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Posts posted by Ghenghis-Khan

  1. "Because they can" is the reason.


    BW hates you. They did it just to see u rage quit.

    No seriously, I noticed this too, I had a lot of purple schematics on most crafts and about 90% are gone now. I told everyone before 4.0 to stop crafting cause of how they were gonna change the gear stats. I predicted that some of schematics would disappear. Sometimes I hate it when im right. :(

  2. Merc needs a stealth move. And I shouldn't have to spend a utility point for the jump move so I can get 4 secs of cc immunity. That's BS. I should have 10 secs of immunity automatically. And shame shame shame on u for saying merc should be taken out of the game. In unranked pvp I do great and do way better than my melee jobs. Havent ranked yet. I hear that's another beast.
  3. They should mention that in a side quest or something. Or you find a datacron lore object that explains it. I only knew before hand cause I read the book before I started the game. FYI theres a fan movie that was made not to long ago about the book. To bad it doesn't show the final show down.
  4. im reading shatterpoint right now. I have to say mace is the best duelist in the force. Mace created Vaapad.


    Had windu killed sidious then maybe the jedi would have lived to ward off the vong.

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