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Everything posted by Deathnasty

  1. I picked it cause i was so racked off last night that me and 3 friends couldn't quest together due to slight quest differences. the same happened in WOTLK around the citadel. pointless and annoying. least in this game you can join your friends with a click of a button.
  2. Err what? it takes less time to run an op than it takes to kill the trash in Koan We clear EV in 1.5 hours, i know a lot of people that do it faster, kraggas is the same
  3. Enrage means you failed its that simple look at his health left and work out how to get more DPS. Enrage is good it shows that someone is: A: not geared enough B: Asleep C: AFK D:just being a lazy *** and not pulling his/her weight for me enrage timers are fine, ive never seen one apart from the robot in Kraggas palace and the only reason we saw that is cause I FAILED at pressing buttons fast enough. Once i pushed the buttons fast enough we went on and cleared the place. TLDR: Enrage timers are there to remind you that you fail HARD
  4. Naga Epic its great, would never go back to 2 button mouse, i also use my epic for Photoshop/ Modo/ and Hero tools. if you are on a budget the naga molton is great, exactly the same mouse apart from its only wired, the epic is wired/wireless
  5. Questing was so fast in dungeons that they had to nerf it especially levels 10-60 the quests in dungeons gave crazy exp. 3 levels with rested for RFK
  6. Erm less population = less kids = more enjoyment Republic ftw
  7. AHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you obviously never played wow till TBC rep farm was the only way to even raid (Attunements), hell you needed to farm rep to do dungeons (HC Keys) and people without flasks did not raid. http://www.wowwiki.com/Instance_attunement Instance attunement refers to the process of gaining permanent access to an instance.
  8. it activates 1 ability per client your argument is invalid
  9. its a 100% drop chance for a magneta (SP) crystal, the pattern on the other hand is a little rare and drops from the belsavis world boss. Obviously this is for Republic only, not sure about imps. Yes i have the crystal the mats are unique, there are also cut crystals on our AH so rare yes, unobtainable NO the crystals on the AH are the 33 power versions. PURPLE IS UNOBTAINABLE FOR REPUBLIC
  10. Im on the forums because i am at work, the same as a great many of my friends. I will be playing this great game as soon as i get home. Tonight we have EV or Kragga's palace funnily enough i don't think i can solo them so i will have to take 15 of my mates. Why are you on a forum of a game you dont play? oh yea to flame people, try and get people to stop playing and trying to brainwash people with your pathetic insight into the MMO genre. I bid you farewell and best of luck in whichever "game" sparks your interest.
  11. Just logged in on all 3 of my 64bit systems not 1 error, i run 2 comps with windows 7 and 1 with vista.
  12. there is an option to buy more character slots on the same server. buy a new account like the rest of us have done
  13. they fixed the harvesting nodes, i for 1 lost 1000's of credits due to this at high levels, the only thing that is really driving me nuts its the smugglers companion harpoon shot. will not stay turned off. The amount of credits i have wasted due to wiping myself is outrageous
  14. going to hoth when you first get your ship is bad mkay
  15. ITs like 6am in the morning in Europe, its far from peak time, check it again in 12 hours just the same as when your in bed your servers are light/heavy
  16. I feel your pain Matt, hang in there
  17. i play from Indonesia, it has one of the worst internet networks in the world and i get better pings than that in all zones i play. where do you live? i spell bad cause i want to and im browsing the forums on a 2inch BB screen sorry
  18. **** no wai euro servers are light? really? **** no? its like 6am in the uk, people are in bed/getting ready for work etc what time is it in the us? 10/11/12 i rest my case. check the EU servers 7pm to 3am euro time Edit: I am sick to death of both sides of the world saying well their servers are light when i play. No fin $%#@ there it totally different time zones.
  19. See bold, you are joking right? EVERY EU server last night had a queue time ranging from 35mins to 3hours 40mins. just cause the EU servers seam low when you play doesn't mean they are low when its prime time in the euro zones. i have rerolled 4 times since gaining early access. "tomb of whatever his name" 'PVP' had a 4 hour queue time last night my prime server had a queue time of 1 hour and i was 900th in queue. i got in after 49mins, i was lucky
  20. baby heres my CC go shopping for a few hours. It works! however remember to set a spend limit first. this keeps her happy for quite a while to be honest. If it didn't work my last option would be to bury her under the patio before my flashpoint started you sir are a legend for doing all of that
  21. raiders/dungeon crawlers rarely use chat bubbles. cause they really want there screen flooded with 16+ chat bubbles. chat bubbles are a staple for role players only, anyone else they are a hindrance or a convenience. i could imagine the QQ now. 'sorry guys we've canceled launch to put in chat bubbles' the flame fest would be unimaginable.
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