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Everything posted by DarkAnnmarie

  1. From Dasty's example, if I want my small guild to get CQ, I have to message all (10 people for example) and say, well normally your guys do 50k each week, but for this week, I need 200k from you...oh and this guild is more important thaat bob's guild, so do it here first, and if you don't have time, forget aabout doing stuff you like, do everything thaat is CQ related.... Would this be ok with you? Should they have to do it? Instead of them doing the CQ for 4 guilds, getting their 4 rewards, and getting 4 F/S plans that can help four guilds towards completing the flagship, they can only do one. I'm glad you have the time, to do that, but not everyone has that option. That's what it's about, small guilds being shafted, people having to change plans, three guilds losing out to one.
  2. ignoring the people who have gone slightly off topic and are arguing about what was an expansion, or not. The answer to your question is yes, there will be an expansion. As to the size of it, well, no ones knows that. They have something big planned for next year, with the little extras at the end of this year, to finish certain stories, and hopefully a prelude to what's coming up. Depending on what it is, it might even be enough to make me re sub
  3. hopefully, as it's a fairly new event, it shouldn't have been rotated out, swoop should have gone in to a different slot. Probably the oldest one. Although I suppose it would depend on when they were scheduled.
  4. I doubt it, took a week in to july to get the july calendar, even then, I'm not sure it was complete.
  5. it might, the person's who's account is hacked might get back within 36 hours, and be able to stop it, the 36 hours might help, with 0 hours, it might happen quicker, more often
  6. Small is usually a few people, does it really matter wether it's 15 or 20? As for the amount of characters, I don't think that matters either, as those chars are controlled by a few people, Small can be 1, with 50 chars, or 10 with 5. Wasn't looking for a specific amount, just people that consider their guild small, and what to shout out to each other. Some unity, etc. If one person is in a guild, and they consider themself aa real guild, why should I not? As for the bashing, if you read the forums long enough, you'll see what I'm talking about,
  7. I think if they forced everyone to start from square one, they'd lose a lot of players.
  8. Due to the bashing smalls guilds get, and the fact I'm running out of time for posting I'd like to set this thread up, to see how many small guilds there are out there. So in a thread that is about nothing else then just acknowledging small guilds, please put a +1, to show your support Plus 1
  9. An hour a day (or less) for one char, ONE, that's the issue, it takes more time to get the 2 mill than it does 500, people have to decide which guild gets what, wether they can run other stuff they enjoy, purely so they can just do CQ As I've pointed out, some people have more time on their hands to do that, others don't. I'm sure it's great to be you, that you can spend an hour on each char and get cq, ingore other things, etc, etc. But not everyone has that luxury, some people have limited time on the game, they become stuck between helping the guild, or playing content they like, Unfortunately lately there has be a slew of spoilt children that come on these forums and use the excuse "I can do it, so why can't you" argument. The difference, not everyone here is a child who can spend all day gaming, some people have to pick and choose whaat they can do, and while having a small yield planet doesn't make a damn difference to you, it does to them. And here's the other issue, with people like that, because it doesn't effect them, they come here mouthing off mocking others, because the issue effects them.
  10. So because I play differently then you, I should be punished, because it's not how you play, it's niche? That's a hell of a lot of arrogance on your part. It's suppose to be inclusive for everyone, no matter what. Do you realise how many small guilds there are out there? Because that's what it's about. Smalls guilds being ignored, and forced to work more than large guilds, people in small guilds being forced to work harder to get the same rewards. No, it's pure arrogance and ignorance, just because you have the time to spend in game, and don't run small guilds, or even care how events effect them, doesn't mean others don't.
  11. was talking about the title.....and the op's post........
  12. Some people have, and said it's not working, others have said it is, did the 'working' people get there first and break the machines? Haven't tested it myself, but would intered in knowing Unfortunately this is BW's new model, have stuff on the pts to test, ignore the tester. Find out stuff is broken on the test servers, still don't listen to the tester, and release it live. Make every event broken, after all, we can't have a happy customer base. Spend more time on cosmetics, and items people didn't ask for, and ignore the old bugs.....etc.
