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Everything posted by longgrassgrows

  1. ...soooooo not a good idea
  2. i dont mean to troll, but, what do you expect, heals get targeted and are #1 on every DPS hit list
  3. longgrassgrows

    PvP Medals

    I THOUGHT OF A REAAAAAALLY GOOD IDEA...serious DEVS: add medals to WZ for capturing nodes, scoring touchdowns, getting assists or simply passing, setting bomb on doors, blowing up a door, ect. This will highly encourage people to play the warzones the correct way, instead of just going off and doing their own thing...use it if ya like it
  4. No, this has to do with the game as a whole, not just PvE or PvP. And i was not necessarily talking directly to OP, just to anyone still ************ that the game sucks because it does not have enough content, or ilum sucks, blah blah blah. And as to your question, the devs do not kill trading is ok, however they understand that just not allowing valor and points from kills is not the answer either.
  5. just because you hated it does not means everybody does...i am 50..have been for weeks...i love the game and am finding things to do...than again, i have the patience and understand what it takes to make a game like this great...................................in case you do not know what that it takes ill tell you...TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME
  6. let me rewrite this for you..."i suck at this game, i can beat other people therefore they are overpowered, i am a troll, i am self entitled, i am spoiled, because this game is not perfect from the beginning means it is terrible, i have no patience whatsoever, i love pandas" The game has problems, of course. Did you really not expect that. a game on this scale is going to have problems, all across the board. if you do not have the patience to stick with it than it is your loss.
  7. hey if they get those...than i want shoulder slam ...come on guys
  8. again, not all server are like this...i believe that the devs were testing it out with different servers, and the change will come rather soon...until than, worry about your own medals.
  9. i like it...but Dps would own and tanks would have very little use
  10. the best healers i know in both PvE and PvP are Ops...so whatever your doing, your doing it wrong, sorry.
  11. come on...really...i mean...really...you guys that are complaining really did not expect this...when you get a game on this scale there are obviously going to be some problems with the mechanics and other aspects, and you did not expect that Bioware was going to have to make some serious changes after the game was released. You are all spoiled after playing a game that had already gotten through this period, and now are self entitled to everything that the previous game gave you. If you are not willing to have constructive criticism for the devs to improve the game, than quit, go back to WoW, wait 6-7 months, then come back. It takes time to perfect anything and i do not understand why none of you haters understand that.
  12. come on...really...i mean...really...you guys that are complaining really did not expect this...when you get a game on this scale there are obviously going to be some problems with the mechanics and other aspects, and you did not expect that Bioware was going to have to make some serious changes after the game was released. You are all spoiled after playing a game that had already gotten through this period, and now are self entitled to everything that the previous game gave you. If you are not willing to have constructive criticism for the devs to improve the game, than quit, go back to WoW, wait 6-7 months, then come back. It takes time to perfect anything and i do not understand why none of you haters understand that.
  13. yeah this is true...however you have the ability to hide behind cover, which prevent Juggs and such from jumping to you and Sorcs and such from pulling you.
  14. Mercs/Commandos have zero mobility, play one a little and i promise you, you will find many ways to counter them
  15. You obviously have no idea the amount of effect that goes into making a game on this scale...Bioware is at least trying to fix the problem, and are addressing them, if you were honestly not prepared for these issues go back to WoW and wait 6-7 months for them to get it straighten out(but honestly, how could you have not expected this).
  16. Mercs are pretty good...honestly tho, any class is capable of soloing
  17. this is the problem...for sorc heals, force runs out fast, i have hear this, have not play on healing spec....however for DPS, it is way to much force...dont know how devs would fix sooooo.... Although honestly, i dont really care either way, i have not had problems with sorcs....i eat them for breakfast
  18. however, that being said....WAAAAAAY too much force, i actually need to work if i want to spend it all...which should not happen, make base force around 300, with the 400 upgrade and i think it would be more balanced
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