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Everything posted by perotta

  1. Wait just a sec, there is no timer on Manaan final boss? Urgh.... If only I knew sooner. The first time I was so stupid that I didn't notice it was susceptible to fire and had trouble killing him. I was smashing buttons sooo hard to kill him before the timer run out. I was sooo happy when I had like 3 seconds left. And now I learn that I didn't have to bother
  2. Finished the chapter on Story Mode maybe two weeks ago and I, too, had a timer run out but no boom followed. I had all sort of other issues though; my Knight would get stuck, abilities would go on cooldown without using any, so obviously I ran out of time. Thankfully, no explosion. I don't know if it's a feature or a bug, but hopefully it's going to stay. But come to think of it
  3. I'm sorry but what is Nico doing here? What's so overpowered about him? How did people work hard to get him? I have Nico, I didn't move a finger to get him. How would someone else getting Nico undervalue the game? For whom?
  4. I wouldn't mind, to be honest. I have Nico because I was subscribed at the time, I already got my reward, I see no reason to exclude anyone else who wants to get him. I'm willing to share
  5. SWTOR was always different from other MMOs. It always had a sizeable portion of a game that was soloable. It was designed differently. Bioware didn't start catering to solo players - they just ignored and screwed up everyone. They invented some mythical player and started catering to him. They introduced solo content no one asked them for - KotFE and KotET - which was mediocre, poorly written and had zero replayability; they introduced the unnecessary GC system that no one asked them to - not solo players, not group players - which again, screwed up everyone. I don't see how Bioware catered to solo players. I am a solo player; in my opinion they never bothered catering to me much. It's not just the solo story segments that appealed to me in the original game. It was also the exploration, the combat, the daily areas, crafting, space battles, hell, even equipping my toons. I never asked for solo FPs or solo OPs before, because there was something else to do. Now? Bioware seems content on ignoring the playerbase, solo and group players alike. They introduced solo FPs, so there is a chance of getting solo OPs. Solo OPs are definitely not on my top priority list but it's something at least. Because our chances of getting new, good story content or a new planet with enough space for exploration? Practically non-existent. They are giving a daily area with 5.2 update but it remains to be seen if it's any good at all. I personally doubt it's gonna salvage the situation. And the new story content may turn me off the game even more if the quality of writing remains as low as it is.
  6. I don't have a problem with the alert itself, though it can be annoying. Yesterday I had problems with connection and had to quit and start the launcher about a dozen times - it got tedious quickly. But to be fair, it was my problem. I don't think the devs are going to implement any sort of "turn off alert screen" option though. What I found more annoying was the fact that it started on Saturday - four days before the patch itself. I think they didn't put up the alert that early before. I even thought the patch was going to arrive on Sunday evening before I noticed the date. I just don't think there is much point in issuing the alert that early. They didn't even reveal patch notes until Monday.
  7. You know, it's ironic because throughout the thread you keep making assumptions about other people, and you do it again. "Dinner with friends is better", "they'll be miserable", "it will ruin the experience", " it will ruin group content", "solo players would think it's boring", "the majority of people"... First, stop telling people what they feel or what they would feel. I can speak for myself just fine, thank you. Solo option cannot possibly ruin anyone's group experience. Solo players don't experience group content in the first place, while group players stick to group content. Is it possible that players won't like the experience that comes with a solo option? Possibly. So what? It's an option. If they don't like it they can participate in group content. You, I take it, are a group player. Did the existence of a solo FP ruin your personal experience with group FPs? If yes, then tell me, how? While we are at it, where is the majority that tells you that solo FPs are boring? I don't find solo FPs boring. A lot of people don't. Some people do - because they prefer doing content with a group. That's why these people don't do solo content, they do group content. Now, sometimes they have to do it solo because they can't find players for a group. That's a bummer - perfectly understandable. But it doesn't happen because FPs have a solo option. A lot of players left the game or play inconsistently due to a bunch of different reasons (bugs, nerfs, devs not listening to players, Galactic Command system) - naturally, less players to find for group content. Can you prove that, had there been no solo option for FPs, it would have been easier to find a group? Because I don't see any proof of that. It was a solo option for FPs that actually got me into the game after a long period of inactivity. I had already done all class storylines. I would not have returned had there been no option to do Ilum FPs or Forged Alliances FPs solo. I would not have returned and grouped with other players. Solo FPs didn't ruin anything for me; they gave me an opportunity to have new experiences. I liked these experiences. I haven't seen one person whose experiences "got ruined" because I enjoyed solo FPs. Are you the one? Please, enlighten me. Are there valid reasons against adding solo option? Yes. As much as I would like to see a solo option for Ops, I can attest to that. I have yet to see you mention them, though.
