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Everything posted by Everrgreen

  1. This sounds more like Lotro than swtor, but then so did kotfe
  2. If it is even possible, automatic doors for sure I'd rather no doors than doors I have to click on. I don't want to click on anything to do with the apartment but the rappel rope!
  3. The Overlook is better than I expected, with some fun animations (cave opening and ledge rappel) and plenty of space and hooks to have some fun decorating. Great job and in such a short timeline! As others have reported the cave opening kept exploding almost every time I went around the corner from the beach, kind of liked it. I haven’t checked every hook, but I did encounter one large wall hook in the big room, next to the side room, that didn’t show the item placed there. The elevator entrance in the cave is great and perfect for an agent. I like the fast elevator going up and the rappel going down. Haven’t tried going down the elevator, but if it drops out from under toons making them fall, I can see why some would want an adjustment. I guess it could be slower a bit or maybe it could be fixed so toons stick to it while on the way down. If not, I’ll just rope down from the platform If it’s easy to do, doors to the two smaller rooms and the smallest room (entered inside of the large room) would nicely add even more home-like feeling to the apartment. I think having the large room stay without a door is better. The platform outside is terrific as is; no permanent railings please. Thank you for all the starship hooks on the horizon! They feel so appropriate for a SH like this one. I appreciate that you put more hooks on the floor of the hidden cave, thank you The Overlook is above and beyond expectation so thank you very much to all the wonderful peeps who worked so hard to make it happen! You did GREAT!
  4. The chest is still there, however for me it never did anything. No opening, no credits, no explosion, nada. Would've liked to try a working version
  5. Wow! Looking forward to seeing the Overlook!! You and your team's efforts are much appreciated! Here's to the Troopers of BW! :csw_trooper::csw_trooper::csw_trooper:
  6. I like these ideas, however none of the upper cove buildings is on the beach. In addition to your ideas I think Lunafox has a great suggestion to make the beach tower functional for decorating. Could be good with three stories with the top being a full floor lanai (similar to Tatooine's balcony), but without the conduits, broken I-beams, and twisted cable stuff that's around the upper cove locations. Since the hidden cave is already in place, it might be easier to convert into a living space with a top floor balcony. The hidden cave is not functional enough right now with just the one floor area and centerpiece hook. It needs medium floor hooks around the edges. I tried the spa in the cave but after 2 seconds it was just boring, so I think 2 to 3 large floor hooks and medium hooks around would work better. Even a grappling hook to the top would be something.
  7. Thank you for posting your response. While I’m very disappointed that a building better suited to decorating/using is off the table, I’d rather know now than continue holding out hope for a building at 5.9.2 rollout and being even more disappointed and feeling like it was not even considered. The new walkway to the beach, the walkway around the PVP arena, bind points, sand on the beach, garbage removal, and additional hooks are all welcome improvements and help a great deal with visual appeal and function. The sand on the beach is such a great improvement. The shadows are visible, the texture is nice, but best of all it brightens up the whole scene. This^ would make the existing buildings more useable and would be appreciated. Edit - please add some medium floor hooks in the hidden cave, and maybe change the centerpiece to 2 or 3 large floor hooks with medium hooks all around. Nice cinematic for the return from the ship. The elevator for the ship awning is a good addition. On top of the awning, you might consider adding medium hooks around each of the large hooks to either side of the middle row (not making them centerpiece hooks as that would remove the small hooks). I appreciate the opportunity to share my opinion about the SH when it could still be modified. The improvements that have been made do make a difference.
  8. Yes! House House HOUSE! 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴
  9. I'd take the cantina building, but I want ceiling hooks like this, lol - it's not too much is it?
  10. Agreed, but would also like window(s) in the home/cantina with something to see out of them. In the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas apts the exterior elements seen through the windows make them more than a box and they are my favorite SHs. The lanai on Tatooine is the best and only area that I like in it. All the other buildings are silos or closed boxes and this is true for Rishi SH with the exception of the oculis in the sun room and beach cave (which are nice, but no hooks). For Rishi, I was hoping for an open walk-up/in building that could be an indoor/outdoor place where you could see the water/waves outside (even if the water is brown at least its movement, Speedy is a great bonus). The Rishi Chieftan's hut could be put on the beach centerpiece and could work, but then there are no hooks for anything else in or close around it. I'd also like some ceiling hooks in the hut/home/cantina that can have various sizes/layouts so I can hang some lights and you can't do this in the Rishi Chieftan's hut. The sunset could be nice if they removed the brown smokey haze across the sky, it is not pretty as is. When I see a sunset like this, I know there are wild fires burning with smoke that ruins the sunset and makes breathing a hazard. Not fun.
  11. Excellent suggestion; I had thought expanding one of the existing rooms like the sun room to be space for a cantina or whatever but this is so much better. I like the oculus in the round rooms, however they don't add much and the cantina building is more what I would prefer compared to the industrial round rooms in the current SH.
