rancor pit floor covering is! It's smaller than most rugs!!!
  11. As much as I'm pleased to hear GSF is getting some attention I think this is a mistake. Despite GSF being "PvP" it really is it's own beast that deserves it's own reward track with actual GSF specific rewards. It makes about as much sense to reward GSF participants with armor sets as it does Warzone and Arena participants with ship paint jobs. Making a separate reward track with it's own tokens to purchase GSF specific items is honestly what should be happening here...
  12. Exactly this! Or even a "mismatched" one like Din Djarin actually has would be acceptable. But having NONE on the right leg and one kneepad just...sucks and there is no other set in game that really looks great as a replacement at the moment. Sometimes I feel like BW does these kind of things on purpose so you have to buy another set just to replace a single piece. I have little doubt another set will be released accomplishing exactly that purpose...
  13. Players have been waiting for this item ever since the Tusken sets 1st came out...a loooooong time. So when you FINALLY release one it sits 2 feet above your characters head on the back. Why so big!?! Well...I know the devs almost never change items after release no matter how many players complain so I guess my suggestion is for a smaller version. A "non Elite" version if you will. One with a single segment (instead of two) on the point end and shorter. Much shorter...
  14. Forget the cape. Who on the design team thought 1 leg plate looked good? Seriously BW WHY!?!?
  15. I felt the same way with this new set. It a GREAT looking set and I could even deal with the mismatched shoulder pauldrons (even though it would look better if they were both like the right shoulder) but then...it's missing 1 leg plate? Like...WHY!?!?!
  16. The thing is...why do you need to publish your subscription issue? This is something that needs to be taken care of with Customer Service not looked on the forums "for a solution" and it certainly doesn't do any good to post about it either. Call CS and post in in-game ticket about the issue. That's the proper solution.
  17. 9k+8k??? As long as people keep making outrageous claims with no screen shot evidence no one's going to take you seriously. I'm not siding one way or the other (though I'd obviously side anti-exploit) There are plenty of ways to post evidence in this forum. There are other posters saying that the bolster is working properly. Prove them wrong. Or prove them right. Either way at least the truth is out there. Making claims without proof just looks like whining...
  18. That would be nice but my only real hope is they did not make it green like they did the Reforged Nebula πŸ˜›
  19. Absolutely yes. They tried with the Insidious Counselor...but then they made the black too black for cutscenes, made the interior gray, and gave the broach/clasp only to the Theron disguise NPC in Crisis from Umbara. Very frustrating. It would definitely be nice to get a new updated set with current quality.
  20. I get that. That's not what I'm talking about. Players who have a long term and legit DC will barely even feel the 1st LO time in the first place if they weren't able to reconnect by WZ end and players who intentionally DC in order to not get marked as "left" will not want to wait the match time to log back in since that would be a self inflicted LO. Most of the time I get a DC my connections fine...internet fine...don't know why it happened in the first place and am able to re-log in immediately. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has experienced that. Those are the absolute most aggravating 20 min ever. The absolute worst is when you are just about to win. When that happens it's a real kick in the head . My suggestion was only referring to those instances. Able to log back in before WZ is over? "Great! You're back! But you're on the bench. No hard feelings..."
  21. This comes up often. Very often. (even more so lately) There is even a completely different thread talking about the exact same thing. The question is how to punish rage quitters and not punish DCs. Its been said over and over that there really is no way for the game to tell the difference between a DC and a Alt+F4 not to mention if someone purposely disconnected their internet. So either the devs allow rage quitting by causing no punishment or they punish everyone even those who legitimately DC. Simple. Or is it? What about this? Yes the game has a way of keeping you active and disconnected. We've all experienced this in a FP or OPS. So why is this not the case for PvP? Well that answer is also simple and been said: So what's the solution? What is it that players really want. Well they want it both ways. Punishment (Lock out timers) for rage quitters and no punishment (no lock out timers) for disconnects. Sounds pretty impossible/unreasonable. But what if it's not? What if players instead of being kicked from a WZ for a disconnect so that the team can quickly (potentially) get a replacement they are "benched" yet remain in the WZ. This way a player can come back into the WZ after the disconnect and the team can still get a replacement. In this way only players who actually "leave" get the lock out timers. I'm sure that players who legitimately disconnected would be perfectly happy to lose their ability to "finish" the WZ, participate, and be a figurative cheerleader on the sidelines even without getting credit if it meant they didn't get a 20min LO (or risk of subsequent LO lengths). 😏
  22. This is the funniest thing I have read in the PvP forums in far too long. With all the negativity recently in the forums surrounding PvP in general I needed that. TY!πŸ˜‚ Until the next one starts... Hopefully the dev team is on top of it so they run back to back with little "pre-season".😏
  23. Exactly this. Sometimes using /stuck is absolutely necessary. It happens. Keep in mind I said sometimes. Ut used to be (oh so long ago back in 7.1) players that stuck-it would/could get vote kicked so they didn't get credit for doing so. But since the removal of that feature it's been happening a lot more often due to lack of consequences. I agree that something should be done to stop (or curb) this behavior but this? Ouch no certainly not. I don't even think I could be convinced a LO of any kind would be appropriate since players may indeed need to /stuck legitimately. Can it be abused? Yes. Does it need addressing? Yes of course (just like many other features of game). Unfortunately I can't think of a solution for it other than to deal with it.
  24. Even though there's more to it than health (obviously) it would certainly be good to hear an official statement or some more fact based evidence from players as to whether "bolster is broken" or not because comments and posts like this keep cropping up...
  25. Honestly I was shocked when I saw that this set didn't come with 2 versions of the helmet just like hood up/down chest pieces. As COOL as this helmet is for Twi'lek characters (seriously it is) the fact that the helmet has only a lekku version is literally the only reason that kept me from grabbing this set on day 1...
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