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Posts posted by Ghenghis-Khan

  1. You still gain legacy exp. I still did oricon at 55 since the gear u get there is good. Its good to have if your waiting for SOR to be released for free. Plus oricon drops some pretty good credits. For better gear and some credits keep questing. Makeb just seems pointless so don't do that.
  2. As for the ilum flashpoints, in 4.0 there will be an actual "solo mode" for these 2 flashpoints so if you don't get to it before then you can do it yourself anyway.


    Oh really o.0 trying to find a group for those is hard. Id have better luck finding jesus.

  3. peace is a lie, there is only passion. With power my chains are broken. One only needs power not the help of the jedi.


    Perhaps its the jedi that want peace. That want help of the sith, because we are more powerful. It is fitting for the strong to control the weak. It is the nature of things.

  4. BH arsenal FTW. Two Gats, a jet pack, and a bottle of correilan ale. Everything gonna be alright alright.


    I thought I loved being a force user until I got to be a Mando with two guns. Now I never look back

  5. try resetting your router. I unplug mine and replug it after a min. And my internet is always 100x better afterward. Sometimes when your router is on constantly your speed decreases if you don't give it a break every now and then.

    harbringer server is really busy. Sometimes I lag during pvp if there is a lot of people on. Theres nothing u can do about that tho except change servers.

  6. I would just pvp up a level or kill random mobs for an extra level. That extra boost in stats will help in the fight. Bring a strength stim and a med pack. You should be fine after that I believe level 21 u can buy implants from the Gtn for like 20k that would help a lot.
  7. i read something somewhere that he lived in the sarlac pit for 30 years and somehow survived it with the help of another bounty hunter. I hoped what I read was false. Who the hell can live in a sarlac pit for 30 years with no food or water, not to mention not getting eaten alive. I hope he does survive but it better be an epic explanation that's believable.
  8. I know your problem. Your playing a warrior class job. Supposidly they are gonna help us in 4.0 with mobility. But we shall see. I die pretty easily on my warrior in pvp. They are just to squishy. Try playing a job that's more moble and you might have better luck. I pvp on my laptop without a mouse. I use the arrow keys and keybind abilities using f1-f12. Im deadly on BH pvp. I just started a tank job and last match went 26-2. So its totally possible to pvp without a mouse.
  9. im almost done with chapter one. I don't care for the story. But Im doing pretty good pvp. Im a shadow tank. Its my first tank job. I like the fact that I never get close to dying in pve. I hope the story does pick up cause it seems a bit of a grind compared to the sith stories. So far my favorite story is sith warrior.
  10. I don't care what u guys say. My merc arsenal always has a 4:1 kill death ratio in pvp while I pursue objectives. And half the time I never have a healer. U guys are just weak sauce. Take the 12xp buff off and learn to play ur job.
  11. more like 1000th. He didn't know very many abilities. Like the sith of TOR. If it wasn't for Kenobi jacking him up real bad he might have been one of the best. Because he used a asthma breathing machine the rest of his life, I hardly consider him in the top. He didn't have very good lightsaber skills once he was mutilated either.
  12. You need hutt cartel to craft 400-450.

    you need shadow of revan to craft 450-500.

    You need advance crafting to craft from 450-500. Can be purchased from craft vender on fleet for $50k.

    Some people don't have SOR like me. Im waiting until the new expansion to hit so I get it free since I subscribe. My advise is to level other toons until then and get another craft up.

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