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  1. Ah, I'm sorry. Missed that part. Well, not sure if this will be helpful, but try googling "gaming keypad". Fully programmable, a couple different ergonomic options. Razer Tartarus would be my choice for you because the wrist rest is adjustable, therefore its the most likely candidate when it comes to conforming to your needs. It is also programmable in the way that you seek. Razer Synapses is a beautiful program XD
  2. So be cannon fodder! CC and mezz opponents without a filled resolve bar! Kite, taunt and LoS! If you are a 65 in IL190 pve gear, you will get the proper 1936 expertise, pretty close to the full pvp gear 2018 expertise. By at least trying to learn the maps and trying to help your team win, it means that your team is MORE LIKELY to win. Which averages out to mean people get those companions faster, which in turn means they are done with pvp sooner.
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=851562 <-- that *might* be of assistance
  4. I was using a Razer Naga 2014 up until last week, when my 3yo cut the cord to it The Redragon Perdition is actually what I was planning on replacing it with And speaking of complex setups; http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=851664 #ShamelessSelfPromotion
  5. The name of the application I use for this is DS4Windows(totally free, no extra crap needed). In order to interact with SW:TOR it must be run as admin. Be sure to set the profile for "Use Touchpad for Swipe controls" and "Use DInput only", so that we can make use of the touchpad. I also highly recommend checking the "Mouse Acceleration" box. Note that this is a work is progress and subject to interpretation on your part and editing on my part I have bound the controller as follows: cross:1, circle:2, square:3, triangle:4. D-pad: down:5, right:6, left:7, up:8. share:9, options:0, PS:bab. Click touchpad: left:-, right:=. L1:Lshift, R1:Lctrl, L2:RMB, R2:LMB, L3:space, left stick:wasd, right stick:mouse. Touchpad swipe: up:mouse wheel up, down:mouse wheel down. Deadzone LS&RS:0.25, Curve LS&RS:15%. BTW 36 skills(3 hotbars) worth of ability bindings with this setup.
  6. I've tried that myself, but my smallish hands had a hard time with it.
  7. No, but everything you do gives out more xp. Its broken down here; http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151005
  8. If you have any non-pvp gear on above IL190, then you'll be less effective in pvp. IE you take more DMG, deal less DMG, and get healed for less HP. Please participate! Standing in a corner is a waste of your time, and it affects how the warzone plays out for everyone else.
  9. Protips™: 1) A and D should strafe. If you use them to turn, you're doing it wrong. Up your mouse sensitivity/DPI and/or turn up your camera rotation speed. 2) BIND ALL THE KEYS. Have an MMO mouse? Cool, bind 1-12 on the shift, ctrl and alt modifiers as well. Don't have one? Here's the keys i have bound; 1 2 3 4 Q E R F G V C X Z S; All with shift, ctrl and alt modifiers for them. 2B) I personally have a mouse (Walmart $10 Onn) with two buttons on the side. THESE CAN ALSO BE BOUND 4 TIMES, ALONG WITH WHEEL CLICK. Which they are for me. 2C)So the total number of reasonable combat binds for each combo comes to; (MMO=48)+(Q-S=40)=88, (Onnbasic=12)+(1-S=56)=68, Just 1-S=56 S bind reasoning! "move backwards" has a slower movement rate then "move forwards". By being able to quickly 180° (+or- a few °) your camera you make up for the difference in movement speed. In addition, this will help increase your awareness in combat (once you get used to it anyways). If you simply cannot master the rebinding of S, don't worry too much about it. You end up with 84, 64 or 52 binds instead, which isn't that big a deal.
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