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Everything posted by Everrgreen

  1. Appears the Austin SWTOR Art Dept. is actually running short-handed; 3 openings posted - any takers? http://www.bioware.com/en/careers/
  2. Tried the lana style on a rust toned cathar and the hair is an ombre'd light rust to brownish on the ends. Go figure. I though it would be blond but it doesn't come out that way. Also, when my JK had on an armor set (dropped form HMs) his eyes turned a strange orange color. submitted a bug report, but then I changed wardrobe tabs and it changed to the correct color. Even on the appearance changer the eyes all looked that strange orange. Not the worst bug in the game. But since someone brought it up.
  3. If I had to pick one; nothing on this list. Re: #5; we already have apartment style strongholds: Coruscant and Dromund Kaas apartments. As nice as the others are, these are my favorite SH's.
  4. I've always found this female running animation to be somewhat embarrassing and see it as either a put-down of female players by whoever wrote it, or they thought it was funny. I tend to let this kind of thing go, but since someone brought it up.
  5. ^this idea gets my vote. The Manaan cinematic is the best one yet; my female chars actually walk normally, not swaggering like a guy might. =-=----------------------------------------------=-=
  6. I'd bet this person (you do not know for sure it is a male) has done some homework on you/your account, knows your legacy(s), and is abnormally keeping tabs. SS and report. Don't wait. Don't ignore. The more characters you get SS on, the more proof and ability you can give customer service to act. Build your case. You don't know what this person is capable of.
  7. better yet, how about two more classes that go through the vanilla stories from other perspectives with a lightsaber guy for comp in each?
  8. how about nalon raloch (received all of rajivari's knowledge) or rajivari? a force apparition companion could be interesting.
  9. Raising this thread from the dead because..... http://imgur.com/a/Gi0uy Will dyes in collections be coming in 5.3? Got it from a dread warlord pack.
  10. Oh sooo this^ Also; certificates dropping from crates is only one solution. Changing the requirement for certs is another; just drop vendor requirements for certs or put something else in-game that can be obtained to replace them.
  11. Not!! You cheated, so you lose Corso is right on... I'll listen to "Anything you want, Captain" any day of the week. Way to go Troy!
  12. love: Female smuggler - no apologies needed here; she has more life and humor going than any other vo. Male agent - damn. just damn. hate: Male smuggler - no other vo is as flat and boring, by far. Maybe its not his voice but the lack of, well the lack of Everything that makes human verbal communication interesting. Perhaps it was the directing that destroyed the character's line deliveries, idk. Quyzen - this one's a must to switch out asap. Ugnaughts - spacebar.... quickly
  13. this is a game killer for me. it had better be a just a bug.
  14. gawd, I think I love you for saying this... exactly my question when I read Eric's post.
  15. Thank you BW for fixing the animation in the "Captain and Corso Confront Skavak in The Works" cutscene; now Corso has a blaster instead of an invisible rifle. I don't know if it was fixed in 5.0 or later but I just ran through that part of the story again and was surprised to see it fixed. I searched dev tracker and for any other post on the topic, none popped up so posted here. So thanks again to whoever took the time!!
  16. Here's the whole pic only a bit larger size. There's no part of consular story with neck chain etc, or did I miss some side quest? http://static4.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/124590/4500756-3727318824-39089.jpg
  17. This. The best part to me: first two chapters of smuggler. Smuggler is the only one who comes in with their ship. All others are loaned a ship to do a job for someone else. Smuggler is a story where I am part of the SWU, not a narcissist in the search for ultimate power. First chapter of SI is great too. Personal story arcs are best. DGAD about Kotfe (played insta60s through it and 1 for dvl, tried to like it but hated it and won't take other characters through it).
  18. Bravo! Well said and deserves to be repeated. ____________________________________
  19. I found this quote sometime back, a player has it set in signature line (sorry I don't know the player's name): "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more...than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so *********** what." - Stephen Fry Use the ignore function; this is it's principal purpose and what devs supplied to us. And it works. I also change to another tab that takes all gen chat out of my face. Voila. re: the ME problem that was also brought up on this thread: -=-=-=-=-=-=-
  20. Yeah; I get this. But another way to see it is that there are so many people on this forum who did not pick on you. So if one out of 100 post-viewers pick on you, then you did good and your feelings are okay because even if those 99 people did not voice their support you are free to assume their support. Support by omitting picking. I hope this makes sense So here's my voiced support: your feelings are valid and reasonable. Carrie Fisher was present in our lives by virtue of our participating in her work, being interested in her welfare, and by our identification with her humanness that we also see in ourselves. We also have this in common with her; we know she has passed and we all will pass away. We all will walk/slide/fall/crash/crawl through that same door. God have mercy.
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