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Everything posted by ottomadduxone

  1. I agree that rank six gifts seem way too high. they should have made it a straight conversion. They give us x per comm the gifts should cost original number of comms times x.
  2. troll. They said they were going to make an announcement about ops and such in Jan. so im going with 2
  3. i think this is a terrible decision. I think consistency is the key. It isn't like people are getting rich off the lockbox credits. I know I tried. It was the missions discoveries that make slicing worth the effort. Especially since the drop rate for level ten purple mats seems to be nil. My level 50 comps have gotten one crit return in 200 missions now. I say very bad.
  4. I dont think they are giving actual alignment points, just contributing to the uprisings.
  5. I love how Ben starts his open letter with I'm in charge but i don't even know if i have posted in this forum... oh look a squirrel.
  6. What i find funny about this is that it is stated that if gearing alts is something people are concerned about they should start posting about it. Every thread i have read about about this new command system has brought this point up. That this is horrible to gear alts. The other point is there are only 300 command point levels, so once you go through those no more gear for you.
  7. I am going to have to disaree. After a false start, i researched which servers were the most populated. It wasn't hard to check rolling free characters on all servers. Even the most populous servers have had population drops as people burned out on DvL. Even the busiest servers are down by 20% from the start of DvL.
  8. Is there any chance of either fixing or just getting rid of most of these courting companion gifts that do nothing for any companions. They seem to have the highest drop rate from the companion gifts missions and are nothing but a big loss credit wise. fix this or remove them please.
  9. I am not clear on what these are or why they are being introduced. As I understood the new galactic command system and GC crates were being introduced to simplify gearing. One of the justifications of which was that there were too many currencies so they were getting rid of them. If that justification was more than lip service why are they now introducing a new token?
  10. no they mean like 216 vendor gear now. it has no set bonus, other than that it is the same as raid gear.
  11. yes but he was already up to command level 8! i mean think about it already level 8. I'd imagine at that high of a level it takes a ton of cxp to advance.
  12. Do you have your original 6 companions? You lose them when you start kotfe
  13. Yes, he is saying the direction they appear to be heading is in the eyes of most MMO players the wrong direction. Most people feel the focus of an MMO should be group content.
  14. This game lost the star wars theme years ago.
  15. when they feel like it and not a moment sooner.
  16. Maybe these people that are complaining don't have enough sarcasm for you to understand. It is not the time it is the tedium. Making a change to character classes so people have to relearn them is not the same as making new character classes. Having an event so you have to rerun old content is not the same as coming up with new content. If you had to eat a plain chicken breast and peas for every meal for the next two years you might get a little sick of it. You still have to eat though and since there is no other option you do what you must and dream of steak. Of course i am assuming he is being sarcastic, because most people that play games want to spend time playing them.
  17. His point on golf courses was that you had to have a membership to play. Mine was that on for profit GC's you don't need a membership you can buy a "one-time pass" just pay for a single round. Agreed that you still have to pay to play but it doesn't need to be continual payments. I didn't think his analogy was the best so neither is mine. As far as one time payments, those are the WZ passes or OPs passes they currently have.
  18. I am sorry but you are wrong about that. I am sorry that your only experience with f2p is this game, but the model exists for a reason. Yes nothing in life is actually free, but that doesn't always mean that everyone pays. Sometimes you pay for a product, sometimes you are the product. advertising created users being products, the internet perfected that. An MMO is an internet based game. Take some modern business courses if you would like to talk about business in the modern age. How do you explain facebook getting a billion dollar valuation without ever charging a user? How can google possibly make money if they don't charge for every search?
  19. that's not at all what he said. try rereading it.
  20. Did they change something? Because last i saw doing any content gets you all the same gear, running things like ops just gets it a little quicker.
  21. So wayofthe warrioir just to respond to a couple of your points. You do realize you don't have to subscribe to a newspaper to get it. You can go to a newstand and buy a single copy if you only want a paper one day a week. Newspapers also don't only make money from their subscribers, they make money from other sources e.g. advertising. That is why many newspaper make their content free to read online, because the more people they get to use their content the more valuable it becomes to advertisers and the more they make without charging subs. Golf courses that are for profit more often than not have options that allow players to pay for one round as they see fit. They don't need a memberships to play. People with memberships get perks, such as discounts on the cost of a round and preferential tee times, that is why they pay the membership. Most exclusive golf courses are not for profit and usually lose money. The true f2p model doesn't restrict nearly as much as BW and EA have decided to. I make this point because games that adopted the true f2p model or started with them are thriving, and making money just fine. While this game's population seems to keep declining. I constantly am reading server merge threads. I feel lucky if i get to run one op a week. this is the problem, if i can't play the content i want to as a subscriber i stop subscribing. If you read the paper for the sports section but the paper discontinues that section due to lack of subs, you probably will unsub yourself. I am a sub for now, but if i can't keep playing the content i want to then I won't be. To me the new gearing system takes away any incentive to run ops or do other group content. The reason you don't see everyone running around in 224 gear is because there aren't enough people that can and will run through nim ops, but with this change killing adds on planets will get you that gear, yay! just what we need. My point is they should either commit to the f2p mode, which is very successful for many games. Or dump it completely. This saying they are f2p, but then not letting f2p players actually play anything seems deceptive and sleazy.
  22. I have a bit of confusion here, i heard the devs said they were getting rid of legacy gear but you coulc swap the actual pieces.
  23. The point you are missing is that it is not a privilege to be allowed to play as f2p. The reason f2p can be a successful business model is because f2p are actually working to help make the game successful. In successful f2p models f2p are generally allowed to play everything and eventually earn everything through playing. Keeping them playing keeps the game full which is a service to the subscribers. When you keep f2p players out of end game content queue times go up subscribers get irritated by the wait and quit. So keeping f2p players out of that content makes them pointless. Which if that is what you want fine pull the plug on f2p, but don't advertise that thegameis f2p. The f2p is not getting something free they are providing a service to the game makers by helping subscribers have a fun experience.
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