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Everything posted by VirtualMorrigan

  1. Well, let's see. A roadmap mid February that will cover about 3 months and not talk about any further patches since we just received one, or any events. You could have expected that already, really. It's good that he at least gave some reply, and I'm sure people will be very happy to hear he is playing and leveling his characters, but no, he hasn't committed to anything beyond making a roadmap, which we already knew. Not even a definite date for it, let alone any content. But feel free to read into it what you want, I suppose.
  2. Yeah, leveling chars is more fun than paperwork and roadmaps, at least we agree on that.
  3. You get used to it on those forums. First it's all rage and high drama, then one noncommittal gold post later, everyone is back to business as normal, fawning over the devs and convincing themselves that whatever they wanted to hear has been said and promised. Ah well.
  4. Pretty similar to you leaving snide comments in all threads that are criticizing the way this game is being handled, I must note.
  5. Why, what a splendid idea. Let's all take a break at the same time, and keep the forums nice and quiet instead of saying anything negative and staying, and see what happens to the game. You are not really thinking this through, are you?
  6. I wish. And I'm not exaggerating. I collected enough UC to upgrade some of the pieces, but since I don't even have all golds from the previous tier, and you can't upgrade purple, taking the UC route is not much better, really. I won't lie, this has pretty much killed my will to actually play. >Something must be wrong with your random number generator Believe me. If I could I would implement a better one...
  7. I couldn't agree more. I had a bout of brief hope when the dailies were "bugged" and got my main and secondary to 300, opened a couple of hundred crates between them by now and neither of them has a T4 gold item yet. It feels pointless and waste of time, and I am no longer interested.
  8. Of course you are not their little puppet, of course not. By the way, the War Room has run out of caf again and absolutely needs YOU to assemble a team, drop by on Nar Shaddaa and buy a crate (while random mobs rain down on you). You wouldn't mind being a true leader and doing that, would you? Splendid.
  9. Of course not, because that isn't directly tied to additional income... That's what you get when you are only living from one quarterly appraisal to the next.
  10. It's a matter of personal taste, I was looking forward to having him on my main (SW).
  11. I'm supremely underwhelmed by the contents of the next patch, but the thing that puzzles me most is this: We are suddenly doing an 180 and go back to class-specific companions, which at this point in the game makes no sense whatsoever. So unless you are the companion's original class, you cannot get them. It's a restriction, not a feature, just to stretch out "content", perhaps another carrot to make you drag another alt through the Knights Of Eternal Boredom story, so the metric show again how people love that drivel story. And there are really people who confuse this with a return to class stories? What the absolute hell? _At this point_, given how the original stories were mashed up into the Outlander nonsense, I am absolutely against some companions arbitrarily being restricted to their original classes.
  12. SM OP will give you maybe 7 crates for last boss. No clue what HM gives, but I doubt your numbers there are attainable for everyone.
  13. I think you are confusing things there, and weren't paying attention. I'll buy getting remote access since Windows security is a sieve, but locking an existing session into a "virtual environment" without any preexisting framework for that present is...difficult to impossible, and besides, you don't need that to install a keylogger. What you can absolutely do is a lot of nasty things offline, if the machine isn't booted. You can also abuse some of the inbuilt mechanisms that are intended for support, but you don't need a Linux machine for that, specifically. But, eh, never let facts get ito the way of a cool horror story.
  14. I find it interesting that none of those who claimed to have soloed it respond to the question about the rockets. So. Are they only usable twice, or several times? Has this changed? Educate us, please. (I did try to down it once on a healer, grouped with a merc. Not. A. Bloody. Chance. So I would say the question HOW to do this has merit....)
  15. VirtualMorrigan


    On the matter of eyes: I understand what that designer is trying to do, but I see two issues with it, and frankyl I don#t quite understand how that keeps getting missed. One is texture. Yes, I saw you added texture to the iris, which on close up _and from a certain angle_ looks more realistic and would look quite good in a static image. The problem is that texture alone doesn't do it, angle of light comes into it as well. You can get away with fixed textures on armour or even face because that's not what humans are wired to pay that much attention to. But eyes...from the wrong angle, the highlighted parts in the texture of the iris (which of course do not change with angle) make a character look cross-eyed or just weird. The second is scale. Most of the time, a character is viewed from quite a distance and still has to have an expressive face/expressive eyes, which means you need more contrast than is "realistic", and the "realistic" textures interfere with that. Angle and distance of the viewer are important here, just compare to how for example paintings on the ceilings of cathedrals have angles deliberately distorted so they look good from where the viewer stands, or how proportions on large statues are deliberately changed to non realistic so they look "right" when someone stands in front of them and looks up. Same principle, you sacrifice correctness and realism to give the viewer a familiar view, because that is how perception tends to work. I notice this most with the light grey and (previously) yellow-ish non CC eye colours. The textures are so heavy that when not in close-up, the characters seem to suffer from cataracts and partial blindness. It annoys me to no end. Ditch the heavy textures from the original colours and make them optional for people who like them. Since the way people perceive colours is individual anyway, you won't ever get a real consensus on this anyway.
  16. Well, for me it was the legacy storage from TRE that is gone, the one from Prog is fine
  17. I'm not sure why you all are that much in his face, really. Yes, he was over the line with that thread, but at that time, we also had a dev post essentially saying all of that (moving things to inv, moving characters to fleet) was not necessary since it was not like a normal transfer. So to be fair he had at least some "backing".
  18. Why wouldn't it be, I mean everyone would be delighted to lose their items after being told in a dev post that no special precautions were necessary, no? Some people in my guild are practically ecstatic that their raid gear is gone. But I am sure small hitches like that have the topmost priority in things to be fixed.
  19. I on the other hand want to express my gratitude for a) losing a legacy bay with six armour sets, three pieces of Revan Reborn, three handler licenses, a good number of decorations and some of the more expensive pets b) getting my legacy renamed for no discernible reason c) having a character that I can't log into without the game crashing. Yes, very smooth. Great success, truly.
  20. .... I love how we had that post in the thread about people taking precautions... And yes, my legacy storage from TRE is gone. My legacy was renamed to the one last used, not the one most used (as in, I got an achievement for moving a character to a SH just before I parked them for the merge), and I left ONE character just in the field on Hoth, while I moved all others to the fleet. Logging in on that character now reproducably crashes the game client. I probably should have expected it, but seriously, what the hell????
  21. Tauntaun Ram. I would literally kill for that one...
  22. That's the only path I can see as well. TBH I am still surprised they are keeping three servers for the EU running, for now at least.
  23. Hehe. Awesome, apologies for having been off by a year. Takes me right back when we were rather dismissive of that www thing because eh, we had newsgroups, ftp and gopher, so who needs that graphical nonsense. Interesting times, all things considered.
  24. Not sure whether to praise you or hate you for that. Okay, okay, just kidding. 92? Not 93?
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