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Everything posted by Romeugues

  1. Romeugues


    I have one actually, I prefer (true) ranged classes, I stopped playing PT when they nerfed the range, making it some sort of melee/range hybrid, still a fun class if the other team is bad or you have a good healer.
  2. Romeugues


    I'd take a major nerf to merc dcds to be able to hit like a truck again, I want those big numbers I actually preferred how they played in 4.X, total glass cannons and required a bit of skill to make work well, was still great at ganking noobs. It's a good class to play though under the influence, since it's so brain dead, as op stated.
  3. Romeugues

    PT/VG dps!

    PT/VG are performing as intended in ranked.
  4. If you install something like a 4.73 rear end you'll have massive acceleration.
  5. Well Arsenal was stupidly nerfed into the ground DPS wise (instead of DCDs.. bla bla bla) so comparing the biggest hitters between the two is a bit moot, neither of them burst that great. Also burst potential isn't just your biggest hitter, there's your "burst rotation" where you can do X damage in a certain amount of seconds (or gcds) by lining up your biggest hitters(i.e popping Recklessness, casting TB,LF and CL), like in PvP bursting down a player, simply hitting them for 25-30K isn't going to kill them, obviously, I think that's a better way of measuring how much burst potential a class has.
  6. Romeugues


    What would you like them to do? Faction imbalance isn't something they can fix, it's caused purely and solely by players. More players choose to be Imps and as a result the pubs you do see are more likely to be much more casual players i.e worse at PVP. So do you propose they like nerf whatever faction is stronger on a per server basis by adjusting their stats or something or can you wrap your head around the idea that faction imbalance will always be a thing since it's caused by player choice.
  7. Am I the only one who enjoys getting rooted from behind? You guys are a bunch of prudes!
  8. You did zero DPS, get gud son.
  9. I didn't say they were relegated to guarding and trolling, just that they're not as dangerous as they once were and that's definitely true.
  10. I've played guitar since I was in 3rd grade, with a few skipped years and I'm 33 now. I can't "shred" at all though, never was interested in playing guitar that way but I do some enjoy some bands or just people who do. I bought a 5 string bass guitar in 2012 but I only got it because I write and record music, so having a bass in there really helps fill out the sound, so I can play bass but not like any real bass players like John Myung from Dream Theater. I don't really practice either instrument at all, I just pick them up and noodle around with them, if I come up with a riff that I like but can't play well I just practice that rather than more traditional practicing. Years ago I would learn how to play mildly difficult songs which improved my playing a bunch, I mainly listen to metal so I learned some songs from bands like Metallica, Meshuggah, Opeth and stuff like that.
  11. You shouldn't do drugs. If you do them, you're bad, because drugs are bad, mmkay.
  12. I was being 100% serious, Ops right now are a lot less scary than they used to be imo, they're annoying but not scary.
  13. If you think DPS Ops need a nerf you need to l2p
  14. It's retribution for being OP for a time during 3.X, DPS sorcs are now forever doomed to do only fluff damage.
  15. There's still plenty of death with focus fire (though certain classes handle that a lot better than others) but over the past few expansions damage (especially burst, since they nerfed surge across the board) hasn't scaled with the health pools we have so the TTK is higher than it has been, which I dislike. There's classes with ***** dcds but no real glass cannons as there has been in past, like obviously Mercs.
  16. I think every every sorc player would and I believe the Merc players who weren't rerollers terrible at other classes would have also preferred their DCDs be gutted instead of their damage.
  17. Well Sorcs already do crap DPS so when people complain about their tankiness during 5.9 they might actually nerf their tankiness instead of their dps. Wait, who am I kidding.
  18. Why does it say they're only fixing enemy cast bars? What about our own cast bar? On any class with casted abilities it can seriously mess with you.
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