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Everything posted by GrimRita

  1. I'm not. Sub is on run down until it expires. But the truth does hurt I guess. And this is to discuss the benefits (if any) of SWTOR moving to a different F2P model.
  2. The game is just on life support now until Episode 7 hits. Then flood the game with cartel related crap, cash in, then announce the shutting down for 2016/17 as the licence won't be renewed.
  3. SWTOR went free to play for the same reasons. But remember, ESO is around 1 year old and the content in SWTOR is 4 years old. The current F2P which worked as a shot in the arm, isn't attracting new blood or retaining many players. With 2 new MMOs released last year and both unable to keep a strong subs base, I didn't expect ESO to deliver a strong B2P model. Think how many returning players may come back if SWTOR went down the B2P route. Bioware could, open the door to these old players and see if it actually works. A busy game, is a popular game.
  4. Very true. Well ive actually managed to cancel my sub in time now, just uninstalled the game and won't be back. No point pouring money into an empty well.
  5. 5 months on from the announcement about the announcement on the announced announcement of 'better than cross server', isn't it time something was brought to the table? Sure, maybe we're expecting too much since you've only just discovered Bolster is broken(after 5 months), despite the endless cries of players. Time for the dev team to step up to the plate and serve their idea. If you're still blank, just tell us and then engage us to deliver a better PvP experience ASAP. A single Rishi ARENA map 12 months is really bad form.
  6. What has amazed me, are those so blinkered to see the benefits to everyone if SWTOR changed its so called F2P model. Numbers are falling - the servers are Light 80% of the day. Its been F2P for 2 years, and yes it gave the game a shot in the arm but things are going south again. This isn't an argument that ESO is better, its about how their new B2P is a game changer. A total game changer. Can you really expect someone who is F2P in SWTOR to pay 400cc for a pass to play 4 year old content? If the answer is yes, take a long hard look around - the servers are becoming empty for a reason.
  7. This game is far from a Triple A MMO and as such is being treated like one. All the signs are there that the developers are now doing very little to milk every single penny they can. #bangoutofideas
  8. GrimRita

    Bolster Update!

    Is this the 'better than cross server ' fix?
  9. The UI is mostly to blame. Its shoddy coding. You will be lucky to run Warzones smoothly. This game is CPU heavy, so it matters not how good your graphics card is/not. Even those with over clocked i7s struggle to get anything decent. Just turn your settings down and ride out the lag. It also gets much worse by the end of the week as the servers just chug.
  10. GrimRita

    Bolster Update!

    We play the game, so of course we are right. You really need to listen to our concerns and act faster. Metrics don't always paint the full picture.
  11. Yes, refund timers. My inventory slot was at max capacity, all slots filled.
  12. I just transferred a toon to a new server. My inventory was full of cartel packs, items and other stuff with TIMERS. After my transfer, the frame rate dropped to 5-10fps on fleet with hardly anyone on. I couldn't understand why. Then I removed my UI, because we all unofficially know that this is the route cause of all the problems, and bingo, no issue. Then slowly, and painfully I moved my items with TIMERS and when half were gone/placed on GTN - the frame rate picked back up to normal. So a lesson - having many timer items sends the game in to a spin and my inventory wasn't even open!
  13. I dont know about non US. I've saved a fortune on steam games from there.
  14. I think the credit cap is there and needs to be there due to gold sellers. Otherwise they could easily just play for free and stack up endless credits. And yes,the basic functions such as mail and chat just are ridiculous. False value!
  15. With Elder Scrolls going free to play, what stunned me was their brilliant move in attracting new players. Could and should Bioware stop this nickle and diming of the game? It's been 2 years now and clearly numbers across all servers are in decline. My guild alone lost over 120 subs this past month and I can't be alone. The Boxed product & Trials ESO you must first buy the product but SWTOR could still offer the home planets as totally free, unrestricted until they hit level 10. Why? This game is now 4 years old so its essential to give new players a trial, WITHOUT draconian restrictions Removing restrictions for ALL New players should be welcomed in to the game and not greeted with relentless pay walls - hell even subscribers are bombarded with that 'Cartel coin' sign. Why? Removing the limits to operations, warzones and flashpoints means that the servers will get busier. Players will no longer have to manage their game time around weekends when the game is a bit busier. This will ensure a healthy population through most of the day - instead of the word 'light' for 80% of the day, Subscribers. If players wish to subscribe, they should get more benefits instead of just 500 silly coins. ESO gives more coins the longer you sub, in addition to other boosts. An example - 1500 crowns at the start of each 30-day membership period Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership Exclusive character progression bonuses for the duration of membership 10% bonus to experience point gain 10% bonus to crafting research 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain 10% bonus to gold acquisition SWTOR could adopt something along these lines. Outside of patch updates, any new operations and Warzones (LOL) would only be open to those who currently subscribe. It really is time to step away from how things currently are and unless there is a shake up, the decline in numbers will keep going.
  16. You can buy them online at Instant-gaming.com I get 60 days for £12.50 ish, which is a huge saving buying it from the store here. Instant delivery too. I also get my steam games there.
  17. I blame Bioware for not creating a game worth £9 a month. Without the 'freeloaders', you wouldn't have anyone to play with. The servers are just 4 months were more or less dead (like they are now off peak) and the game is slowly returning to that state of 'deadness' again. Servers are 'light' for much longer which isn't a good sign and Q pops take even longer too. As a subscriber, Bioware have actually added zero value recently with all the incoming content either being an expansion or just rehashed crap. I just looked at the new ESO model and it is a BLINDER. I think Bioware need to change their outdated payment model. The game should welcome new players and invite them to stay - it doesn't.
  18. GrimRita

    Target drop?

    Nope. Its ANOTHER bug. Happens often. Its probably a combination of a bad game engine, the lag and the game getting confused at just what happened after you get knocked back for the 5th time in a row, after several stuns.
  19. 100% wrong. Why? Level 55s - most have full expertise armour from pre 3.0 - complete with augments, stim buffs therefore giving them a huge advantage. And, not everyone has the expansion. The 30-54 bracket worked the same way as lowbies - no expertise therefore, your gear wasnt too important. At least players could be competitive unlike now, where its death in 3 hits. No one can defend Bioware on its lazy approach and is probably final death nail in pvp. Look around your warzones. Its the same faces over and over and reason is, people are leaving and I can't say I blame them. Its crap.
  20. So bolster IS broken. Either way, those saying 'just level to 60' are totally wrong. Because then, the 60s will say 'get pvp gear before entering' abuse. If you are to encourage new players in to PvP, Mid brackets is not the way to do it. I've had this debate all to often and those who don't listen are either too stupid or have zero idea of just how harsh it can be.
  21. POT5 is light ALL day. I feel sorry for anyone who rolled there
  22. Bolster is broken mate. Do what hundreds are doing - quitting. Its the only way to get through to these devs.
  23. At least Galaxies made it to 8 years as a fully PAID to play MMO. How long did swtor last? 6 months wasnt it?
  24. Ah the fanboy at it again. Every single thread that bashes this game, you will find this chap. Posting endless pieces of crap. Go back to your single player game.
  25. If you hadn't of left, you would probably feel that the content is stale. What has been released has been paid/expansion content and what is being released is small dailies areas with no weight behind it. Including the story
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