  8. I think I'll always stand firmly by my belief that the Agent storyline is the best. It has the best writing, the best dialogue choices, the best opportunities for RP without going overboard with DS or LS, it's really interesting and I really, really felt for my Agent. Especially in Chapter 2. Urgh, I was so enraged and by the end of it I was so happy for her. My biggest issue with this class, though, is your team. All other classes have companions that don't fit or have a really flimsy excuse for being your companion, but the Agent is probably the most ridiculous case. I mean, you are a freaking secret agent. Who you gonna call? An anarchist, a bug-man, a kindly old monster, a walking violation of a Sith law and SCORPIO? Don't even get me started. Sure, I like the team but it makes me wonder how unorthodox the Keeper is that he allows you to run with the crew like that. Mind you, although I consider it the best storyline, it's not my favourite. The honour goes to Sith Warrior. There are issues I have with it, but it's really interesting and I finally get to be Vader wannabe! The best thing is that you have a lot of freedom of RP due to dialogue choices - something that Jedi Knight's (my second favourite) lacks so, so much. I love it, but seriously, by the end of my playthrough my Knight was a schizophrenic who couldn't decide whether to Kenobi her way through the storyline or to whine and b**** and stabbity-stab! There isn't much opportunity for fine RP; you are mostly limited to saint-like and devil-like responses. I still love JK, mostly for all the supporting characters, companions, allies and antagonists alike. My top best would be: Agent - Warrior - Smuggler My top favourite: Warrior - Knight - Agent
  9. I think because Smuggler isn't in this line of job just for the money? I always reckoned it was a mixture of money, fame, prestige, thrill and plain ol' ******ery. Plus, chapter 3 is about you getting revenge on Rogun (well, mostly), not making money.
  10. Well, we don't know what "siding with" entails so far. It may mean only that the Alliance takes Rep's or Imp's side in a conflict over Iokath but it doesn't mean your character switches sides or even that this "alliance" would last.
  11. Nope, it's not only you. Half the time I had trouble choosing between LS and DS not because it was hard and meaningful choice but because I thought both choices were pretty stupid and didn't fit any interpretation of the Trooper or because one was really stupid and the other was really plain and 'kick the puppy'-style. Now, A-77 mission does present you with a meaningful choice (it wasn't hard for me, because I wasn't really invested, but it should be for your Trooper). Thing is, A-77 mission appears mid-Chapter 3. It's pretty late to have a good opportunity to RP. To be fair, it's not the only storyline with the problem, though I consider it the worst of all. The Knight can get pretty bad as well. If you want to RP anything but the detached save-the-puppy monk or the arrogant eat-the-puppy jerk you'll have to navigate dialogue choices rather carefully. In my opinion the Agent and the Warrior have the most freedom to choose and remain "in-character" even if you don't stick to one side or the other.
  12. Strange. I know they do get together if you don't romance either but they also break up in the original storyline. Does that mean that they get together during 5 year skip? Or maybe Gault was being Gault and just referenced their past relationship?
  13. Problem is, you don't have that many opportunities to add anything. Most dialogues only present you with "yes sir" options with different variations. There is no snark, and the few times you can get "insolent" your character comes off as a whiny brat who has no place in the army to begin with. Gets even worse during supposedly dramatic scenes, like A-77 mission: Part of the problem is, in my opinion, surprisingly bland perfomance by VAs (seriously, I expected much better), but the script itself is quite mediocre. Other classes (mostly) have a flavour to their dialogue: Knight ranges from gentle and peaceful to aggressive and arrogant; Warrior is quite haughty but has plenty opportunities for snark, violence or softness, etc. Even the Consular has a moments or two when their dialogue gets much better. The Trooper? Not so much. I was spamming Esc button during my playthrough trying to get him at least some personality, but he is still the blandest of my toons.
  14. Well, first of all, that Saresh was really competent in one capacity (as a governor of Taris) doesn't mean she's capable of everything. It's one thing to lead the reconstruction effort of one world and lead the whole Republic. Actually, there are first signs of her... let's say, questionable motives, at the end of the Trooper storyline. As for Ziost, her chewing out Theron is understandable but her invading the planet without you know, consulting anyone, and ignoring her mole's info on how screwed up the situation is not. She has a reason to hate the Empire, but she is also a leader and has no right to be motivated by petty feelings. And she does come off as petty. "Oh, the Empire is weak. Let's rush headlong into Ziost! Nevermind that there is a freaking Cthulhu driving everyone mad! I know how to fight a war!" Seriously, she chews out her mole and says "don't tell me how to fight a war". Mind telling us where did you learn how to fight a war, Saresh? Now, add five more years. She refuses to surrender to Zakuul - it's perfectly in character for her, but it's also highly unwise. She refuses to surrender her power installing a puppet Chancellor. So no, taking all of the above into account, I wouldn't say I was surprised that she tried to take over the Alliance. She tried to be an opportunist (again) but failed (again). Besides, had she ever shown herself to be a competent leader at any point after Taris? I don't think so.
