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Everything posted by AdsAillard

  1. ... If they want to see if there's enough population to be worth going for recruiting, they can take 3 min an pop to see the number of instances/people. Seriously, it doesn't take that long. And - this is not defining where they should recruit from, just trying to avoid invite spam.
  2. I'll confess I never managed to finish q full DS BH run, but they seem very... Criminal-like? The level of needless violence and perpetuating injustices for personal gain is something else (DS smuggler mostly seem to not care, DS BH, as far as I played, was well into Sith level of maniac). So I can see them deciding that running a gang on a "safe" port as a lucrative business when actual bounty hunting gets hard unfr Zakkul's controling grasp. Again, I never played a loyalist SW, but I think if they really are loyal, Marr is running his little operation in secret from Wrath and they probably hear from the outcome "too late". On the other hand, they'd have the whole Hands set up that they can use to try and create terror and guarantee the Emperor's success which would be a fun story too.
  3. Oh, I can well believe it. In my memory also feels like it was *more* than just 2 days, but probably because Odessen kept on popping a lot more because of the mixed queue!
  4. I was under the impression that Medium Armour was allowed on Agents for Sniper/Gunslinger tree, but not for Scoundrel/Operative trees.
  5. -> Yes, you're technically right. 4.3 patch, on April 5th 2016 they released Odessen & Rishi Cove Arena and removed everything else from the queue. 4.3.a patch, on April 7th 2016 put everything back in queue. I mean, this is barely 48 hours, not weeks . 🤷‍♀️
  6. I'm a bit confused, how is it disrespectful ? I'm a bit at loss for the choice of words there.
  7. If I had to take a stab at it, this would be it: JK - Boring Outlander Typical stuff. Obviously the one you're meant to rescue, yadda yadda. Nothing new there, even being an Emperor Puppet isn't new, so, just more of the same. IA - Probably mostly working off the grid since before SoR, I can't see how trust between Nine and Empire could be rebuilt after class story. Likely helping Lana to free the Hero, and running intelligence stuff, just less hands-on. Don't think they'd commit much or what to be seen. Likely Raina took a regular promotion to become Chiss Liason, and I'd bet Lokin went back into retirement asap after Origin Story; why wouldn't he? Possibly both happened way before SoR. Vector might have stayed if romanced, but if not, likely back with the hive. Scorpio & Kalyio likely lost contact during Zakuul. BH - Obviously with Mandalorians if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. Smuggler - Obviously with Hylo if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. Come on. Trooper - Hm, can't see Saresh going against Elara unless they disappeared (LS or DS, F or M, Elara is under their protection), her issue was having Elara too close to being Havoc Lead. Likely running guerilla ops against Zakuul, like Havoc Squad of old, before their treason, against the direct orders of the Brass - would be a good reason to have shipped Elara off to Malcolm, as she'd hate it. If too LS, they may still be the leader with Jorgan next to them, but even as LS I find it less likely. Probably real bitter in Saresh turning them into a copy of their predecessors and disillusioned with Republic... Not hard being a trooper, really. SI - Honestly, Acina/Vorawn are obviously meant to be stand-ins for SI. Doesn't matter if SI is Imperius, Nox or Occulus, if they didn't disappear/die, neither Acina nor Vorawn are becoming Emperor of anything. Who are they even (specially Acina!). SI's absolutely the one leading the Empire... And offering to join with the alliance on KOTET. Other two remain (distrusted) Dark Council Members. JC - I can see two options here: Either JC was the one to grab all survivors and start the Ossus colony in the first place, striving to keep their records, traditions, etc or they've been in contact with Theron/Lana/Etc from the beginning and are in Odessen when JK arrives. The thing is... Being a beacon and a hero is absolutely something JK can do, but being the commander of an alliance and gathering different forces under one harmonious influence and playing the politics to make it run smoothly? JK would be terrible at it, but it's something that JC excels at. And, assuming, being someone JK has known for long and can trust, they'd be probably a good right-hand; Lana... Is very good at figuring out what has to be done, not amaizng at people handling either. I think JC would be JK's real second, smoothing things over and probably engaging in some (a lot) of the recruiting. SW - Love the idea of them just doing similar stuff to Kira/Scourge, if they reneged on the Emperor. If they didn't , they'd be a good opponent, trying to make sure their master succeeded in taking over JK's completely. Either way, they'd be giving Arcann/Vaylin hell.
