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Everything posted by ejbsuperbat

  1. What is it? It appears to be another expansion but larger than shadow of revan or rise of the hut cartel. It said first 9 chapters, NINE? Start at level 60? Can anyone please explain this to me?
  2. Am I really the only one who thought this?
  3. The trooper looks surprised. Perhaps we should focus less on the trooper, and more on the background, the shadow in particular. It looks like someone holding another by the throat. This is not a force sensitive as they would just force choke but they are doing something. Of course this could just be a statue or something. The background looks like a temple, a korriban temple in particular. Is the trooper on Korriban? Are these shadows of any significance? Is this fellow just a common soldier? Only time will tell....
  4. Of course scoundrels are more helpful in groups as they heal but gunslingers do look good and they deal good damage Gunslinger pros- good looking attacks, great damage at ranged, portable cover. Gunslinger cons- weak health, vunrable at close combat Scoundrel pros- healing, good health, stealth Scoundrel cons- not brilliant at ranged, uses more energy
  5. Class- knight because I like the story (and I have a 60 knight) and who dose not like wielding a lightsaber Species- plain ol' human because I am one Gender- male because I am Companion- for practical use- any healer, for discussion / Romance: I don't know.
  6. Welcome back! One thing is Galactic strongholds. The ability to purchase and decorate a home. You have already discovered Shadow of Revan Galactic Starfighter. A little PVP mini-game where to fly around and shoot people with starfighters. I think there is new PVP warzones. The nightlife event is on now if you want to waste credits on gambling. That's all I know that's new I think.
  7. I have a 60 knight and I will say that male makes more sense. The heavy armour looks better in males and the actor is quite good. Attacks are probably the same as female
  8. I agree! But I really want a Tython/korriban stronghold or Alderran palace
  9. Can I transfer basic commendations between my characters?
  10. Outside the mission departures door there should be a droid- this will give you the quest
  11. That is pretty much what the idea was.
  12. So what if it increases que times? I would rather spend 10 minutes waiting for 4V4 than 1 minuite for huttball
  13. flashpoints- you CAN do them overleveled OR you can do hard mode at level 50 Strongholds- well strongholds will not make you money BUT they do serve great convenience! You can go to the planet you were just on or you can go to the planet the stronghold is on and Subscribers can go to the fleet and their starship. Starfighter- I don't know about this one- I am awful at Starfighter but If you are good I would image it could be prophitable. Cartel coins- if you want to buy something buy it OR if there is nothing you like then buy lots and lots of limited edition packs and then sell them on the GTN for millions.
  14. What are the escape pods on your ship for? When I use them they are always univalable so why do they even exist?
  15. Darth Marr. Who is he? I just saw him in shadow of revan but I know little about him. What is he? Deputy Emperor?
  16. I think this game needs a way to filter PVP matches. I love novare but hate huttball. I want a quick 4V4 but I get civil war. We have a way to filter flashpoints; why not PVP?
  17. I agree! This is a brilliant idea
  18. See the bottom of this: http://www.swtor.com/gamemanual/exploring-the-galaxy It says to choose NEED if you want a good chance of getting it. GREED if you want outhers to have a chance
  19. Is there a new expansion pack coming? I heard rumours but I don't know if they are true. If so I personally would like a new expansion featuring Naboo or Kasyyyk
  20. That's it? WHAT? 12X XP, your are my new best friend!
  21. Agree with this- I have 7 characters and I have no plans to romance on any, especially my jedi (there is no emotion, there is peace.)
  22. ejbsuperbat


    The strategic information service. The rupublic's intelligence, is there a class where you play as them? I know smuggler are the Republic version of Imp agent but they seem more freelance and I like the Republic. So, Is there a class where you become and SIS agent? On my part: feel free to use spoilers in your awnsers.
  23. Oh, but the main point of this is, is there a catche?
  24. I think this is awsome, I got a new guy from level 1-10 in 45 minuites. But this seems too good to be true. Is it? Is there some sort of catche? I know you have to be a sub and It goes away in August but as I said. This seems too good to be true!
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