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Everything posted by DarthSpooky

  1. And naturally the one thing I'd really want this to apply to (Cartel Rep items) is off-limits.
  2. I liked it to, but even within my guild, we were abusing the heck out of it, tricking people into revealing their alts, finding people's pub side chars, etc. It is a brilliant vehicle for harassment if used irresponsibly (or creatively?)
  3. Kneejerk reaction is to say "that's crazy", but I honestly see no downside to it. Hmm... Oh, wait- If you can copy the char more than once to the same server, you've just doubled your worth. Given the fact that you can now rename chars at will, how would they track the multiple copies? I expect there is some form of internal id for that... But I would also expect it to be unique and therefore different between multiple servers. I think it would take a miracle of programming genius (uh, no, not from these guys) to make that unexploitable.
  4. There are instances within the game story (will not cite specifics because spoilers) where someone changed the entire appearance of their race to suit a particular situation. Given the level of xenophobia expressed by certain cultures and organizations, I would think that radical cosmetic surgery of this kind would not be unheard of. For in-universe examples of less radical customization, I would refer to the "Face Merchants" quest on Coruscant. Also, consider humans who become cyborgs, that is a thing in real life.
  5. Not really a realistic concept, but I feel where you're coming from. Every time a patch drops, I read what people are complaining about (and the shear volume of it), and just want to give each and every Bioware employee a hug. Except for the guy responsible for the lock icon.
  6. I... don't know how to help you, I click it and it goes there? Try this, where I yoinked it from: http://www.fx-sabers.com/forum/index.php?topic=25204.msg396127#msg396127
  7. I don't know though, did anyone *really* expect it to look like this: http://gi129.photobucket.com/groups/p236/PSB202WNSW/Sith_Filigree.jpg Edit: Ah, I see what's happening now, there were indeed multiple masks shown in the trailers. At least on in Deceived definitely has those red parts.
  8. Oh! My... Unless it looks better with the actual gear on, sticking with my Marauder's Foundry Hood, thanks.
  9. Maybe she will die from that... :D:D Maybe mine has it to..... :D:D:D *does happiest dance ever*
  10. Yay, a question phrased in such a way as to magnify the maturity of Republic-only community members. Juggernaut for the taking out of pub scum. Assassin for the taking out of merc scum. Pub classes are suitable only for the taking out of women and small children, perhaps even stray pets. Oh, and the trash.
  11. +1 for all of this. You've made me love Gand again.
  12. Ah, what you need is an alt... Or two or three. They make amazing XP dampeners.
  13. Try to look on the bright side, we can now inspect people with our companions out again. Only a matter of months before they fix this one too. Meanwhile, it's been days since I've flung one of my abilities clean off the bar after a UI reset, think self-training was the key. Simple procedure, before every major battle: 1. Is the bar locked? 2. Are you sure? 3. Why don't you make reeeally sure.
  14. ....You want to punish people for not wearing gear? Really?
  15. It is okay to be obsessive, but uppsesive behavior will not be condoned by this establishment... Incidentally, does your browser support the squiggly red lines when you type things? If so, often when you right click on those, you will be given more viable options for your text outputs.
  16. You: PLZ give your coments on this threat Me: *rushes to the thread like "Oh noes they are takin all our stuffs/nerfin teh classes/makin Purebloods green/etc"* .... *realizes you meant "thread" not "threat"* We are amused...
  17. Grand Marshal Cheketta (Imperial Balmorra) stands out in my mind as someone I can never kill soon enough, just to shut him up. But how many cartel coins can I pay to mute Ashara Zavros by cutting off her judgmental Jedi head?
  18. Literally crying with laughter over this.
  19. "The net result is WH/EWH will have no Expertise and increased stats" I don't understand. Does this mean it will have no expertise in WZ's or are you literally altering the stats of the WH gear? I would have a big problem if you guys are removing expertise from gear I purchased specifically because it had expertise on it. In fact, I would want my comms refunded.
  20. Guess it's a good thing it's my Shadowlands day then.
  21. Curious, not home yet, does a low-level green weapon boost it any further?
  22. Eeeeeeee!! Just saw the images posted earlier, can't wait to get home and buy this! And then take it off again to PvP...
  23. Thanks for screwing people who work for a living BW...
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