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Everything posted by Aghasett

  1. They can all be picked up at the Heroics terminal on Fleet.
  2. At this point I'd say it's entirely possible the SWTOR dev team got a sneak peak of Kenobi ... which is why it's been roundly ignored as a game promo. Show is trash. A pox on House Mouse.
  3. I haven't had a single dropout in consistent play for weeks and months. This is 100% an OP problem.
  4. Bump for another audio dropout today.
  5. 5 billy used to mean something. Now it's tip money, easily recoupable.
  6. A cavernous volcanic black rock temple situated within the burnt red dust scape of OSSUS would be a kewl setting for an inner sanctum.
  7. It takes a special kind of hyper-mistuned reject to bash others over their gaming stats, and raiding always seems to serve as the perfect heatsink for said weirdos for within the gaming ecosystem. Such threads are the occasional reminder I need to never wade into that toxic pit.
  8. Bumping this b/c it keeps happening.
  9. But why? Why is the game being tailored to a minority of players at the expense of the majority? It's mystifying.
  10. This is a long-time bug that renders GSF unplayable when it happens, which has been more and more frequent for me for some reason. It is limited to GSF. Audio always restores when the match is over.
  11. Bumping this b/c it remains my central killjoy of 7.0.
  12. I kinda dig it. Reminds me of something Korben Dallas might've been towing around. A lot better than another reskin, anyway.
  13. Nah, ya just gotta keep him facing away from the center. Do that consistently and he goes down every time.
  14. I do too, but the staid, tired BORING formulaicness of raids makes them feel old-timey. There are so many creative approaches that could be taken with group content - learning the mechanics of a boss fight and dancing on cue isn't one of them. Raids are just a mechanical group-step for gear-hungry lemmings. For many/most, they are deeply boring and uninspired gameplay. That it's so much the focus of this game's development is strange.
  15. My sincere condolences for the loss of your beloved dog. I hope that one day Bioware will be held accountable.
  16. As I have and regularly play (or used to, before 7.0) all 16 maxed classes and subclasses, this "addition" has been utterly pointless for me, and I've ignored it without issue. Frustrating to think that BW's limited time, energy and effort was dumped into a feature so unnecessary, inconsequential and meh.
  17. AFK is a GSF problem, not a PVP problem. You AFK in PVP - there's nowhere to hide - you get smoked fast, and huzzah for an easy kill. But in GSF - weakling child in the SWTOR activity family, such as it is - AFKer's can just circle jerk around their flagship or fly off in the Ozarks away from the battle. So, if they substantially shrunk the operating parameter to stay in game and/or get rewarded, like with heading off foot maps and getting "exhaustion" (GSF could be "radiation belt" or whatever,) AFKers would have to stay close to the combat and would therefore either engage or be wasted.
  18. Mounts and pets can be used as decos repeatedly across all of your strongholds, but they are the only repeatable/reusable decos - all others are a once-at-a-time use (so you can remove standard decos from one SH to use in another, but not simultaneously.) Only alts/toons with those mounts/pets already unlocked can place them and have them listed in their inventory. Other alts can move around mounts/pets already placed, but once picked up, that toon must have it unlocked personally to be able to replace it.
  19. That's where I am. I just don't have much enthusiasm to log on anymore so I've been playing a lot less since 7.0 launch. And not for nuthin but for 7 years straight I've been an avid cartel coin consumer and those days are definitely over; haven't bought any since this all stared and I have no intention to moving forward. Call me naïve, but I used to actually feel good about "supporting the game" with my CC purchases. Now I feel the opposite. Can't imagine ever purchasing CCs again in the state the game has devolved down into.
  20. I heard 7.0 is an April Fool's joke and tomorrow we'll be reverting back to 6.0 as though nothing ever happened.
  21. This is the single biggest mistake they've made. I can see arguments against it, but those arguments pale in comparison to the utter newfound giddy fun players would be having with exploring such an ability - so much so, I believe, that the current furor over every other 7.0 bug and gaff would be substantially muted. Ditto, it's pointless for me. If I can't switch over in group there's little point for longtime players like myself who largely have all classes maxed across various toons. If I need to re-queue, I log over to one of those without all this unnecessary dual-class re-leveling.
  22. Sums up my feelings pretty well.
  23. This is the operative point. This is me and many other players I know. Logged on less and less as each day passes, actively exploring alternatives. So whatever Bioware is doing to correct things, I hope they're intent on doing it quickly. Time is not on their side.
  24. Ditto. I just reached Level 83 and didn't get my 200 CC's either.
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