  8. - You want to practice for ranked... You can join with like-minded players and do challenges? - There are 3 huttball maps. May sound like it pops a lot, but if you compare statistically, between 3 Huttball Maps & 3 Turret Maps (Alderaan/Yavin/Novare), the pop-incidence is similar. * - I believe you're referring to Voidstar. Ironically, Voidstars & Hypergates alone pop as much as Huttball or Turrets. * - They never took anything off the queue when Odessen Launched; it merely happened to be the only map that allowed cross-faction teams and tehre has always been a bigger Imp-sided population queueing for PvP than Pub-side population, which meant that it defaulted to OPG because that was what would move the PvP queue faster. Unsurprisingly, once all maps started allowing cross-faction, the problem went away (although they also force-decreased the OPG incidence, nowadays it's kinda hard to get it, which I truly hate as it's my favourite map). And, well, you can opt out of content for FPs. Vet queues move faster simply because you allow for all levels to queue for it (pop incidence for "low threshold" fps is a lot higher than 75+ stuff), MM queues moved faster in 6.0, sure, but you'd get 4/5 Hammer Station because people didn't want to risk to end up on Umbara... Which is also unideal. * For comparative purposes, I'm using data from this PvP group I'm in; we've had 83 events between mid-november 2021 and now; always queueing for 2 hours: we have gotten a total of 248 Warzones, in an average of 4 per event; of those 248, we had 68 Huttballs (across all 3 maps), 68 Alderaan|Yavin|Novare, 63 voidstars & 44 hypergates (but that's mostly because we dodge hypergates; numbers were pretty close before we stopped entering Hypergates at around June). (For reference, we have had five Odessen matches in this same time)
  9. ... TBH, I have done just that. I have gotten into a MM Kaon Under Siege on my healer, unaware I had no gear save my mainhand/offhand, my tank was an insane maniac that pulled whole rooms and really we just died closing in on the last boss encounter, where he pulled like 3 groups to LOS and I couldn't keep up (still killed a bunch of them). Now, I complained through the whole thing that my energy management was awful in 7.0, and these were not randoms, but the fact that only when I opened up my crate and got 320 gear that I realised I was naked should say that it's not really about gear; specially given I'm not even good, merely passable. Sure, gear will tip scales between two equally-skilled players; but it won't allow players with less skill to clear harder content. And while "learning your class" may sound arrogant, it really is what will make a true difference. And, well, Ops don't have "gear limitations" per se - any SM (save R4; may be rough on Gods) can be easily cleared in 320 gear; and legacy HMs can be done in 326. The 330 gear of the solo player should be good enough for it too... Although, if they're a solo player, does it matter? I'm truly confused by this argument. Only ever seen it asked for NiM Nefra (pre 7.1 even), and that's because it's real rough bringing a 320 tank into it, specially a pug you never seen. But even then, the ask was 326 which was easily obtainable by pretty much any path. Yeah, I don't dabble in NiM myself, but I have friends who do from what I can witness about its community from participating in certain raiding communities is that there's a significant amount of NiM raiders that are happy to each HM ppl NiM; Learning NiM teams, simply being really good in welcoming new people to the group. Mind you, there are still the unbearable elitists, but that's not the average. And the funniest thing about this thread is that... NiM doesn't even give you 340 gear.
  10. I mean, theoretically, you can still play defense in huttball and keep them out of your endzone... 🤷‍♀️ It's also very possible that the only filtering possible could be very "generic" (arenas vs non arenas); certainly filtering arenas out would increase your queue times, tho. Seems unlikely we could filter more closely than that and still keep queues going.
