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Everything posted by Teldara

  1. It's a decision a developer makes when partnering with their publisher. For an example: Dice is pretty small and probably doesn't have to man power to actually police their forums. I'm betting it's part of their contract for EA to police the game and forum while they develop the game. It's common for lots of developers to do this (F2P games companies like Aeria Games/G Potato/So on and so forth). So far, I don't see any EA Representative policing the forums and in game for BW, because the fact is that BW has the man power to do so, and they want to police their game in a particular way.
  2. Edited my post. Why would they spend manpower for BW? They just publish the game. They may have a few decision on the money making but policing BW's game isn't their thing. Example: Does Activision police WoW's in game behaviour/forum behaviour?
  3. I don't believe EA has any jurisdiction over how BioWare polices the game. So, what does EA have to do with anything how Bioware polices the game? They do publish the game...may have a role in a few decisions, but doubt they are willing to have some man power policing a game BW can do on their own.
  4. What exploit is there? There's no warning signs. There's no required level. It's RECOMMENDED level of 50. There's no restrictions. The zones are just the same as any, even if its PVP. You're in risk of the other faction.
  5. Just to nitpick the "email". Which is it? Not a very thought out email.
  6. I can type things too. Screenshot it. Oh wait, I can photoshop it too. Its your word versus mine.
  7. I still don't see whats wrong with going to Ilum at lower level then posted. Wheres the resistriction? Wheres the big warning sign? My space ship lets me go there...so why not? It does say "recommended level". Key word, recommended. I'm not exploting any gathering nodes. I'm leveling my profession. I should have a right to be there because I am in a zone to level my crafting/gathering. Theres risks there, just like any other areas. Also, no proof.
  8. Both sides has their immature children. It's just that Empire right now is more "popular". Which is good. Because I love my republic side. While leveling in my zones theres on average 30-60 players (Tatooine and on) and we chat about every day while questing. I haven't bothred touching imperial side but I know on my server its 1:4ish Republic to Empire ratio.
  9. Gotta balance it out you know.* *In regards to the other thread. --- Both sides has their immature children. Same with every MMO. One side just happens to have a lot more people.
  10. I beat 50s all the time on my 25-30 Vanguard Trooper. The only one I can't beat is Sith Sorccers
  11. Pretty much what the above said. Focus is mainly for Jedis. Shield Generator is mainly for tank oriented class, mainly Vanguard Troopers/Power Tech BH. Power Generator is an item just for stats for mainly Troopers/BH
  12. Just wondering for whoever out there is reading, are your crafted items or materials post patch? Pre-patch, I was able to sell mods pretty fast on the GTN. But right now, things are going really slow. No ones buying. On my server, theres usually a decent crowd of players buying materials, but post patch, no ones buying anything. Personally, I believe players are being a little stingy on spending credits and keeping to themselves due to the slicing nerf. On a side now, I heard implants sell pretty fast regardless.
  13. +1. I'm a slicer. Now I'm too afraid to spend my money until the market stabilizes. I agree there was a nerf needed, but not this extreme. But, don't get me wrong. SLICING STILL BRINGS IN A LOT OF MONEY. You just have to go out and slice things now and do a farming run every 30 minutes. I haven't sold a damn thing today on the GTN. I used to sell my mods like hot cake but today...nothing sold. Has anyone have the same problem?
  14. I'm still gaining money, but its minimal. Sending companions out to slice is more passive. I created a small spreadsheet to show my logs. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0AmZWEqqZOu6SdGdfdk44TWlxZ2xXQWxGTUpoN3M2WkE&single=true&gid=3&output=html (Inspired by pdxmarcos, his thread with a lot more information can be found Here)
  15. I've been wondering. Are you Imperial? Because I never came across a few of your missions, yet I have all of your missions. For example: I haven't come across any The Automated Saboteurs
  16. I sent a PM, but just wondering.. Whats the formula to find average credits per minute?
  17. I have no clue why people are complaining. Check how many servers SWTOR has and compare it to your other MMOs who, supposedly have 1-2 hour down times. I don't work at BW, so I don't know the exact steps how they do things but.. 1) Disconnect every player. That takes a little. 2) They have to back everything up before bringing down the servers. 3) Double check back ups. You don't want to lose everything and roll back the previous save. 4) Bring down servers 5) Start rolling out updates. On. Every. Single. Server. This depends on how big the patches are 6) After updates are done, they have to check each server to make sure its working. (On. Every. Single. Server.) 7) After quick benchmarking, they have to make sure the backups are in place and everything working 8) Turn on the servers and hope for the best. I hate to compare things with WoW, but WoW wasn't that great for maintenance for a LONG time. This is BW's first live launch maintenance. Practice makes perfect, soon, down times will be shorter and shorter.
  18. Blasters use Red/Green (By NPCs, movies, shorts, novels, etc). But I can't use green because I'm a dark side. So, why are the two main crystal colors are restricted to Dark Side gun users?!
  19. It might be a little difficult to add a day/night cycle for each planet because each planet has a different rotation around...something something planet science thing. But then again, theres not that many planets. But still a lot to do for a transition.
  20. Slicers buy your mods, materials, crafted goods, and etc. In return, you spend that money on: A) More crafting/missions B) Buying goods from other crafters C) Training skills/Speeder Honestly, without slicers, you wouldn't be selling much items in the first place. The only ones who would be buying Mods or Crafted Goods is people who don't work on professions because they stockpile credits to use them. Slicers are helping the community.
  21. Biochem for never ending med kits. Cybertech for mods if you decide to use moddable gear. Synthweaving for crafting gear. I should have this copy and pasted.
  22. WoW allows multiboxing after several years of request. The problem with multiboxing, is that most of the time people would use a third party program to multibox. For instance: If I hit 1 on my Trooper, it will use an attack. But at the same time, 1 would heal my trooper from my healer. For more advanced example: I can hit say 2 but nothing happens on my Trooper, but pressing 2 heals on my healer. But, for most of the time, people can follow each other and heal when need by switching monitors/client to heal. But, follow is broken right now.
  23. So.. Wait. I don't get it. You don't want to Raid to get gear on par with raiders. You don't want to PVP to get gear on par with PVPers. But you do want your crafting gear to be on part with Raiders..? So, you're saying, you don't want to work for your gear. You just want to craft the greatest and the best without working as hard as the raiders and pvpers. Sums it up. It's pretty obvious you have to raid to get the raid materials and the raid schematics. Raiders have to raid to get gear. PVPers have to pvp to get gear. Crafters can craft to get gear. Or even more advanced for your brains: Raiders who craft can raid for better crafted raiding gear. --- FYI, this isn't SWG. This is SWTOR. Enlighten me if I get it wrong because I'm just seeing a bunch of QQing.
  24. He punches. Thats about it. He can do some sort of healing and wear some armoring. Thats about it. He's not made for combat.
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