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Posts posted by Mycroft-Tarkin

  1. A number of years ago the developers decided to sacrifice the new player experience so older players could zip past leveling and into end game with their nth toon as quickly as possible. You are far from alone in your feelings.


    Uh. What? Older players aren't leveling through story quests lol, but by farming group content. The "make everything easy" thing was done to cater to the lowest skill players (and I'm fine with that tbh) because you'd have so many players complaining about not being able to progress past some random mob. They stopped doing that in KOTFE and beyond, and how many "someone help me kill Vaylin" posts we still see even now after all these years?


    Enure and force freeze (or whatever it's called) are incredibly boring skills. These are relics of MMOs past, they only feel impactful in certain content (which everyone seems to forget can be rebalanced) and aren't conducive to fantasy at all. They were only added because other MMOs had similar skills. Thank god I won't have to use them any more just to pass certain content, instead I could just go saber reflect which actually feels impactful and fits the fantasy.




    You can already do that. In fact after 6.0 you can do every single content in the game with just using whatever abilities you find cool. The only place you need to use more abilities is the same content at artificially harder difficulty modes (HM, MM) , which means only the players who choose to do those. There is NOWHERE in this game that requires you to use Enure or Freezing Force. Your whole point is invalid.

  3. Except, that's not true, if you want ALL of the points available to you that week/day, of which there are a set amount every week/day and no more may be earned once you've earned those. If you've already switched out one that you don't want to do and end up with a warzone objective, you're forced to do the warzones if you want the points. Same with the weekly operations objective, if you don't like operations but can no longer switch something out, you're then forced to do the operations or forego the points. That's not right!


    No because you only need to do around half of all your objectives to complete the season. If you ignored every single PvP and GSF mission, you'd still complete the season. You aren't forced to do them at all.

  4. Same. Voidstar and AHG used to be fun modes but I've started to hate them because of how often they pop. I usually just close the game because I can't even leave and queue again.


    I think it has to do with how they classified the 3-obj ones as a single mode, and the 3 HBs as a single mode, so those pop way less, leaving us with Voidstar and AHG all the time. Ugh.

  5. An hour of mindless FPs still lets you gear up much more than a whole day of PvPing. This change was a step in the right direction yes, but it was a very, very small step. Both CQ and gear from PvP needs to be upped. Even XP needs to be upped which might encourage more lowbie and midbie queueing.
  6. Bioware need to learn to write descriptions better and in a slightly more detail so people don’t have to guess.


    Ya the initial descriptions for 6.0 stuff was very bad. Even now we have so many sets which say like "makes your companion attack faster", what do they mean by "faster"???? 1%? 200%?

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