  11. Hyde and Zeek gear, as a lot of the gear, has a 2 hour cool-down period in which you can "regret the purchase" and return it. After it, you can put in your vault. Now, these are armorings and mods and etc. If you stick them inside Legacy Bound shells, they're ready to go asap. Also possible that the lightsaber you chose isn't legacy bound, in which case, you wouldn't be able to pass the gear on. But you can still rip the stuff in it and put in some legacy-bound ones.
  12. Well, I'll disagree that only "quantity over quality" guilds will recruit on lowbie planets, but I think not allowing /who on starter planets + Capital Planets is actually a very good idea. By far the best idea I've seen on that topic yet.
  13. I swear I checked this thread right before the forums were moved and somehow missed this?! 😭 But my expectations are already low rn as my team worked hard for "It's a Bold Move, Cotton", have the logs to prove requirements were reached, didn't get it granted and Costumer Service was their usual helpful self "ah, yeah, write a bug report and try again" 😡
  14. Mek-sha Sightseer Achievement cannot be completed as item needed in Slugfall Harbor for the "Visit Hutt End's Pier" step was removed when R4 entrance was placed. ... I just want my cheevos, man. 😭
  15. You can also... run really fast and side heal - jet boots, whatever is your quick ability (hydraulics, roll, force speed?), get to final room, click the datacron and jump to your death? Like, unless I'm with someone who's leveling or having real fun killing things, I just skip everything... even on my non-stealth characters. which is why now I'm suffering grinding kills for Section X cheevos but I digress
  16. The Mandalorians The Mandalorians is a large, casual, imp-side guild on Star Forge looking to recruit new and veteran players. We do PVP/PVE events, GSF, weekly SM ops, WB hunts, fashion shows, trivia & other social events. We have a fully unlocked guild stronghold and flagship. No cq requirements or random invites. Feel free to DM me for a discord/guild invite or with any questions. Server Star Forge Language English Faction Imperial Timezone PST,MST,CST,EST,GMT / Most active time 5pm - 12am (EST) Interests Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements Active Members 900+, 30-40 during prime time Guild Level 457 Operations Groups Story Veteran Progression Teams Website None since Enjin's death. May it rest in peace. Guild Description We are just a group of people that like to have fun and somewhat keep the Mandalorian culture going. As a big group, we have a lot of folks that are interested in different parts of the game - PvP, PvE, Social-Casual, all are welcome. We run weekly events around both PvP & PvE content, as well as Trivia, giveaways, and the occasional Hutt Slugtuck Derby! We are all community minded people who try to help others out in the game, while having fun. So join us! Guild Requirements We have no strict requirements for joining the guild: we take all levels & all classes. Force-users are welcome but are asked to use swords and wear Mando armor; they're known as Crusaders. How to Join You can join by messaging any of the following leaders in game: Morakalma | Dragonsmith | Kaestra Shelen Ad'sar'tha | Ads'Bounty | Ni'ads Sol-tek | Neko-sol| Bengal-sol Devi Karma | MÁd Scientist | Deva Dharma Ceiling Debris | Zavaaha Livia Novus Xozhana (Should none of us be online, just ask anyone you can find by doing "/who The Mandalorians" to ping officers for an invite) You may also message us in our thread in SWTOR discord server: https://discord.com/channels/201593481863364609/1010110777572728902/1010110777572728902 Or DM one of us through the discord profiles named below! If you prefer, you may also DM me in here for us to arrange a good moment for invite! 😁 Conquest We're not a conquest guild, however, we strive to conquer planets whenever we can! We regularly place in the top 10 in conquest points for a Medium or High Yield planet. Although we don't particularly focus on conquest, we always reward high earners - not only with payouts, but also with cool prizes! Screenshots are taken on Tuesday at Midnight EST|EDT. Come join our guild and see for yourself! Flagship: Mandalore's Fury Both our flagship & our Rishi SH are fully expanded and popular hanging out spots! You're welcome to ask one of the mentioned leaders for an invite, should you want to check it out! On Sundays, we normally host a 1vs1 PvP tournament in our Rishi SH @8:15 EST - a good moment to check it out, if you wanna! Contact Info Discord Contact Dragonsmith25#7243 Ads#4008 Zav#5985 Discord Server Link Private for guild members only Ingame contact All characters named here are Imperial: Morakalma | Dragonsmith | Kaestra Shelen Ad'sar'tha | Ads'Bounty | Ni'ads Sol-tek | Neko-sol| Bengal-sol Devi Karma | MÁd Scientist | Deva Dharma Zavaaha | Ceiling Debris Xozhana We have another 20+ officers who are able to invite, so, if you can't find one of the listed names, just ask any guild member if they can get someone to invite you! Find Guild Ingame If you are subscribed, type /who The Mandalorians Imperial In case you aren't a subscriber, our recruiters are frequently hanging out in low level planets, such as Hutta or Dromund Kaas.