  13. I don't know, there are some really funny 'conspiracy' videos, that go though the films, and what he's 'doing' in the background, not to mention 'the druken' martials arts, etc..... They are not canon, but they are funny.
  14. A great idea, but it'll never happen. People rag on about the space barbies, but they put a lot of cc's in to getting the perfect outfit, color, look, etc. Even when not spending CC's, they are spending stuff, others bought with CC's. Sometimes I walk around fleet and I'm in awe at how fantastic some of the outfits are. I wish I could be as creative as some of these people, but most of my best outfits came from other people. And that's just one part of the CC Dollar signs that you see in BW's eyes...lol
  15. Unfortunately I don't think there is much we can actually do, they have us by the .... Sure we could quit, but we'll be replaced quickly, and all that will happen is we'll lose out on our Star Wars MMO, we do not have another place to go. We can't sue, or go to the better buisness bureau, what would our case be? They know this, they don't care. Personally I stopped subbing , the only reason I'm here is I clicked someones link, and was checking the status of the update and automatically clicked reply. Was delighted to be able to chat again, but it's limited to a few days...lol Maybe someday when the bugs are dealt with, the issues are sorted, and the mods/CS/Managers start treating people like paying customers, I might then become one again.
  16. All three would be great, but if it was a choice, first would be the spacesttion, then the ski resort, and then the town house/ villa, with a swimming pool.
  17. I can't imagine them doing it, there'd be too many ways to abuse it.
  18. It's a good point, especially about 'progressing gear' after all, if people aren't getting to gear up in PvP, they'll go back to farming HS again, and we'll staart getting all those posts back.
  19. yes, they are just ONE thing, repeated daily, but if you have many guilds, and want to help as many as possible, it cuts in to your time, if you have to get more than the 50 k, and move on. It's not about how easy it is to get the points, but how much extra time it will take to get the guild over the CQ threshold, if the threshold is larger, it takes more time, It's grand if you've only got a couple of guilds, and they are large enough that it doesn't take that much, but all this goes back to small guilds, with a few people. And also, the more time you have to expend on CQ, the less time you get on personal preferences, unless CQ is your preference. Also everything Jdast has said too....lol I censored out**** , as I wasn't sure if he was being nasty, and if he got zapped for it, I didn't want my post getting zapped too.
  20. They messed up yesterday, this is to fix it....probably They work on US time, so yup, the EU players got stuck with the short straw Haven't logged in yet....I'm scared..... This is why I'm scared......what did they mess up? :O
  21. have you tried, switching instances? Or logging off, shutting down, restarting? Does it happen to one char or them all. SWTOR was a victim of a DDoS attack last night, is it possible that could have effected it too?
  22. I mean what was the word he used at the end? Was he insulting people, etc. And no, he doesn't have a point. Small guilds need the small yield planet. 500k is 50k for ten people, but for those same 10 people to get medium yield, they'd have to put in 4 times as much work, just for that one guild. Which would mean, another guild, would suffer, as they'd have less time to help that one. A lot of people have small guilds, and are trying to get their guilds to CQ to get the f/s plans. Not to mention, some guilds have even less, etc.
  23. Someone once put up a ski resort type of stronghold on hoth, I could see that working, especially if we get a ski ramp
  24. I don't think it was a nerf, as was pointed out in a different thread, one of the new quests is to dance for 6 secs to advertise. So chances are the dance floor got changed unintentionally because of the mission, or maybe they had no choice as they were the same deco.
  25. I used to think this would cause issues, but the last couple of years have shown that it is needed. Actually, I'd say most, if not all have polite toons. It would be a very small % who'd come to the game to merely troll. But to be honest, if anyone on my friends list dissapeared because I've ignored one of their other toons for that, I wouldn't miss them
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