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Posts posted by ShiroRX

  1. i already have 1200+ i have a question tho.


    with wh everything but with power in every piece.


    is there a damage difference =>< if i chose BM over WH offhand. and by that i mean the 33 power loss for exp


    like 33 power comes to a few points in dps

    how much does teh exp come to?


    Well the extra aim helps cancel some of the power, so its rly 20-something worth of power difference. Less than 1% damage difference between the two id say, plus the expertise is giving you a little extra incoming healing and dmg reduction (which in turn will have some incalculable increase in your damage).


    The only piece I considered keeping Battlemaster is my surge/power implant. Which is directly an aim/power showdown, since the exp difference is extremely minimal.

  2. If you're Pyro, offense is always the best defense.


    to above: the war hero one is better. the aim difference is minimal, but its higher surge, tech pwr, and much higher expertise (you absolutely want over 1200). It ends up being absolutely a damage gain vs players.


    i use the eliminator one btw.

  3. Say you are in full War Hero Eliminator set just for an example. There is already a LOT of crit and surge on that set. So you would assume to get power augments because your crit/surge is high, but would you be better to stack Aim first? So my question would be, would you be better to get your AIM up as high as possible and get your crit from that and replace mods when possible to replace crit/surge for power on the mod/armorinng/enh to end up at the crit/surge you want?


    Aim barely boosts ranged crit rating, it's kinda the froth on top of the cup of coffee. VG/PT get 20% aim to +dmg ratio, and approx 23% power to dmg ratio. That 3% is overcome handily by: the shield % talent, consular/inquis buff, and the fact that our "secondary stat" budget is restricted **)


    ** Our secondary stat budget has to be properly divided among: +accuracy, +power, +surge, +crit. It's stretched thin. If we didn't have to pay attention to accuracy we may be able to pump up the jam on +power more, but we lack the luxury. This limitation is intrinsic to the class because our aim/power ratios are so close, its meant to make aim more attractive to counter our white dmg (accuracy) reliance to a degree. Inquis/Consulars who have much less secondary stat budget worries (and basically no white dmg relevance, even as shadow/sin), get much more from power ratio-wise naturally.

  4. So it is an L2P issue but it is working as intended the way I stated it? If it is intended what exactly is there to learn to play about it?


    Pre 1.2 I could burst down more or less any healer with relics/adrenals in 1.3 I can't - in effect there is the change people were asking for with Pyros. I'm not complaining about it I'm stating the "nerf" everyone wanted was effectively already done.


    Our ability to gib people is still unparalleled compared to other classes, but being able to completely obliterate someone despite w/e best efforts or defense they can muster is not particularly fair. Your aim shouldn't be to just instantly blast down a healer, especially in ranked, you should try to pressure them into healing themselves.


    You'll see a pyro or assault in every top ranked team's dps train. That doesn't indicate weak to me.

  5. Aim is better, especially if you run at least 7 pts shield for the % talent buff. It stacks directly with Inquis/Consular buff for 11% (if you go 7 shield) additional aim.


    It also has to do with how are abilities scale with primary stat vs. power. Trooper/BH get much closer dmg to primary stat ratios compared with power than Inquis/Consular get for example (they have much better power returns than us).

  6. really? every wz i join has at LEAST 2 vanguard on my side, and at least 2 powertechs on the enemy side. haven't joined an exception to that in weeks


    Oh I see them in games (far more powetechs than vanguards) but they just aren't bringing it.


    ballin' so hard like my miami heat lol. im admittedly a lunatic tryhard in every game tho.

  7. I'm sorry bud, but I play a vanguard and it is by far the simplest class to play in any mmo I've experienced and out of the 8 in swtor... c'mon even a commando needs to juggle more things. When i pvp i hit maybe 4-5 buttons and people explode. on my sentinel however i'm keeping track of what feels like 8 cool-downs, and making sure my dot rotation doesn't get out of whack, etc.. i'm not trying to argue I just really take issue with anyone suggesting a brain needs to be behind a PT. it's the class to play when you just want to mash your keyboard and kill stuff


    If its so easy, where are the others? I feel like an island to myself. I thought at first it was a symptom of being on a dying server like Mandalore. But even on the west consolidation of Bastion, I am still an island to myself performance wise. I see others with the gear, trying, but it seems even in war hero most can't even align their burst to reach 5k+, let alone play well enough for a match to compete with me.


