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Everything posted by Spaj

  1. While you are right, you are not without options. While not BiS your sin tanks can get Black Hole mods without completing Kephess. BH comms..... LFG Tool 7 x 5 Daily T1 HM random FP = 35 LFG Tool 7 x 5 T2 FP = 35 LFG Tool Story Mode OP EV/KP = 35 (Dont recall if this is a daily or weekly) EC run excluding Kephess (3 chests (12) and 3 bosses (6)) = 18 EC Weekly = 8 Potential BH Comms = 132/week Now i realize it would require some sort of freak to get all that done daily/weekly and for most of us Depends and unemployment are not desirable. Even doing a portion of the above could nearly net 1 peice a week of BH gear to boost up the tanks. Also the extra boss loot you can pick and choose the best mods/enhances to make the most of your Rakata in the meantime.
  2. Presence gear would have a great purpose IF the presence stat on a companion affected the companion. All those recipes for "Command" "Leadership" etc i would rock out for my entourage. As it stands its mostly pointless.
  3. A while ago a change was made so that all item level 50+ armorings would be slot limited so you couldnt put a chest armoring into a boot shell. Chest to chest, boot to boot etc. So you should be able to move an exotech chest armor to another custom chest piece but not to any other armor slot. The slot limit is listed as part of the armoring name in brackets (Chest). You can view this before you remove it in the ctrl-right click item modification window by mousing over the armoring and looking at its tooltip name.
  4. He was complaing the proposed fix requires an augment to be in place in order for it to be corrected, as he could not slot this now the fix would not help him. Sadly 'right now' can easily be taken more than one way in this context. Well yes i was as... give me a sec to dig up the dev quote on this... we were told that existing crit crafted items would gain the equivalent lvl/tier/mk augment slot of either: the level of the slotted augment or the level of the item, which ever is higher. I dont believe that this intent has changed. This wasnt clear from Allisons post as she was specific in the situation to contact CS. But i thought if there was an automated way to fix it, it may save CS staff from another backlog which snowballs to give the general populace extended waits on ticket response times. Thanks for the feedback we all could use less posts without a clear constructive purpose. Something your earlier post lacked.
  5. A sincere thank you! This will be quite a number of people, not as large as the guild bank CS backlog but it may well be a decent sized job. A solution is always a good thing.
  6. I'll clarify since you have jumped on the first conclusion you could assume. Consider this very real example: Pre 1.3 crit craft level 19 custom orange chest. Put lvl 49 green quality undesirable stat augment in to secure the slot at max level as i'm only 47 and want to wear the same thing @50. Fast forward to post 1.3. Woot i'm now 50 i'll swap out that augment for something useful. Extract lvl 49 mod..... *** nothing will go back in not even Tier 1 augments. Fast forward to proposed fix, said empty 'augment' in lvl 19 item slot will become a Mk-1 or Mk-2 slot and still require spending on a mk-6 kit (80-200k + 30k attachment - per item) to use a lvl 49 augment because of said bug. So yes they are fixing bugs. Just not this one. Until either they create a new proposed fix to cover it or continue to say sorry tough luck. Now the only thing i cant think of which would save such an item, if i equip another lvl 50 modification will the item become a lvl 50 item thus getting a mk-6 augment or will it still be a lvl 19 item and be bent over? p.s. I'm sure Allison loves the internet tough guys defending her honor. Lol.
  7. Debuff/Effects no longer stack - reducing dps. We hit enrage on FB/SC in EC last night for the first time for a long time. At ~10% too. Shocked us to say the least. Myself and the other healer had to dps hard between heals to get them down. Admittedly almost no one had aug'd out their gear yet so that will hopefully change next week. Kephess 3rd bomber made life hard for us too. When Kephess is was out taking up some time of the tank and some healing such that we cant spend 8 people dpsing the 3rd bomber start to finish.
  8. Your idea kinda sucks. I am not pro. At all. I'm borderline catatonic in WZs. However i've played long enough that i have full BM and a couple bits of WH. You are suggesting in the not too distant future i should be expect to do only Ranked? Where i can only join if i can find 7 people to accept a near dual fishing rod wielding space cadet, to help them grab failure from the jaws of victory? Just so you dont have to wait a couple weeks to get some BM gear? Umm no. I am living proof gear =/= skill. Ranked is a skill contest for the geared. Not a place where geared go.
  9. Yes i want them to fix the game. I want them to fix it during your primetime.
  10. The failure is these are in the "Legacy" window. They arent Legacy wide they dont impact any other character. Just because they have a Legacy requirement before they can be purchased doesnt make it a "Legacy". Consider this example. If Black Hole raiding gear had a valor requirement before you could spend your black hole comms on it does it make it pvp gear? I dont really think so. Putting floppy ears on a guinea pig does not a rabbit make.
  11. Champion Relics from the Recruit vendor. ~11k ea. You dont even need to pvp for them.
  12. Am i misinformed? I was told that Black Hole comms gear ripped enhances couldnt be RE for a schem only mats, only Campaign RE's would yield schems?
  13. Slicing tier 4 lockboxes doesnt have rich for Imperial. Guessing Republic has those.
  14. Imho it should be set that on login to a server que it checks when you were last logged in was. If it was in the last 2-5mins it should put you straight back in. Pressing "logout" button should send you to the back of the que. But not for CTDs or random discos.
  15. It wont do anything to halt the JK/SW zerg though.
  16. Really? Please quote your sources for this. Unless its different from: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012#e "Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3? Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one." its not for sure in "1.4" and its not necessarily "in the works". All we have is "hope". Post the source or keep your misinfo to yourselves. If there is new info by all means make me eat my words.
  17. Khem Val also has efficiency bonus but all that does is saves time (I.e. they do it faster) it does not affect critical rate at all. Its common for people to assume efficiency = crit. Sadly it does not. There is no artifice crit in game for companions.
  18. Spaj

