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Posts posted by Mycroft-Tarkin

  1. -Life Warden sounds good, but the 10 minute CD isn't ideal, unless in an arena that resets each round. Also not sure what "heals for a large amount" actually means in reality.


    It doesn't reset between arena rounds, or even between pops. It heals you for whatever amount is 80% of your current HP. It's useful when it activates, but after that you're going to need to swap it out for something else because of the CD.


    -Endless Barrier - I self heal a LOT in WZs, so force mend resetting barrier would be nice - especially for the additional flash stun when it pops.


    This is what I'm thinking I'll end up using the most.

  2. That's what any sin hits for in regs atm , above 60k if you didn't see that hit it's because you hardly pvp or haven't faced a "decent' sin. But the fact is they are broken this patch and need to be toned down.


    60k when our total health is 300k. If you convert it for 150k HP at level 70, that's just 30k damage. Which almost every other class can outdo.

  3. I'm glad companion heals were nerfed. If it were up to me they'd be nerfed a bit even further.


    I actually think the gearing system is too easy. I already have a set of 306 gear on all my characters (don't need to transfer a single legacy set around) and it's just a matter of time till I manage to finish the set bonuses. However, since EVERY content (PvP, FP, Ops, Renown, GSF) etc gives only gear as reward, what will we do when we are done gearing? At least with GC you got other cosmetic stuff, companion gifts, expensive mats to sell... with Renown it's just gear.


    Agreed about the color coding. It's absolutely horrendous and not intuitive at all. I've had to increase my "scale" of the game so that I didn't burn my eyes out from reading each and every tooltip of every drop that I got.

  4. companions in 5.0 had an hps value of 6.5k to 7k, which is 1k lower than the lowest tier of gear, 230 8k dps. and in dsp ever character besides shae vizla had a dps value of 5k dps. They couldn't even kill their hps counter parts.


    If you try to argue that companions should be "frozen" or disabled during pvp what is going to happen instead is the only people in pvp instances will be actual healers and dps/tnks... and actual healer players have dcds, stuns, roots, cc and 1k-5k more hps than a companion can hope to do. so instead of struggling to kill a companion you will get absolutely stomped and then come to the forums asking for new nerfs.


    summary: comp hps 7k, player hps 10-15k, if you remove healer comps from openworld everyone in open world will get a 10k hps healer buddy and you will get destroyed.


    Idk why people don't like this comment. Companion heals were "low" for PvP standards even before 6.0, and they're even worse now. Having your companion as heal is actually putting you at a disadvantage. Someone with a DPS companion can melt your healing companion in like 5 seconds, and now you're in a 2v2 vs them and their DPS comp.

  5. Best line so far by a character in the story --- Lana's -- congrats Lana --- I laughed for a long time after that one

    ( her meeting remark to Arn)

    What line are you talking about?


    I genuinely laughed when Lana said she might have to invest in lighter clothing now since I asked her to join the Republic. Really, not just this, but a lot of the characters had a very "personal" touch to them. They weren't one dimensional "here's your mission, go do it". They had unique characteristics towards them which I liked.

  6. Since the set bonuses are gonna be tied to the shell rather than the armouring and it acts retrospectively, does it mean I will loose the old set bonuses if I don't have the shells (I have in the legacy gear)? Thanks.


    Yes. 10char

  7. They can heal for a while after acid starts. I think healing gets nullified completely at around 25ish stacks. Until then, using medpacs and other heals they can very much stay above 90% HP. The HP lost by acid itself is very small; having no healing is what makes people die quickly. That being said, apart from surviving, Sorc heals won't be able to actually stop you from killing them PROVIDED you are able to locate where they are. If you aren't able to find them, they'll outlive you.
  8. If only there was a game mode specifically designed to have people kill each other...


    You're queueing for objective-based warzones instead of kill-based arenas, and you're complaining about objectives? Please.


    That being said I do agree with the TITLE of your post. Vandin is absolutely terrible and is the only map I quit immediately when it pops.

