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Everything posted by Deathnasty

  1. when did you pre order as everyone who entered their codes before the 3rd of October is already playing. there is a pretty good chance everyone will be playing tomorrow
  2. yea cause 250k pre orders for rift is a lot? the fact that they let 2x that amount in in 18 hours says something. oh we had a 4 hour wait time on rift with only 250k pre orders
  3. Game launch = Pay to play until the 20th you can cancel your pre-order and even if your box has been delivered if its unopened you can still return it.
  4. assumptions are the mother of all $%£"ups and yes they all lack reading comprehension the same as this person that shows how good education is around the world.
  5. TL DR no need to compare this to any mmo for the simple fact its the largest launch in the history of the interwebz
  6. erm no it wasn't, people just need to read. My kids learnt 'May' and 'May not' in primary 1, so your saying all MMO players have brains and English skills of a 6 year old.
  7. A new UI is in the works, as is the first content patch aimed for lvl 50s
  8. they are at least up to October 3rd
  9. i waited 3 days to play wow due to the server going pop. and wow opened with 300k peeps going up to 450k for first few months. i find it funny people are moaning about this, what took blizzard a week to do, bioware have done in 18 hours
  10. over 2million (they think) was on a dev chat thingy the other day
  11. yes cause rift had 250k pre orders, swtor has over 2million do the math,
  12. you obviously forgot about the wow servers that went down for 3 days then the simple fact that BW have invited more people in the last 2 days to early access than wow had in its first 6 months should be a wake up call.
  13. your maths is off by about 5k per server
  14. IF you mean the in game option, no it is gone,
  15. Yes just buy the CE code, the codes stack in your account so you can just add new codes to your account
  16. everyone who pre-ordered will be in by the 19th, the internet is a free market, for instance where i live i can pirate anything crack anything and sell it on the internet or down the market or in the local supermarket. If the data is held on this countries servers no one can do anything about it, EVER. However i am not a pirate The country where i live does not adhere to any outside laws. laws like the one you posted are normally only country wide, as they simply cannot enforce it world wide, due to clashes with laws of other countries
  17. Login gates just gone pop >< oh well lol
  18. NO there will be at least 1 more wave the last wave was a bonus wave please check twitter @SWTOR for more details
  19. Except for the fact that this is the largest launch in the history of the internet?
  20. For the QQ peeps, check your mails bonus wave sent check @SWTOR on twitter RE http://j.mp/uA1Erl
  21. Duh its not the blade servers they are worrying about its the login gates and toon creation
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