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Posts posted by Mycroft-Tarkin

  1. all 14 pieces excepting main and offhand can be amped to increase pvp rewards, all 9 amrorings/hilts/barrels can be amped up to 9% more tech/force/armor pen or increased dmg/def at combat start. all mods can be amped for presence giving you up to 1.6k presence at level 75 (for open world)


    amping is 100% worth a pvpers credits and time.


    They were talking specifically about the amps on the shells, which can only boost crafting (and "rewards"). Nothing combat related.

  2. Can I jump on the braindead NERF THIS train too?


    I got a random Merc tactical drop that spread Heatseeker Missiles on Fusion Missile. I can now potentially do 200k damage to the enemy team in a SINGLE GCD. Nerf Merc damage!!!!!!!111one


    Pls remind me if there are any other classes which haven't been on the NERF THIS list yet. I'll come up with something :D

  3. This absolutely the case with sniper only a handful can truley play the class at the level needed to be god tier


    I agree, Sniper has a LOT of abilities and they require a lot of skill and knowing the class inside out (like Operatives) to truly feel threatening.


    A bad Sniper/Operative is global fodder, while a good one can carry an entire game. No one can level a Sniper to 75 and just start facerolling/facetanking by smashing their keyboard, like was the case with 5.0 Mercs.

  4. I tried this with Two Cloaks, and yes, I keep 2 charges even after removing the Tactical.


    HOWEVER, with this specific Tactical I am incentivised to keep it on anyway. Because I want it to keep recharging two charges throughout the match. If I swap back to Two Cloaks at the start of the 2nd round, I will only have 1 Cloak anyway because of the long recharge CD.


    I can see this being useful on shorter CD abilities though.

  5. - Can't interrupt any of their abilities when in cover.

    The other day in the gree wz, there was this sniper sitting on the top of the gree conduit with his cover. He was capturing the point and there was nothing i could do to stop him because this class doesn't know what interrupt is. How is that fair?

    I might have been able to interrupt his channeling though? I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong.


    Using any direct attack will break cap casts on AHG, ACW, NC, Yavin, and Voidstar; you don't have to use an interrupt/knockback like you do on Odessen. In fact, in all my years of PvPing I don't think I've ever actually used an interrupt to break a cap :eek:

  6. Then they should have an in game news board. Why do we have to go to the forums to play the game?


    You are right, it should not be required to come to these forums to get important updates like that. It was the same thing with the Conquest "update" they posted on the forums, that on the week when Onslaught was releasing, guilds would have to reach 6.0 point levels instead of what was shown IN GAME. They were using the forums to override what was displayed IN GAME. That kind of thing should be unacceptable.


    I would suggest you write in and hope you get an understanding CS rep instead of the robotic "sorry blah blah blah" ones.

  7. while other burst classes doing 33-48 crits (except snipers who can do 60k) assassin's with maul which is an instant ability doing 60-70 k. Skilled Marauders, opers and mercs doing 5-6 k dps while sins doing 7-8k dps.

    No sense to play anything else than sin atm


    Aaaand now you're outright lying.


    changed his tactical item to life warden which allowed him to heal himself greatly when we rushed him second time...


    If your team couldn't damage through Life Warden... I am not sure anything will help you.


    4vs1 is easy if the sin/mara knows what they're doing & have the right tact/amps/set.


    Unless you're talking about 4v1 where the "4" is 4 idle target dummies, then no, there's no way a sin can even 2v1 ANY other class combination.

  8. Imagine actually defending being able to do 90-100% of someones health in just a couple seconds. people forming roaming death squads of stealthers for even regs just to go around swarming people for 50-70k a hit with next to nothing you can do about it.


    A group of 4 sins/operatives could gank you before you could do anything about it, even in 5.0.

  9. Isn't Life Warden a general tactical? It was on the PTS anyway. Anyone could use it.

    It is, and is absolutely pointless for PVP. It doesn't even reset between pops, forget rounds. Not saying it should, just saying that isn't good for PVP as it currently works.

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