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Everything posted by exfell

  1. Luxurious Rug (Red) Can also be found on the gtn on occasion but props cheaper to shout on fleet for someone that would sell you certificate stuff on order. Between 2-3,5mil is what you usually see one on gtn.
  2. Real world economic concepts and theories work and exists within fictional games that have economies in them. Therefore they are to varying degrees relevant and by no means the only real world things that appear within games (eg. real world tactics being used in a tactical shooter game). The lightsaber price has little to do with capitalism or free markets as we understand them in economics though rather than simple supply and demand. Complaining about the lightsaber price on the other hand is the very same unwillingness to put in the investment (effort, skill, money) that we hear about pvp and ops rewards too. Combine this with being annoyed that other people do put in the effort and we get a gtn complain thread a week.
  3. Depends on your server (for the next month at least, let's see after merges) On a populated one you will get HM fp pop in 20(ish) minutes, time of day affects it too. For ops don't even try the current group finder, you will be sitting there up to several hours even on a populated server. Reason being people don't use it for actually gathering groups. The group is gathered on fleet and then queues for an instant pop. That way you can get into a group pretty fast on most days/evenings. It is definitely on average way faster for healer or tank, and those are the roles you will see most asked for in chat, but it is not too bad for dps either.
  4. They do not disappear if you start Iokath without going to KOTFE/KOTET. I have done this on an alt, Iokath added the comp you may get from there and that was it. Did not affect unfinished comp conversations either.
  5. After 50 try sm ops, that is a really fast way too. (with the caveat of if you used to raid in the past. A complete newcomer lvl 50 might not always be too welcome)
  6. I for one am happy with the easy cxp one is getting after the update and don't want them to change it back. HM FP weekly alone this week yielded over 32k cxp, not sure what bonuses I had running at the moment. This does indeed feel a bit broken but is it that wrong to get alts to 300 a bit faster? I don't think it will drive a lot of people away and next week it's back to more normal anyway.
  7. I got one yesterday and it has a bind timer that has not yet run out. Will report what the status is when it does.
  8. It would be a bummer if they got autoclaimed or returned so would be nice to know.
  9. Doing heroics is the start but if you want to get any amount of cooler CM items you really have to go into serious crafting and/or gtn trading. You can't get the wings of the architect or similar without knowing how to raid unless you pay for the service and you can't get the cooler CM items without knowing how to make money unless you hand over the cash. That said there are problems with credit sellers, exploiters, general supply and demand, rng packs and general inflation; not denying that. However there is effort and skill involved in getting the cool stuff in the game and gtn is no exception.
  10. If you look back in this thread I just did it in 208 gear with a dps sin/shadow and a low level healer comp. I agree though that you should not have to respec. Voss is one where I remember healers and tanks having problems even when this content was new.
  11. Divide guild score by number of unique player accounts that have gained conquest points in the guild during the week. Possibly with a low limit like reaching personal goal or something before an account is counted towards the divide. Needs refining but that's one suggestion of where to start and it is equal and does not punish for simply being big. Keep the current system too as an abssolute score one and the one suggeted above a second separate league.
  12. This thread reminded me that it has been a really long while since I've done a starfortress so wanted to test. Heroic/veteran mode done with dps sin in old 208 pvp gear with old augs and a level 11 companion. Nope, it's not tuned impossible yet.
  13. This is a fair point. Where are all the ingame messages and popups telling people of the coming changes.
  14. 1, back to what? It's now pretty much 4.0 without highlighted op and with broken nim loot (fix please). So what exactly would you want to change it to, remove the current alternative gearing methods perhaps? 2, I kind of like, but very valid arguments in previous threads about why it should not be done. 3, don't trust they would do this any better than current balancing. 4, if they introduce new gear grind now I'm out 5, happy to see it go but need something to replace it to make non ops/pvp content relevant to run.
  15. Inspired by xChAoTiXx's ideas from an old pvp thread. Well synced: achieved 1,6k solo rating with less than 30 wins. Hacker: achieved 90% win rate in solo ranked with an underperforming class Wintrader: achieved 90% win rate in group ranked :D
  16. You're on TRE, right. Go to Yavin pvp instance. They are there, have been for a good long time.
  17. Thank You BioWare for the few months we were not considered trash in ops. I'm eagerly waiting the "never que sin dps" comments this will inevitably force people to face in ranked. It was not the grind to 300 I'm regretting, it was the grind to full 248. LOL, in which imaginary reality was this? Because it most certainly was not in the one we live in. Sin was about average in regs and and a bit below in ranked.
  18. Can you recap to me why this should be done. What is inherently wrong with high gtn prices, why do people need to be forced to drop prices? Some items are always purposefully very rare, it is meant that only a very small portion of the player base can attain them.* I'm not talking about the increase of credits in circulation though, this game has a real problem with that. I also very much like direct sales as opposed to rng packs. *For a lot of older items this is likely unintentional though and has just happened over time.
  19. I like the suggested changes of course but would that really be a good business move? Would it bring more paying customers to the game or help keep existing ones? I for one would probably unsubscribe if the restrictions and benefits would become the ones suggested in this thread. One would at least need to pair the changes with an advertisement campaign for it to be any use and hope the money the new (largely F2P) customers bring is more than the loss of those who would see it as them no longer needing to pay for the game to play. Some of the changes like removing forum restriction I would do immediately if I could but changes to payment models are never quite that simple.
  20. Looking at threads where people document their experiences of drop rates, you have been incredibly lucky. I would like to see the certificates come back too or replaced with other, more accessible, currency. Of course current certificates should then be reimbursed for an amount of the new currency that lets one buy the same amount of decos/ items the certs would have.
  21. I have it on TRE, hits merc every time, does not matter if I logout for 20seconds or a week. At this point it's not that bothersome any more though, have gotten used to the routine of setting utils after every login when playing on that toon.
  22. There has been many threads about this, It's definitely a bug Unless it was intended ofc
  23. Let me try to answer this. It is of course the decicion of guild management. By not invading the management is making it harder for their members to achieve their personal goal and thus getting the rewards for it. In practice this means one has to run more warzones/gsf/ops/flashpoints or craft more to achieve the personal goal. There is no downside to invading a planet, so by not doing so the management is sending a message that they don't care about their members or want to make their life harder. This is why people feel a guild "has" to invade. The one example of a special case that has come up in which I can understand not invading is when there is an alliance. In that case you are supposed to go to the other guild to do your points and not invading is to reinforce this message. Of course even that can be communicated differently but I at least understand the reasoning. Usually a guild sets invasion every time and communicates if they are in it for reals or not. Balancing between planets and bonuses is the true management task to make it fair for everyone. As a personal example I see my main guild has set the invasion for this week even when the true crafting effort is happening with swm's awesome alliance "event" on tre.
  24. 20 seconds to couple of minutes time from guild leaderships part to set conquest. Not that much of an investment really. I don't think debating it with guild leaders is of any use in this case though as he is new. /gquit would be the fastest cure for ineffective leadership, and go to one of those well organised guilds with good leaders. Calling him out on publicly criticizing his guild for the question is quite a far stretch. He does not name the guild he is in nor does he name any of his characters in post or sig. This can be happening on any server with pretty much any (non top10) guild in game.
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