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Everything posted by Autreki

  1. Autreki

    MVP votes...

    Why you no vote MVP for healers??!!
  2. Im not much of a space player but as far as what would be ideal (given this is only my opinion) Star wars galaxies had quite possibly the best Star Wars space gameplay Armor weapons missles chaffs rear armor shielding and even some xp-and training-learned abilities To be honest SWG's space content was awesome, if they were to implement it here with teh graphics on this game... i bet it would be the space experience that should be expected from this game.
  3. Autreki

    Told to leave

    i would have stayed and trolled their warzone... carrying the ball to the wrong end zone carrying the ball all the way to the right endzone and standing at the fire pit passing it to the guy furthest away from the end zone.
  4. It doesnt cost you energy and it regens it as needed, on top of that it can be interrupted for a quick kolto injection or w/e you need. there is nothing wrong with using it on the tank as a filler... if you spec right it can do moderately healing in PVE. Good luck trying to make good use of it in pvp
  5. For PVE the rakatta gear is sort of decent, and since there is a lack in design the columi and tionese gear is almost exactly the same and still somewhat decent. For PVP: The Centurion Field medic and Champion Field Medic helmets give me diarrhea the half-looking samurai helmet is painful to look at and if it wast for the set bonuses i would have passed on it. LTB PVP gear that can be stripped so we can mod some of the better looking gear
  6. PVP healing you will not really put up decent numbers as a fresh 50, get at least some centurion gear and play around with your spec... just keep in mid that currently sorcerers and bounty hunters can easily surpass your healing numbers but not your mobility. I am a full healer and can deal efficiently with some burst damage i am a full spec healer and if i am on my toes, i can probably heal through most damage out there unless i get stun-locked lol PVE healing, you have to keep those HoTs going, you let a few go off and your energy will be screwed! you will have to learn energy management BIG TIME or you will never have fun with the class
  7. yeah im finding out that calling myself out as a healer in pugs will usually yield me a guard from a smart player hit 400k last night in voidstar which was a first one for me It wsa an awesome fight and only died once because i miss manged my energy for a few heals :|
  8. Awesoem, thanks! I have been doing solo queue since i hit level 10 and only have done maybe 405 wz's with guildies and there is a WORLD of difference when i can communicate with the people i am trying to heal LOL I make it a point to not do damage unless everyone is topped off and there is no incoming damage but the numbers seem to be close to yours so i hope im doing it right LOL Anyone else?
  9. What is the average healing output for an imperial Agent medicine spec in a war zone? What gear are you wearing (Centurion, Champ, Battle master, mix n match pve and pvp gear...)?
  10. ...but surgical probe is not a hot, so maybe if it does, it fixes that too LOL
  11. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/422818_179133258862895_100002986669756_286811_1203536853_n.jpg Centurion gear... and a re-modded piece of headgear I m liking the re-modded cape chest plate! i looks pretty cool
  12. it may work best for snipers and other DPs class specs but for my heavy healing spec Kaliyo when well geared can handle multiple mobs quite easily
  13. I am an Operative healer, fully 31pt healer here. yes healing as an operative can be a challenge and most often we cannot put up numbers like sorcs and mercs but for what it is worth operative healer can be somewhat viable. You have to think a little more with a healing Operative. Do i have tactical advantage up? Can i use this heal w/o killing my action? Are these guys clustered together enough for an AOE heal? have I stacked two kolto probes on that guy? Can I spam surgical probe on x person...
  14. excitedly ran the ball all the way back to about a few steps from my own team's goal... passed it to the first poor soul i saw but ended up scoring the very next score still it was a BIG DERP moment when i realized O shat, wrong side y0
  15. 15 minute debuff shouldnt be that big of a deal... i mean if you are in a WZ and someone comes to your door and you get a debuff because you get booted, is it really that big of a problem> 15 minutes would get my vote a vote system would yield nothing more than griefing.
  16. yeah... it takes a while to get your keybinds set up if youre a clicker LOL It took me about a months of forcing myself to use key bindings to dump the habit. like the OP i got boo'd for being a clicker in the last game i played, but when it came time to get busy i usually put up decent healing numbers, decent enough to keep up with the l33t kids. it is all about how you feel more comfortable playing, if you dont like using keybinds and you can do just as good as a keybinder, then more power to you but that being said you will see a difference in DPS output and reaction times when healing those burst damage fights.
  17. i hope this isn't the case in all servers... In Helm of Graush we have been having good pvp late in the evening. lots of people actually pvp'ing and having a good time...
  18. i did my first HM healing last night... in BT The first fight caught me entirely off guard lol the npcs were hitting harder than i thought they would but after that the rest was easy. only one death and that was because someone didnt interrupt some machine gun thing by one of the droids. I think with proper energy management and some awareness any IA could heal just fine in HMFP's
  19. oh man that would suck... being a full healer i would be even more gimped if my tank companions went missing lol
  20. Autreki

    PvP Healers=no love

    2.5k medal 75k medal 10 enemies killed medal 1 killing blow medal that is about as many as i usually gather and granted i just started really pulling some decent healing numbers but i mean, dang.. i see others with up to 10 medals and i cant help it feel like my thunder was stolen lol
  21. i believe the helmet you are talking about is a quest reward from somewhere in tattoine. but it is an ugly baby blue
  22. I completed this quest this weekend. Grab a ranged companion, melee ones will get ripped apart! Be ready to pop a few heals on them and mix the use of distortion/flash bang to interrupt the heals. it took me two tries with a melee companion before i decided to go with Ensign and got it done fairly easy I'm a full healer and I used a semi-geared Ensign Temple (my top companion gear goes to Kalyio) The problem with Kalyio is that at times she jumps in too close with some sort of charge, so naturally, she gets owned.
  23. I just hit 50 last night and i leveled as a healer in both pve and pvp. Honestly, i am not looking forward to 50 bracket pvp but at the same time practice = improvement so I'll be jumping into it this evening. While i like the DPs numbers, i tend to lean towards the healing classes so we shall see how it all pans out.
  24. I have yet to find a flashpoint i cant handle as the main healer. (i am currently lvl 45) I am mainly spec'd to heal so i stick to healing in both pve and pvp when properly timed and well used Tactical Advantage will always be up! so your usage of energy is null with your "bigger" heals but if your TA goes away you are going to be eating that energy FAST! Are we better healers than Sorcerers and mercenaries? i dont think so Can IAOP at some point be effective healers? YES! and that is for PVE and PVP I for one am having fun with the class but honestly, i cant wait to be done so i can start on a new character and try that sweet SORC healing spec
  25. Good storyline when i do PVE but for PVP is HEAAAAALLLLLZZZZ for REALZ until i get out healed by a sorc :|
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