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Everything posted by ejbsuperbat

  1. Sadly the only way to Change is to get 1,000 cartel coins and buy a "change legacy name" from the cartel market
  2. I think they also drop some quotes that explain the future like I saw someone who had a remarkable resembellence to Han Solo in carbonite and I could have sworn I saw the DEATH STAR plans in the emperor's station. Also, the emperor does not die till 70BBY so (yes, he has or will live 5,000 years) that could be considered canon,
  3. I think all the movies are good EXEPT for phantom menace and attack of the clones and in my opinion return of the jedi was not very good. And I am sure like many people have said, I hate Luke Skywalker! He is always tantruming. What are his most famous quotes? "Nooooooo!", _"aaaaaaaaahhhh", and his only famous quote that is not screaming is "I am a jedi! Like my father before me!" Still not good. I think VADER is my favourite guy I was born around the time of attack of the clones
  4. I just reached level 55. I have not purchased the shadow of Revan pack but my XP bar claims I can reach level level 56. Why is this? If it is nessacery I am a subscriber
  5. That whole bit about falling for the dark side but then redemption happened for me, sort of. I started the game as a jedi, I still remember tython, then after chapter 2 I have a PVP duel with a sith player! I say how strong he was so I joined the Dark side on Korriban but after seeing the evils of the Sith at level 16 I could not fight for them anymore, I am now A jedi master. See? Falling for dark side, story of redemption
  6. Selling cartel market items- profit or giving away money? I am cosidering selling cartel market items using my thousand cartel coins but I want to know- does anyone actually buy cartel market items for credits on the GTN?
  7. http://www.swtor.com/gamemanual/exploring-the-galaxy This says that nothing about only saying need of you need it. It says to choose need if you want a better chance at getting it. Greed if you wanted outhers to have a good chance too
  8. But is all it does double XP?
  9. Now, I have played since October (2014) and have been a subscriber since Christmas but I still don't understand one thing- Rested XP. How does it work? I know you get it by logging off in a cantina or stronghold but what does it do?
  10. Another complainer and I say this- DONT SAY "this guy is too strong, make him weaker" as this ruins the class for PVE so why not say "this guy is too strong, make me as strong as him!"?
  11. Spoilers? NO! Any outher way? I heard rested XP is good, is that true?
  12. 2 of you said go to maked and don't you need to be level 50 for maked? A level 48 would get his butt handed to him on a silver platter!
  13. Ok, My level 48 has been stuck at 48 for weeks! What is the fastest way to level up at late levels? I would love if someone could awnser by the weekend!
  14. Also disagree. But I would like a pistol for my agent. Well, this is how the game is and even half the community wanted it they probably would still not do it.
  15. Wait! Is it fixed? I am confused. Is it still horrible lag?
  16. I think we all must want this ready for the weekend as that is when most of us play but I doubt it very mutch
  17. Bioware, I have another letter for you- Your service is needs serious help! This is probably the biggest bug you have ever faced and you don't even tell us you are having trouble fixing it but instead you lie and say you have fixed it. Bioware, fix this or I think this is the bigging of the end of SWTOR. -ejbsuperbat
  18. What about- there is no emotion there is peace. Note the "NO EMOTION" part
  19. Bioware- I am glad that you have addressed this issue even if it is a little late. I am sure I speak for a large portion of the community when I say that I would like to thank you for helping. I hope you can fix it by the weekend as a friend of mine is coming and he loves to play on my character. I see we are no longer kicked out anymore but the lag must be fixed as most of us cannot play at all! I regret to say that it cannot be denied that your speed in fixing this error was less than brilliant and your costumer service needs to greatly improve their reputation with the players. I am sure taking care of issues like this much quicker would create more players. Many of my friends who played SWTOR quit because of this issue. I thank you once more for starting to take care of this issue. Yours sencirely- Ejbsuperbat
  20. Depends what fleet? I heard pub's are getting less and less popular by the minute! Also because of that fire in London a while back it is impossible to play on any EU servers until the cables in London are fixed.
  21. Person above has placed a kind awnser.... (Sarcastic) Well it depends on your play style. Here's the decider- lightsaber or force? I personally prefer my inquisitor. The force is a powerfull ally... If you like close quarter fighting than warrior is the one for you! both classes companions are great but I don't think they Sould be a decider. some people like to force lightning their foes to death while outhers want to stab their enemys and defeat them in duels! It all depends on how you want to play. Species. just choose the one you like! Story- both stories great but I personally prefer inquisitor. It is all up to you and your play style!
  22. Wait! What if the new season stronghold out in April... Is on Korriban/tython! And you get temple. Decorations aswell!
  23. Create a quick operative to find out, the best way to beat an enemy is to be the enemy
  24. I would personally love a game like this- Both factions would have a warship. The warship would have 3 parts. The hangar where players could board their opponents ship, the reactor core that you must defend and the command deck where you take special actions. Boarding- you board the enemy ship from the hangar. On the enemy ship you must fight past your foes to get to the reactor core. You acces a terminal for 8 seconds. This initiates a self destruct sequence. Players must board the outher ship for bonus points Deck- on the command deck you can preform special actions. The controls can only be accessed by members of the same faction as the ship. These actions are- Lock down. Places blast doors all across the ship that must take sevral hits to get past. This also prevents travel to your opponents ship and your opponent cannot board you either. Atleast 1 enemy must be aboard your ship in order to engage this. Self destruct. There must be atleast 4 enemys on board your ship for this and all members must agree (or the majority) It engages a self destruct sequence killing everyone aboard your ship if they do not ivacuate within 2 minuites. This also will destroy the ship killing your team members till the end of the battle. Shields. This blocks your enemy from boarding for 1.5 minuites. You can still board them. This ability has a 3 minuite cooldown Players- players can respawn on their ship if they die but if their ship has been destroyed they must wait until the end of the game. 16 players play each round Victory- the game is won when the enemy has been completely eradicated! The time limit is 25 minutes. In the event of a draw the team who has killed the most enemys. I relise this is quite a bit to ask but the command deck is just a potential extra. If this can be created I am sure many players would greatly enjoy it. Yours sencirely- ejbsuperbat
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