  17. Haven't seen commented, but it happens and it's annoying: Currency tab randomly messes up and becomes a list of text all in white with wrong spacing that makes it mostly unreadable. Opening and closing it again may fix it (or not, it's random), but it's super inconvenient, ofc. PLEASE add a arrow-scrollbar to the abilities list so people will FIND the vehicles option. Seriously, this is such a PRIMARY UI/UX issue that I don't even know how it wasn't refined before.
  18. Oh yes. I'm missing the last two titles as well and the mounts with it (I know one would only be granted later, not the point) - annoyingly so. I'm gonna *bet* with you that this is because regardless of what was POSTED about us only needing to finish the last chapter of KOTET/KOTFE, when refining to grant titles they looked for full completion - I *bet*.
  19. I mean, sure, my 230 gear wasn't anywhere near as good as my 224 gear (which was enough to let my prgo group back then clear KP/EV HM on 5.0 launch day). However, by 242 (whatever was 3rd number) gear, you could see improvement... I can't see improvement at 322 level. And, sure, the numbers are reworked, but it seems to have been a GREAT rescaling in terms of bosses health's with not the same increase in our gear which is a recipe for disaster. Thing is so bad that the game system itself makes a point of telling you your 306 gear is better, which is nuts. If I'm getting worse stats, why gear at all? (Apart from implants) Also still on the topic of shadow/sin, WHO ON EARTH decided that it made any sense adding the set bonus that is a PvP drop currently to accuracy implants?! Literally, accuracy for PvP preferred gear? And why are Death Knell bonus on implants nerfed but not others? (Is it intended? Accident?) Finally, the accuracy/alacrity legendary implants for sin/shadow have their colours flipped, another recipe for chaos. That, at least, is an easy fix.
  20. Honestly, this is the most sensible thing I've seen in a while. Even because... Not even the math on this gear seems to add up. My 322 gear STILL can't get near the levels of crit/alac my 306 had. I'm still clearing content better with my old 306 set (even without bonus set working) than with new gear. Not A LITTLE better - A LOT better. Not to mention, adding this much need for extra tokens gained from content while severely limiting the access to the content that drops is DOESN'T really make much sense. It's 5.0 sh*t-fest in gearing all over again - and how many of us never even made it to 5.1? (Longest that I dropped the game was between 5.0 and 5.6... When it was playable but still bad). Nobody wants that. So, yeah, maybe listen to Lady and adjust!
  21. Fun bug - picking up any one weekly will take others away from your solo tab... But apparently relogging works. So, you know, FUN TIMES. And if you WALK into the terminal, it won't allow you to pick up the weekly either - which is SUPREMELY DUMB. Sometimes, i just want to do story in story order, I don't want to wait until the damn Galactic Season or Conquest or Rotation in GF wants me to do, say, Czerka storyline or freaking Yavin, or whatever. You wanna take it out of the solo tab? FINE. But let me walk to the terminal and choose to do it anyway.