  15. Yep. Massively Multi-Player. Not Team-Player. Almost all content in SWTOR can be done with a team by default. Having a solo option isn't going to ruin the experiences of team players, much like not having a solo option isn't going to prompt solo players to team up. The "downward trend" is not the players' fault.
  16. That's what I was thinking about as well. Okay, one could say that the devs had a Mirialan Smuggler in mind because one of the two famous smugglers in the universe at the point is Hylo Visz, who is a Mirialan. But the other one is Nico Okarr who is human, so... It's a big stretch to state that the "canonical" Smuggler is a Mirialan.
  17. Yeah... Consular's dialogue was pretty forgettable too. Except for that mission on Nar Shaddaa where you infiltrate some Imperial facility and pose as a Sith. Dat accent It just came out of nowhere "THE WEALTH OF EMPIRE IS AT STAKE!"
  18. I feel like yes, it doesn't change for the better. Whatever dialogue you pick, the Trooper's responses are always so... underwhelming. And it's not just the usual lines - the 'moral' choices are just as bad. I honestly couldn't care less about anyone involved and I have to say the blandness of the Trooper was partially to blame. There are sidequests that have better moral choices than this storyline. The only instance I remember being really conflicted about was a mission between Belsavis and Voss. Without any spoilers the moral choice at the end made me stop and think (for the first time in all three chapters!). But then I picked an option and my Trooper was like "Oh well. Too bad." Srsly?
  19. Well, the Chiss species isn't available to Smuggler unless unlocked through Legacy or coins, so I suppose this line is supposed to be in a mocking sense?
  20. I'm using this chart: http://imgur.com/sDgQaHy I've actually started doing DM storyline right after Chapter 3 by accident. Had to abandon the quests and do them in order to make sure I don't miss anything. The storyline can get confusing if you don't know the correct order beforehand or have a guide. You can finish all ops, dailies and ordinary missions on Oricon even after finishing KotET (I did). Not sure about Bonus missions on Belsavis, but that only concerns Imperial characters.
  21. I've noticed this too. Yesterday, for example, I've been playing during LS victorious state. I was watching the timer closely because I was running out of time doind dailies. Once the timer run out it immediately got into "DS is winning" (rank 3, I think). I guess even during the victorious state the other side continues to "collect points" or whatever, towards its winning state. Other times, once the victorious state ends, the side gradually "gets weaker", then "Force is in balance", etc. Honestly, this system is confusing. And yes, I wish we had the option of turning the banner off. I only have two 70-level toons and a bunch of others who don't. care. about. this. stupid. system. I mean, seriously, what's the point? Not like they benefit from it. This bloody banner gets on my nerves
  22. Do we know if Vector consented to it? I can't recall it ever being stated. He definitely says he doesn't want to be un-Joined, but so would everyone who got forcibly turned.
  23. Hopefully they will be returning them in pairs (like Quinn and Elara). But even then, I doubt we'll see all of them return by the end of the year.
  24. Well, during the chapters with the four returning LIs you get unique convos with them where you can either continue the romance or break up. With Aric it's after he invites refugees back to the camp. With Vette, I think, it's when you discuss the plan to rob the Star (or whatever). With Torian it's after the first battle, before you go to celebrate. I don't remember what's with Kaliyo, haven't played it. If you continue your romance with them then at the end of the chapter (I think) you'll get a scene with Lana, Koth or Theron where they say something along the lines "It's been nice and all, but you former luv is back so we're done". Basically, you first decide whether to continue your previous relationship. Then depending on your choice it will automatically break up your current romance with Lana, Koth or Theron. I believe you can actually break up with your ex-LI even if you hadn't romanced anyone in KotFE. But I don't think there is any reference to you moving on (from your former LI) or any sort of romantic conflict. At least not in romance with Theron (whom I'm going to drop like a hot potato ).
  25. Still missing: Kira and Doc for JK, Nadia and Felix for JC, Elara for TR, Corso, Risha and Akaavi for SM, Malavai and Jaesa for SW, Andronikos and Ashara for SI, Vector and Raina for IA, Mako for BH. So... 15 LIs. I think. I'm not good with math. (It just occured to me that almost no one seems to care about Mako. I mean I've never seen her name come up in such discussions. Maybe) But do we know for sure that all LIs will be killable? It would be so... You know... I mean, Vector
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