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Posts posted by ShiroRX

  1. Pretty much exactly what we do. If the other team is dumb enough to have two healers within 30m of each other we harpoon one to the other and then have a couple of focus bomb guardians kill them both almost instantly. All the VG needs to do is cryo one healer, harpoon, aoe 2.5 sec stun, and then use pulse cannon if the focus bombs don't kill the healers.


    And this is why I will bet ANYONE, anyone, that slam specs get nerfed way before Pyros get touched. Rage/Focus is developed in the dumbest way possible, making everything else in their rotation hit for doodoo and concentrating it all into smash. BAD DESIGN IS BAD. Lower Smash damage (in addition to requiring Shii-Cho stance to auto crit it, more of a jugg/guard issue), and spread it more thru Force Crush, Scream, whatever else they do.

  2. No, they aren't. Can the dps operative escape better? Yes, every couple of minutes, but other than that, Pyro wins hands down under fire. In any kind of long group fight, the Pyro is way better, because after the operative returns from his one escape, (he is doing nothing during this time, btw) he's going to be trained and killed like a gnat. Shield Probe is very meager. Pyro passively has more armor and defense, albeit small, and more up time with their damage reduction cooldown. You are right, however, they are the biggest dps threat and should be taken out quickly, but calling them as squishy as a dps operative is flat out wrong.


    They are as squishy as an operative. Ops not only vanish, they can aoe cc an entire train on them for 8 seconds, make themselves immune to melee basically for another 4 seconds.


    All I can do is hit Energy Shield and aoe stun for 2 seconds. Kolto Overload/Adrenaline Rush is worthless.


    Not to mention Ops add way more utility to a group than I do, in terms of general strategic flexibility. All I have is my dmg and my short lifespan.

  3. Right, ive read enough of your trolling and I have taken the bait.


    Out of curiosity, what is you rating?


    No team should be punished for a stalemate result. Especially when the punishment is more than 2 wins


    Current Rating: 1640


    You should be punished for a stalemate result. You failed to do what you were supposed to do, achieve the objective. Ties are for kids with hippie parents who don't want to tell them they lost. It's a competition, there must fundamentally be a winner and loser or else there is no point to it all.


    You don't want the coin toss? Figure out a better voidstar strat. I watched as the highest rank team on Bastion last night got stalemated in Void (and lost the cointoss) to a team we had just finished stomping handily in Void. Were the second ranked team btw (we've played like 50 less games). Figure out a better strat.

  4. There is a huge balance problem with power techs with ONE pyro spec, marauder with all spec, secret agent with heal spec etc... yeah there is a very few classes/spec that are just ver very unbalanced, a pyro merc should do more damage than power tech, they do way less damagae, have less burst and don't reisst as much, and that's just an exemple.


    Justbe honest and look what "traisn" work and it's pyro/mauro/ssassin/secret agent 9 tims out of ten and the gap was just made" bigger with last patch and mods...


    the only class in there with an issue is mercenary. the rest are all plenty strong. so what did u leave out? sorc, sniper? both still strong, especially sniper. Jugg? better than mara imo.

  5. NONE of them are hard at all, this is probably the easiest MMO in the history of video games. Don't flatter yourself.


    truth. pre 1.2 sents were the hardest to play, back before they made them brain dead for everyone to understand.



    I just don't get what people want to happen to PTs and Vanguards. They've nerfed us over and over again for months. Requiring plasma cell/cylinder to proc free shots, putting internal cooldown on the shot proc itself. What else do you want? We have no mobility, we have no utility past harpoon, we have no defense; all we have is damage.


    So if some scholar wants to educate me one what exactly you want changed without absolutely breaking the class, tell me. All they are is damage. KILL THEM FIRST IN A TRAIN. Here's a secret, if they only have one healer alive, he's not keeping anything alive vs a 5man dps train, so start killing dps.

  6. It's not surprising you see Powertechs and Guardians/Maras in so many dps trains, or so heavily in the trains, anyone with a brain would've figured out those classes don't need to stay still to do their damage.


    Mobility and damage is they key to their strength, not that they do so much dmg. Snipers do waay more dmg than PTs.


    Also, try actually killing the PT in the train. They go down easily. Use some coordination, cc healers, and destroy the pyro in 3 seconds.

  7. I'm not sure where you're getting your info. Rage Juggs are the ones who were the FIRST to put up million+ damage screenshots.


    They were doing it before PTs were ever even on peoples' radar.




    I did it w/ Missile Blast spam at lv10, lol. You're absolutely right, of course, and I wish people would stop taking their lowbie experiences as some form of valid metric. It's not.


    It also helps that there about 5 juggs for every 1 powertech.

  8. DPS Sorcs/Sages have a place, but I think they're much better balance/mad than lightining/tk. Mobility is important for ranked. Good ones can do very good damage, pull healers or other dps out of harm's way, aoe interrupt node caps like no one else, and can be quite effective at cc'ing other healers the dps train isn't on (insta lift/whirlwind, 30m stun, 30m interrupt).
  9. Squishy, ranged classes need to learn to LOS better. Ya know the old adage, out of sight out of mind. Basically no Sorc I see tries to LOS until they're low (i.e. the dps already found them). The only map where this is a problem is Novare since its so open.


    Watch Krunchy on twitch.tv for lessons on healing LOS. Should be streaming under mediaswtor name.

  10. Maybe if people actually fake casted in this game they wouldn't be shut down by anyone. You can tell very few healers actually play healers.