    Why expertise?

    Not the case. I equipped myself in all bis purple gear every 2-4 levels throughout 10-49 i sat @ ~15.5k health for almost all of it. Bolster made me hit like a max geared 49 right from 10. Wiping out entire groups in seconds was normal. It wasnt balanced even slightly. Bolster takes your overall gear and amplifies it up or down depending on how well you are geared for your current level. Level 45 in quest gear from level 35-40 blue/green is a road bump to a level 25 in 23-25 purples.
  19. Some areas of lost time could be: - between the killing shielded adds and returning to the bosses. If your dps are unsure when the AE has stopped before running back to the boss they could be losing dps time on the boss. If no-one touches a shield generator the shield will be up beyond the safe point to run back out. - between sound/voice notification of pending adds and getting off the bosses. If your dps are too slow getting away from the bosses to the adds they can be knocked back/slowed/damaged out in the open. This is lost time from dpsing the adds and getting back to the boss. - excessive movement of dps on Stormcaller to move for DD. If your dps are moving about to get double destruction they could be losing precious dps. You can stack your dps on top of each other in such a way that they get positional attacks and dont need to move at all for DD. The tank controls the proximity to ensure the two dps or dps + healer get DD. They just swing the turret around to centre and back up slightly without dps losing uptime.
  20. Known issue unfortunately. Was the response i got. I had made two purple versions and no they couldnt refund materials. Every "Battle" prior to it had crit/surge so i didnt check or take notice of the ones i made and RE'd out to Advanced. My bad for assuming consistency or naming conventions.
  21. I was highly surprised to win one of these. It was a Novare Coast. Imperial side. We only scraped together 4-5 people by the time it started. We instantly got a 30s timer of ending WZ. I went south. The other 3-4 people (rest of team) went East. Republic sent 2 to West and the rest to south. Our 3-4 people capped East before the 2 Repubs could cap West. I kept all off South before the 30sec timer wore off. Had they focused me first then tried to cap might have been different. Still. The ONLY reason we won was because of early shutdown. Should have been a fast win for the full 8 team and a fast loss to the 4-5 member team.
  22. I dont think anyone is implying a 0 expertise base. The discussion is around the point where DR starts to make the expertise value drop and where large boosts in mainstat (rank 26 mods etc) start to beat it in a real situation. Obviously at less than ~1000 or even perhaps even 1100 (whereever the DR curve dips away) expertise beats the other stats otherwise it wouldnt be used or exist. What you say is true for the most part but i dont think it is at the top end of the attainable expertise levels.
  23. Spaj


    This is 100% true. Everyone knows the world revolves around the USA.. duh.
  24. While not facts here some fairly basic logic: Either the 10-49 bracket will stay the same or it will change. Simply black and white. One or the other. If it remains, There are limits on whats in store for the 50+. i.e 50-54 breacket with new gear/tiers @ 55 bracket or one encompassing 50-55. I'm sure there are other possibilities aside from those two but guessing at how long the majoirty would stay 50-54 it doesnt make for any sort large group of people to have longevity as a bracket. This scenario has large impacts on current gear progression and people availability. If it changes we are in for some reasonably large changes. Given the 10-49 works ok with bolster it makes no sense to divide it up without the inclusion of lvl 50. i.e. no point in 10-19, 20-29 etc. If its 10-54 or even 10-50 the implications of mixed expertise with none are huge. Overall, too many brackets = huge waits on queues. Mix 50 with >49 = expertise balance problems. Agree OP. Disagree wholeheartedly with the 2nd post. History shows what happens when you wait and see what comes without discussing what could go wrong and it generally isnt what works well.
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