    It isn't difficult, you're right. Vanguard is the second easiest of my classes (lvl.30 shadow easily being no.1). But I ask again, where are they?

  8. We're easily the most overpowered class in the game along with marauders. Hopefully they nerf our damage down a little to bring us in line with other classes.


    for pvp:


    1. darkness/kinetic assassin/shadow

    2. annhi/watchman mara/sent

    3. sawbones/medic scoundrel/operative (no other healer can even approach them atm)

    4. any type of juggernaut or guardian (all 3 specs AND split combos of them all very effective)

    5. lethality/dirty fighting sniper/gunslinger (b/c we aren't beating equally skilled ones on dmg, they're flat out better at it)

    6. pyro/assault pt/vg

  9. That is insane... Pyro dmg and burst is perfectly fine. :rolleyes:


    It's a very misleading number to just be looked at on a score sheet. A lot of stars need to align for this type of game to occur.


    Not only do you need two very evenly matched teams, and spot-on healing to keep you alive and keep deaths very low, the rest of your team needs to do like no dmg. Like that 1mil+ shot, no one else on that team did any damage really considering how long the game must have been. That Pyro was all of it.

  10. It will more or less keep us exactly where we are with less burst. Every class is going to have that increase and everyone is going to have way more HPs so the little bit more damage you do is going to be mitigated by bigger heals and more HPs.


    Usually when you can't kill something, it's not a matter of heals op, it's bad dmg dealers or not assisting dmg dealers. You don't need relics and adrenals with a good sniper, pt, and mara on a dude.

  11. But you have to admit being able to root some one for 12 sec straight is kind of bad game design!


    I've yet to see someone ever be rooted for 12 seconds straight. The theory and practice are quite different.

  12. I think some you may be overestimating how much of a stealth detection increase this is. You can spot stealth that isn't sneaking quite easily without this talent.


    Personally I chose other talents.


    There isn't, actually. It's better than every other "subjective" talent in the tree. It's better than Degauss, Rapid Venting, or Automated Defenses. It's not just about the stealth detection either, its a talent that gives TOO MUCH useful to not be considered. It's stealth detection, the extra defense, and the reduced probe cooldown.


    Maybe you Powertechs exist in a different reality, where people don't play Shadows or Scoundrels. But people absolutely play Assassins and Operatives. My Probe is used very frequently. Very. frequently.

  13. The issue with Pyro is not a Pyro issue, rather a game design issue with ALL classes:


    Attaching Snares to DoT's or rather allowing snares and roots to function off Resolve.


    Nothing would ever die otherwise. If they couldn't snare w/o penalty, melee would never kill anything. It's about how the game is set up.


    Ranged classes are given extremely powerful mobility and/or high range knockback potential, which would be insurmountably advantageous if melee couldn't restrict their basic movement sufficiently...which is the penalty-less snares.


    The roots could stand a little Resolve, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

  14. It's an absolutely essential pvp skill. Tank shadows get NO bonus to effective stealth level (which in itself is necessary to avoid quick players, cause ppl will see you), and this halves their safe sneaking distance. It also negates the effective stealth bonus gained by dps operatives and shadows.


    It's actually way more effective for classes with stealth probe than without. You don't even need the precision of targetting and attacking to make use of it. Simply probing in the area will do the job far better.


    TL;DR: It would be a strong talent on any class, but its especially strong with us.

  15. You told me you would do something, you did the complete opposite instead. And that's fair how?


    I knew you'd be baited into calling me tunnel vision dps, when to your own admission i have the best harpoon pulls off YOUR *** so you can cap and constantly fire pulling for defense saves in huttball. I let it slide on mumble your insistence to label me some tunnel visioner jokingly when i have consistently top 3 (if not top 2) objective points in every legitimate match I play. Always top dmg, top kills, (often) top protection, almost always top3+ objective pts, and 15+ medals every game. So yea, totally screwing off. I'll even bet my win % is higher than yours since you give up on pug games half the time when you're solo.


