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Posts posted by Ghenghis-Khan

  1. I remember reading in the darth bane series that bane convinces a Dark Lord to commit suicide by force bomb, and takes most of the sith (and some jedi) down with him. Thus he hunts down some of the remaining sith and institutes the rule of two. So that's where the war ends. Cause its just him and his apprentice in the end. I would think this is the ending of TOR. Cause after that the republic has like a thousand years of peace. So the republic wins but at the hands of a sith trying to forge a new legacy. I forgot what planet the final battle is on but it was an epic read.
  2. I buy mission discoveries that people throw on the gtn and sell them for what they are really worth. Most people don't bother to look what they are really worth. Some are worth several hundred thousand credits on my server. I always find some and resell them right after. I made one mill yesterday doing this.
  3. Rather easy... since my husband and I play most of our games together :p If it's not on PC though... we're usually arguing over who to gets to play whatever console. And since I'm the home maker out of the two of us... chores are usually done, and cannot be used as bribes!


    And my husband is in the Navy, so... he usually plays after work. After he plays, he face plants into his pillow.


    If my husband's internet connection is stable during deployments. We sometimes get to play together even when he's overseas. Right now he's in Japan, with an okay connection. So we can play a few times a week when he's not super tired. It makes all the difference in the world to me.[/QUO


    ************************************************************************************************************************************I i would like to thank your husband for his service first of all.

    Now regarding topic. I put baby to sleep. Then put the wife to sleep ( a good stiff one usually does it), then i can finally focus my attention on ruling the galaxy. But that means i never sleep. A true sith really never sleeps.

  4. mara is very very squishy, but very powerful. they have to have a handicap. with a good healer you can melt down anything in your way. I was barely killin more than dying on mara. So I decided to level merc arsenal. Now im averaging 4x more kills then deaths. Having a ranged job in pvp just seems a whole lot better. My advice is to level a ranged job and send your wz coms from the ranged job to the mara if u want to gear it appropriately in pvp gear. I did one day of pvp for many hours on merc and got like 4k wz coms. hes only 24 so ive been sending wz coms to my more squishier toons.
  5. So I just started pvp and I think im doin very well and holding my own. But last night one guy after a match said he was going to report me. I ask for what. He goes " u just stand there and let the enemy kill you". I say "your gonna have a hard time explaining that when I just had a kill/death of 29/6 that last match. He didn't respond after that. I guess some people have nothing better to do than complain about nothing.
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