  9. Thats not the problem. As a guild leader I have a crafter who I can throw the mats at - and there is the problem.


    I run a pvp guild with mostly players who also have IRL details like jobs or kids. How am I supposed to farm the new mat?


    I don't. To gear everyone i am dependant on buyjng off the CM or the other method.


    I don't think that's the problem people have though - the problem is that to farm this new mat we will have to spend weeks on end not doing PvP and focusing on daily areas, Ossus stuff, MM FPs, etc. which a lot of us do NOT enjoy. We also won't enjoy being in warzones with others having better stats than us and there being nothing we can do about it. If we were able to grind this gear out by doing PvP I think it would be fine.


    PvEers don't have to focus specifically on getting this gear since they'll be doing the new PvE stuff regardless. PvPers could do the same thing until now - just PvP and you earn UC while doing what you enjoy that you can use to gear up. This won't be the case come 5.10 if changes aren't made.


    I think this is a good opportunity for BW to add this new mat as a reward for WINNING x number of warzones. It will improve warzone quality AND since we have xfaction now luck+skill will get you the mats.

  10. Lol i did it the laziest way possible and just added tbe stats from every piece of gear -it looks bad because I wasn't planning on sharing, thus it had to make sense to no one but myself.


    On the damage reduction the equation i found was:

    Damage Reduction = ArmorRating / ( ArmorRating + 240 * 65 + 800 ) * 100

    From http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8524702

    But still working on how to apply it


    As far as I know Armor Rating = literally add all the "X Armor" from the different gear pieces.

  11. Exactly.

    I could never afford to put 236 Augments in my gear if I didn’t craft them myself.

    Non pvpers either don’t know or don’t realise that Pvp does not give you as many credits as other parts of the game, it actually gives you way less than doing story or heroics.

    Which means if I’m only pvping, Ive only ever got enough to craft, buy med packs and few other items.

    I have to supplement my credits by trying to play the GTN, which is becoming harder and harder since the super rich dominate it. This will only get worse after 5.10.


    Medpacs cost about 6k-7k a piece. If you think about how many medpacs you use in a game as compared to the credit payout at the end... sometimes you're actually losing credits to PvP. If you add to that the cost of stims and grenades it becomes even worse.

  12. You are half correct. They go silent when they do not want to hear, because they know they are wrong.


    No-one likes to get dragged into an argument where you have no chance of being correct.

    They are definitely observing the discussion. Threads have been deleted, threads have been renamed... We're yet to be graced with an appearance though. We're still motes of filth drowning in the chaos of the void...

  13. To the people saying "but you can use UCs"...


    Out of 4 shards per week, one of them costs 500 and the remaining cost 1000. So, 3500 UC per gear piece. 3500*14 = 49,000 UC for a SINGLE CHARACTER.


    Need more be said?


    To add to that, let's very modestly assume each PvP match gives you 20 UC. To get 49000 UC you would require 2450 PVP games. Assuming a PvP game takes 10 mins on average, that's over 400 hours of PvP to gear a SINGLE character (pop wait times NOT included!).


    It's absurd that this even needs to be discussed.

  14. Thus making all the effort that 248 players did thrown to waste. All the hours they have spent (including me) gearing up multiple characters is now made for nothing. Anyone can just jump in empty shells even and go there and smack everyone.

    And, as I said before, it can lead to some ****ed up stats that can be abused or never becomes what you like.


    I am not saying the idea is bad. No, in a way, it is great, but honestly, removes all the sense of actually even bother in doing any sort of activity. Just grab empty shells and go into it. That if you're a pure PvPer. The grind was still some part of it. At least the one when Expertise was a thing. Not the current cra'p one.


    You are correct. 248 gear should be higher than any other sort of gear, bolster or not. PvPers can obtain 248 gear through UC and crates so there's no reason not to reward those who do.


    I think current bolster is fine the way it is, as long as 248 gear is the max. It rewards people with higher gear, but also gives you a boost at lower gear so you aren't too far behind.


    See? Another reason why 248+ gear is bad for PvP and should be nullified 😊

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