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Everything posted by Aghasett

  1. I feel like the execution has been stayed, but the sentence hasn't changed. We're still on "the row."
  2. I intend not to leave, but will wholly enjoy watching the game's near total destruction. Only then, perhaps, as Nero realized, will the game have a chance to rebuild in a lasting way. Or not; in which case I'm here to watch Rome burn.
  3. Ye meng, show's over, this thing is a lock. Rubicon crossed. No turnin' back now. Hope you brought a towel. Things gonna get steamy come Dec. 14th.
  4. I'm sure hatred is not something typically engendered by your point of view; however, I personally don't appreciate it either. Working in the medical field, I'm daily made aware that 4 out of 5 "global flu" hospitalizations are of those who are overweight or obese, regardless of whether they were poked or not. I'm also constantly confronted with the endless stream of preventable maladies directly attributed to excessive weight. So promoting "fat acceptance" by expanding the rotund repertoire, especially on a platform frequented by kids, is a strong negative for anyone who takes their health as seriously as they should. Sorry it that sounds gruff, but our society's nutritional habits are a disgrace, and it's a large part of why we currently are where we are.
  5. You don't invest a player as deeply into numerous characters as this game lends itself to doing and then one day have most of those characters ineligible for rewards. It's a sucker punch. It's not tolerable to be paying for a service that decides to so radically kneecap everything that's come before it.
  6. It's not like the devs (employees) have the latitude do things on personal whims, so I'm more assuming they're focused on what they believe will attract business. Their motives behind gutting the specifically star wars-themed classes while enhancing the more generic ones seems like an attempt to attract a wider player base without much consideration for the present subscriber base - probably because it's just not that big.
  7. It's mystifying to me. I'm genuinely starting to think it's the devs themselves, a cluster of wokey manbuns who favor stealthiness and ranged because melee combat is just too aggressive on their senses. Either that or they're intentionally de-Star Warsing the thing in some misguided effort to court a larger player base.
  8. Jugg/Guardian is why I play. If not for those, this game isn't Star Wars, and I might as well play another game that does non-Star Wars better, which are ample.
  9. Hard agree. It's a bait and switch. Obnoxiously manipulative in its intent. When I was a new player it stunned me a bit to fathom that the only way to complete Oricon - an entirely solo experience up until that point, with no indication otherwise - was to rustle up an ops group, unaided. So thoughtlessly (or maliciously) structured; almost a slap in the face.
  10. Exactly. This is a paid service. And as a paying customer, I'll criticize as freely as I wish, within civil standards, of course. And that shouldn't be a concern of yours, frankly.
  11. My Flagship gets quite a few visitors - presumably b/c it's typically listed 3rd or 4th from the top - and I visit other Flagships all the time. Ya just need to click on the public listing in the flagship quarter. As far as flagships not showing up, keep in mind that a guild member has to be online for it to show in the listings. Regarding a competition, while it's a nice idea at first blush, it wouldn't work for the simple reason that it'd be an utter blowout, with my Flagship crushing and totally devastating all would-be competitors (ISS Black Dawn on Satele Shan, just sayin )
  12. Hard agree. The class is being neutered to unplayability. Now just fodder for rdps.
  13. Immortal seems dull to me so I never went there but I've run both Vengeance and Rage and have done better with latter, and find its play style/burst effects way more fun. Not sure about how it'll hold up with 7.0 tho.
  14. This great mount was available only once, long ago. Please consider bringing it back for Galactic Seasons 2, just as the HK-55 Jetpack was brought back for Season 1...
  15. Update: In-game CS was able to add/restore the title. Thank You!
  16. Am I missing something, or is this something I should report in game? The Warlord Achievement is listed as complete, it says I'm at Valor level 90, and I have all of the other Valor titles in the title list up to Conqueror, but not Warlord. I should have this, correct? Any info appreciated.
  17. I've now had numerous posts about this matter deleted, which specifically exhibited BioWare's CS rep admitting my claims and still giving me the run-around. I've had it. I will post a youtube video detailing this entire episode, so please be on the lookout for that.
  18. Impossible, it's 24/7, and there's no way to get up there.
  19. None of my toons in my guild received their weekly conquest rewards, though all goals were met. I've reviewed last week's logs and confirmed that the invasion is there, as well as all of my toons conquest totals. It all adds up, but no rewards for any of them. I submitted a ticket but based on prior experience I'm concerned that it could take weeks to be addressed it ever. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  20. On Fleet, Pub side, Satele Shan, Combat Area, just above the mail box, there is a player - I won't mention the name - that's been half lodged high up in the wall, mounted, spinning and spinning around, for many months. I tried whispering this player to inquire about it, but never got a reply, which didn't surprise me because the player is there in the wall 24/7. However I know the player is active because I've observed their change in guilds lately. So, what's up with that? Weird, weird bug.
  21. Is Rian Johnson running SWTOR now? Why have they so consistently neutered Juggs? Isn't this the core Sith class of DS SW lore? Why do the Dev's fear melee? Is it too directly aggressive a gameplay in a passive aggressive world? I mean, rDPS is cozy n all, but why cut out the center?
  22. Don't be hyperbolic. I'm neither heated nor upset. The whole point of starting threads like this is to see what the general consensus is amongst the players. But if the majority feel as you do, that players have no impact on dev, then so it is. But the irony isn't lost on me that the very thing I have a gripe about in PVP is the same attitude reflected in your reply.
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