  22. Played through "Fallen"/Voss/Corellia/DK class-only missions on a copied level 75 JK - I wasn't particularly worried about leveling, so, I didn't put an XP boost and I didn't join any guilds (naturally), I finished the storyline without gaining a single level -- seems a bit much? Of course that we should get more XP for higher level quests, but finishing off Chapter 3 should have granted me AT LEAST 1 level? Also, for the purposes of speedrunning (as I'm trying to get pts cheevos), I switched this toon from its original Sentinel style into a Shadow (which is my favoured class) and I will say this: the story, which isn't that hard, gets even easier. I have avoided combat to levels I couldn't in consular storyline (which noticiably has more stealth detection droids!), and sometimes it gets confusing on how to continue the story as it would've been triggerd by combat... That you absolutely ignored. So back you go, try to figure out where is the enemy you kill to trigger the story to continue... To me, it's fun. For a newcomer, might have been VERY confusing. I predict a lot of customer service needed if the markers/descriptions aren't made super clear. Another funny side-effect comes from... enemies disappearing without you killing them? You triggered a continuation of the mission, and enemies around you - that you slept or bypassed - vanish into thin air. It's kinda funny, ngl! When I went to save Doc, I killed *only* the guards for the quest, but after I talked to him, the whole room was cleared... So I walked out, and ran into droids that were still living. Weeee! After a few encounters like that, I figured it was a thing... But when I finished killing the Emperor, got sent back to the middle of the temple and aggroed some guards I had previously ignored.^^' So, what did I do? I came back on another copied character, boosted it to 80, and proceeded to complete the storyline between Tatooine & Fallen. Once again, I moved from my original combat style (Jedi Guardian) into a Infiltration Shadow. The whole experience of running story on a stealther in a class that wasn't expecting it was... INCREDIBLY quicker. I was completing Class Mission in 20 minutes give or take in planets such as Hoth, Belsavis & Voss that required a lot of driving around; closer by planets were even quicker. It's a bit nuts, not gonna lie. Also with this toon, wearing my good-old augmented 306 set, I went in to finish the Vet FPs weekly: Legacy of the Rakata was very easy, as it was expected, and the other level-scaled fp was equally smooth, and finally I got Ruins of Nul for the last one. That was... less good! Malgus is incredibly buggy and we ended up with one dps soloing him. Luckily, it counted for me (I saw some people saying it DIDN'T!), so I just finished it. On a side-note: KOTET 4 on Story seems to be broken, I tried running it with a copy of my HM raiding toon from Malgus and the ambush from droids simply isn't playable through; Vette was dying in the first wave, even if I stopped doing everything to keep her out of damage, drawing aggro from everything, and overall just being incredibly innefective -- and I gave her a commander's compendium that had happened to be on my copied bag, too! Just frustrating. Trusting Jackie's description of how the cheevo counting is gonna work, I simply got a copy of a toon that was further ahead and finished KOTET on it (the Malgus toon I used to finish KOTFE and started KOTET on PTS). Clearly, from other comments, this was not a "me only" problem. I feel kinda dirty that I ended up getting one of my level 75's on Live Server that hadn't yet started main story and thrown her deep into KOTET for sake of PTS cheevos, but, I'm a maniac like that. Now that character is bound to the trash... Once I can get another gunslinger without leveling, thanks.
  23. Hey all! New week, new bug notes: on Star Forge I received a Daily Objective for Galactic Seasons of... Oricon Dailies! Hhaahaha. Nice. I thought it was probably a bug, and tried tracking it (it doesn't track), I tried doing an Oricon daily and it showed no progress (there's no number on the GS main thing, but there's a slight change to the bar). Anyway, nothing happened, as I imagined it wouldn't, and I re-rolled into GSF (not my favourite but it'll do I guess). Before someone asks: no, this wasn't a carry over from last week, as I happened to have finished Oricon Weekly yesterday afternoon, so I couldn't possibly have had uncompleted Oricon dailies. I'm assuming this was meant to be Iokath.................. Which I'm even happier to be spared, if we're being honest, but, you know.
  24. It'd only be "doable" if you could possibly queue only for Arenas. On larger pvp maps, this isn't even a possibility, there's always a mix, even if you go grouped (that is, for unranked pvp). Naturally, you can get extra rewards for GroupFinder and for Guild Rally that makes PVP a good way to cap a toon... But not a great way to inflate a guild's overall CQ quickly...
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