  12. Yes, this is it exactly! When I first saw the SH I thought "I'm going to be calling this the brown stronghold." Brown dirt, brown buildings, brown air, brown ship, brown water, brown rocks, ugh.
  13. ^This is a great idea - solves getting dismounted, discompanioned, flagged, warned, and generally pvp'd off with one small addition.
  14. Great ideas and I especially like 6. "Give us some hooks in the water so we can place speeders out there like little boats. The Cantina skiffs would make fantastic boats, along with a slew of other speeders." - this would be a great way to personalize the SH. And #8 - large wall hooks everywhere would give a level of flexibility that this SH needs. =-=-=
  15. Not being able to get into this area was disappointing to me. I'm hoping this area will be opened with no further unlock when the SH is officially on the market. (plz devs) =-=-=-
  16. Like many people who have posted here, I had a different vision of a Rishi stronghold; one more like the other areas of Rishi. White sand beaches, blue skies, bright sun; oh wait – that’s Rakata Prime! I was initially very disappointed because of this. However, taking the stronghold as it is there are some things to like about it, and I think some great possibilities if some things could be implemented. Regarding the specific placements of hooks, I need more time to consider and will be posting what I think separately when I have more specific observations to offer. Beachside Cave Hideout: This room, the beach, and the connected area could MAKE the place as a stronghold on its own. This cave room definitely needs more wall and floor hooks. Please add carpet hooks to the walls! Put some medium-narrow spots along the wall. With banks, mail, and a gtn wall terminal it could serve as a tiny-house kind of stronghold. Adding a staircase spiraling up inside on the wall to the top for a sunset view spot would be great. Add wall hooks going up the staircase. Park your ship on the beach and you’re home! You wouldn’t even have to go through the pvp arena, just jump off the deck and swim over to the beach 😊 This beach needs a boat – I mean a pirate ship! Out in the water or by the big dock. Or you could add a dock going out into the water from the opposite side of the little island with the ship at the end of it. That would make a nice view and would be a fun additional spot for decorators given the right new decorations (😉 plz!) Finally, a place to put the Zabrac pirate! So many possibilities with this area of the SH – for instance, a way to walk up the rock face to the top of the cliff (near the cave entrance on the left as you face the cave. Maybe a narrow switchback among the rocks?) – HELLO, let’s put a nice rishi hut/home up there! AND thank you for adding hooks to the outside of the building just outside the cave path. This building has no door, no interior but wouldn’t that be great if it did! It could also have a stair or grappling hook to get to the top. No need to unlock the other areas unless you wanted to pick up a buck or two playing Pazaak in the Sun Room Lounge and Casino (everyone - nod now). Of course, adding more interior spots to the Lounge would be in keeping with the group/pvp/hosting a gathering kind of theme. I can definitely see using this beach and hideout with more hooks, an upper level, and the outside building converted into usable room(s), add the cliff top hut, the ship docked on the far side of the island – this could be the best SH in TOR! If you really wanted to you could add a snorkeling or fishing feature to the lagoon too 😊
  17. Couple of things: Regarding all the SWTOR speculation on this thread: Forbes is asking "How Much Can Electronic Arts Grow By 2019?" Article states "EA is focusing on making the most of its existing franchise titles" and "In addition, we believe that the company’s R&D and SG&A expenditures are likely to be lower going forward, as it focuses on incremental changes to already popular titles." See the Forbes article posted June 9th here. The statements in the article are general and may not apply to SWTOR in the long run. However if EA is applying this strategy across the board then we will probably be chugging along for a while with "incremental changes" to look forward to. Then regarding OP's initial request I would like to add this suggestion: How about an option or token for current or new characters that will take you to level 70 but would allow you to skip past all the original as well as the kotfe/et story but still gives the opportunity to make dark/light, romance, and companion decisions? These decisions could be made in a post-character creation UI. Using the Jedi Knight class for example: Dark or Light Side – check one (this would include kotfe/et choices). Romance Kira/Doc, Cytharat, Lemda Avesta, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Koth Vortena – or none. Check the one that applies the result you want to go forward. (This is just an example; I know there are other romance options within the other classes). Kill options in kotfe/et; each choice - choose one. Then anyone who wants to can begin playing beyond kotfe/et without missing out on having their preferred dark/light side and LI/comp choices going forward. A case can be made that this token defeats the purpose of playing the game at all, however the same could be said for OCT/MDETs. Both just facilitate playing the game more flexibly, as would a token that starts characters at the beginning of post-kotet content.
  18. Really nice work (love to mix and match pieces that re-create characters I like) - and a very nice blogsite you have there too!
  19. OP is not OPs or Operations, it means Original Poster = the person who began the thread.
  20. This is about where I'm at on this too, so +1 to OP
  21. One of my alts (subbed acct) was default guild leader, but was not logged on for more than 28 days, so then the guild leadership went to another player who was ftp and the guild was marked as ftp. I logged in and saw this. Then the ftp leader did not log in within 28 days and leadership changed to my subbed alt, then the guild was no longer marked as ftp. This is what happened to me, no matter what the EA website says.
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