    You make it seem like your off node contributions are so incredible, without any regard to what anyone else could be doing in a warzone to help win it too. It's all about Wohast. Countless, countless games I've been in with you that would've 100% lost nodes without my direct effort, both in damage and objectives. But the only thing I brag about is my damage so you think that's what I'm all about. The only thing you can harp on is letting one voidstar door go. Even though you would've never planted in that same damn game if it wasn't for me.


    Again you make it some thing like I care about beating you 1v1, I don't. I made that very clear before we dueled that if I was interested in that sort of cheap thrill my Sentinel or Scoundrel would still be primary; instead I play a damage dealer/protector stronger for group play. My only gripe is the annoyance of you doing exactly opposite of what you told me you would. Besides you basically gave up in that 3rd fight because I unstealthed you immediately. Post it. There is no way you're capable of killing me when I catch you like that, and you knew it, so you gave up. Just like when you think you're gonna lose a warzone and afk in the corner while 7 other ppl still try. While you're at it post the duel of Cyphen wrecking you too. More hidden gems from studio bauce.

  16. Lol first of all Mr. Sombra, I complimented you in this thread, by saying you were the best DPS vanguard on the server, so don't get your panties up in a bunch. And of course I had to beg for you to fight me...you even said it yourself that you knew I would give you an *** whoopin, and thats why you didnt wanna duel.


    I left out a duel where I wasn't using my class to its fullest lol (ie. purposely choosing to not use vanish)? You think thats being dishonest? If i choose to not use armor and you beat me that way, should I show that as well lol?


    And I didn't say that I had dueled you in the past...I said I had fought you in the past...ie in a WZ before you joined the guild...and i tore you up just like our duels ;)


    As far as you thinking you played hybrid "months" before me...pretty pointless trying to prove/disprove that BS statement considering we both dinged 50 within days of each other...so i'll let you think what you want if it makes you feel better.


    As you know firsthand, the pvp situations I face in nearly EVERY WZ I am in do reflect the exact circumstances present in a duel. Don't try to play it off like duels are meaningless, because when it pertains to me, the person this thread is about, they are very indicative of my real WZ situations ;)


    I like you too my fellow DAoCian, and thats why I'm being tame in this post <3


    You don't go afk during duels, that's a difference I suppose. Just don't make it a habit of screwing someone over who did you a favor. And I absolutely cannot remember any rep v rep game I've been in vs you. The only Eidolon member I've ever been in vs for legit games is Hasa. And I'd remember, you know how I make it a point to kill certain players outright. It's all your word vs mine though, so whatever.


    The duel I revealed you in, if you wanna post it, is a loss even if you did reset it, that's why you didn't bother.

  17. Greetings Scoundrels, skip-skap skanks, and scallywags. My name is Sombra, a DPS Vanguard, and friend of, and currently guild-mate of Mr. Lamehast here. I felt his video was a gross misrepresentation of the truth, and contrary to what he explained to me would presented here. This is my first day back from vacation so the first I'm able to comment on this travesty.


    First and foremost, I was BEGGED and PLEADED with for over an hour by Mr. Wohast over mumble to duel for this dumb video. After refusing many many times, I gave into his child-like whimpering. Secondly, he cut out our third duel where I revealed him immediately with probe and left him with 0.0 chance to do anything; when he made it very clear to me that he would leave it in as an example of what happens when you fight someone like me without Disappearing Act (i.e. 2 health bars vs 1). Also, he has never dueled me on my Vanguard before this video, he claims he had previously which is false.


    Now my reasoning, and a little background. My first SWTOR toon was a Scoundrel, which is how I met Mr. Wohast. I played his hybrid spec months before he did (and then switched to full scrapper because it was absurd 6k+ shoot firsts pre-nerf). I was actually quite active on these very boards early in the game and much through beta. Anyway, suffice to say the capabilities of a hybrid Scoundrel in a duel are not unknown to me, which is to say they are completely rigged for dueling. Also, I hate dueling; it is rarely indicative of real pvp situations where you must fight much of the time w/o every cooldown, without time or objective constraints, or any spontaneity.


    TL;DR: Wohast didn't wanna show himself losing, and did not explain that without vanishing he could never ever win. I like the guy but I feel he's been disingenuous here. He will be receiving an ear full from me later today.

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