    The only healing class that's just straight up bad at healing is Merc/Commando. They don't even have to be payed attention to by a dps train. They stay alive damn well, but their output is a joke.

  11. Well I hate the gimmicky Focus spec, it's fundamentally not fun to play for me. And that's real squishy, especially if you do it "right" and play in Shii-cho (6% increase in Force damage).


    Killing stuff quickly is still a great thing in three out of the four warzones so Sentinels/Marauders/Powertechs/Vanguards will always be very, very useful.


    The pressure on enemy trains by keeping guard up on a target by sitting in Soresu is worth the force dmg loss. There is basically no downside to just always sitting Soresu in a team as Jugg/Guard, which im shocked hasn't been nerfed. Either the dmg stacks or the auto-crit need to be reliant on Shii-Cho, exactly how they nerfed PT/VG to require Plasma to proc free rail/hi-bolt since they were all sitting in Ion.


    edit: Actually, there is a downside. It makes that slam spec jugg/guard very high in the kill list for enemy dps. My ranked team actually ran into this question yesterday. Even in Soresu, rage/veng juggs are not gonna deal well with being focused bursted, providing guard and constant taunts just makes them a more attractive target to gib. Same reason vanguard is a good class to kill first (besides the guard part for jugg).

  12. BM has more Power AND Surge. 51 Surge that the WH one doesn't have. That's why I am reluctant. I can't see how you don't lose in damage by switching to the War Hero. Even the aim buff from talent tree and sin/inquis is not gonna make up for the missing 27 power. Let alone the Surge trade off for Accuracy.


    Are you using the Combat Tech one? The WH Elim absolutely has surge on it, looking at mine right now lol. +53 surge. Elim is generally better for us than Combat Tech gear (couple exceptions).

  13. Honestly, I don't really think that there's a problem with Vanguards/Powertechs. I just wanted everyone to feel sorry for me.


    That, and I hate Sentinels/Marauders.


    In the current meta, I'd take a good slam spec jugg/guard who knows how to switch guard than a Sent/Mara. Their real strength is that they have the speed buff, not necessarily their battle contributions.

  14. Lol some powertechs on my server are 3 hitting fully geared 50's in pvp atm.. 6k 6k 6k's none stop. They are working as intended :D Besides i just enjoyed a game of 6/8 powertechs in lowbies of people rolling FOTM because of it. Can't get away from them but they are working as intended ofc. Just a class that needs 3 button rotation to out dps everyone with the highest burst in the game.


    No Powertech is hitting anyone fully geared for 6k even once anymore, let alone in succession. It was close to impossible to do it vs target with 1k+ expertise prior to 1.3, now its straight up impossible. Highest hit ive seen since patch was against badly geared player from my Infil Shadow friend for almost 6900, but they're even more focused glass cannon than we'll ever be.


    5400-5500 is the HIGHEST you will see w/ expertise pick-up vs unshielded, unguarded sorc/sage with not great expertise (some, not 1200-1300+). I'm basically in perfect gear for my class and 5400-ish under those conditions is the highest ive seen since patch.

  15. 1. The difference between a good pyro/assault and a bad one is an entire cosmos.


    2. snipers/slingers will straight up out damage us every single time w/ equal gear and skill.


    3. were extremely easy to kill, and the most beneficial to kill first in a dps train.



    Combat/Carnage spec sent/maras are no slouch with the burst either these days when they put master strike down. That last hit is reliably much higher damage than rail shot/hi-bolt these days. Obviously less often, but its a question of burst.

  16. All abilities that tended to forcibly move people (grapple, knockbacks, even air vents in huttball) were bugged in 1.3, they were supposed to fix it with this morning's patch...but who rly believes when they claim to fix anything anymore?
  17. yea atm im wearing wh imps but i have the bm in the back of my head at all times


    its about a 500ish hp increase but aim decrease >< with augment


    its an aim, end, surge, tech pwr, and expertise buff over BM. BM just has more power.


    speaking of Eliminator version btw.

  18. I am sitting at 1290 expertise without the War Hero generator. I cannot convince myself that giving up 27 power to get 37 tech power and 5 aim is going to be a good idea. Our spike damage, mostly the Railshot, is based on Power, not tech power, so the loss is significant. Can the expertise make up for it, when you are already as high as I am?


    Also, there's a hit on surge. My BATTLEMASTER Power Generator has surge, while the War Hero one doesn't, so it's 51 points lost in surge. For freakin Accuracy. Seriously?


    I mean, my question was not theoretical, it was actually very practical: are you actually using the War Hero one? I am under the impression the very good Powertechs/Vanguards are definitely skipping it and keeping the BM one, but I can't get a reasoned confirmation.


    Yes I have the War Hero one. My setup is different than yours though, I can tell already. I wear a pve armoring in belt for double the aim in the slot, so I take the War Hero generator to boost my stats more generally than just dmg, but the difference is gonna be very very minimal on it compared to BM.


    Power is also not better for Rail Shot. Not in realistic scenarios anyway, since most PTs are gonna have the 6% aim boost from talents, consular/inquis buff in team situations, and more room for higher aim than power because our secondary stat budget is so thin.

  19. And if anyone claimed we were weak or any of that other jibberish you say, then you might have a point but I didn't say any of that. In fact what I did say you agreed with so you are confusing me.


    All I'm saying is were still very effective at what were doing w/o needing +400 power +15% all dmg every 3min to kill a healer in 3 seconds. It didn't harm us.

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