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Posts posted by Wimbleton

  1. I'm starting to think that gaming bolster is intended and that true pvp progression is a spreadsheet on how to game bolster.


    For real tho, Bolster needs to get you right under the max PvP progression and stat caps need to examine items individually and punish going over a gearscore cap to some point less than cap, or make it land at a non customizable stat position at cap gear score.


    Then, with pvp currency, allow stat customization with mods. The mods could be unlocked with progression by either gearscore of mod or type (barrel/hilt last etc).


    Lastly, balance stat pools so that they require you to pick and choose and there are trade-offs. No more of the "take alacrity till X, then Crit till X - literately everyone".


    For PvE, have their gear score go above PvP, so that the modable stuff is not important to them or required, but PvErs can jump into pvp with competitive gear unlike trying to PvP without pvp stat.

  2. According to actual Data and not Feelings; You would be incorrect. Most matches are decided by what team has the highest DPS Pressure. Sounds to me like your not contributing. Below is the actual Data, that was made for threads like these.


    Average Total Warzone Damage Per Team: 24,591,614

    Average Winning Total Warzone Damage: 26,423,742

    Average Loosing Total Warzone Damage: 19,524,131

    Average Delta Between Winning and Loosing Total Damage: 6,899,611

    Average Player DPS: 3,940 (This is a rough estimate as some matches are longer/shorter uses 13 min match avg)


    Map Win Rate % of Team with Higher Total DPS:

    Civil War: 100% (4 Games)

    Novar: 100% (1 Game)

    Void Star: 80% (5 Games)

    Yavin: 57% (7 Games)

    OG Hutball: 75% (3 Games)

    Hyper Gate:77% (9 Games)

    Quesh Hutball: 50% (4 Games)

    Van Hutball: 50% (6 Games)

    Total Wins:26

    Total Losses:14


    Average Win Rate of Team with Higher Total DPS= 65%

    Current Personal Win Rate(For LOLS)= 60% (24/40 Games)


    AcKSHUalLY Random capital Letters HALP mE Beddur:


    What the OP is asserting and what your horrible display of statistics say are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In fact, the SpReaDSheeT data supports what he's saying.


    And not only that, he's right. I'm certain of it. If I play on an account with 20000 total wins, I often anchor the team of bads. I think they are trying to punish premades but all they are doing is making premades more prevalent. The only way to make sure you aren't with 7 sweet summer childrens is to bring 3 hitters and cut that down to 4.

  3. just use some lower something else, bring that gearscore back down. Belts/bracers and relics are a good choice.


    These nerds trying to spreadsheet every last stat like its that big of a deal need to simma down. Dad's not going to come back no matter how well you min/max.


    This game is so full of random lag, desync and a host of other issues, it doesnt really matter.

  4. They don't balance the game around PvP and certainly not around dsync in PvP. You're talking about HB, so when I know an Op is about to roll I try and stop him. If I cannot, I discern his likely destination and try to get there. Sometimes they get away with it and the dsync helps them. Othertimes they get caught in a stun and have absolutely no chance at survival in 8v8 and are deleted.
  5. Deception/Infiltration is like playing whack-a-mole - mash whatever lights up, if nothing is lit up, use autocrit skill or shadowstep and proceed. Keep two stacks of that one ability up (I'm sure guide will tell you).


    That's all well and good but the main purpose of the class is to see just how annoying af you can be with low slash.

  6. I think my best sorc/sage game is right under 18k with 1.4 sec GCD/7.now


    Merc its around 20k but he's not fully geared so it will go up.


    Op is also not geared but I can easly see him being north of 22k once he's geared up... beastly tacticals.



    Our per-captia contribution is definitely lower and you've just got no hope against a concerted attack from multiple sources (without guard). You're cycling immediately through all your DCDs and potions and if you're team hasn't made an impact in that time, you're running. You can't heal through it.


    I don't feel squishy on sorc though. With root baked into knockback and super force speed, I can stay on the move and out of their grasp pretty dependably. The best strat is likely to just ignore the sorc. focus fire and he'll not be able to keep targets alive and doesn't have enough HPS to really punish an ignore.


    Merc has the staying power to just... well.. stay. You likely won't have Hydraulic overrides and the only real movement I do is double rocket out (since single will just get you lept on while you're casting your next spell).


    Op is squishy for sure, but that comes with the highest HPS potential. Ops do better the closer to freecasting they get and an Op with a tank is a true menace.


    I don't udnerstand why they wanted healing scaled back as much as it has been, I didn't feel it was overtuned in 6.0 an prior, but hey - it is what it is, we'll make due.

  7. That does not happen in Swtor, Haven't seen that in any warzone's.

    would like to see it, it is needed


    Well, it's usually in the form of "lewl nub werkt" or "ezpz zzzzzz" or maybe even a "better luck next time nerd". It's up to you as the non-Chad to unpack those words of wisdom into full length guides on how to git gud.


    It's good to reduce bloat so we can add it back in later?


    Not that many abilities were totally removed they were made optional so it actually makes it harder for new players since they have to choose between abilities they have no experience of using.


    It also makes the game less involving for experienced players since they have no room for those quirky little one off abilities that made the game and their class individual and fun.


    The 7.0 design team failed, most of 2022 and 2023 will be trying to unwind the mess they made.


    I think you are being a lil emotional now... The game is literally the same as it always was. I played at the start, during all the x.0's and then stopped when the tacticals were released and just came back. Every new patch some people say the sky is falling. It hasn't fell. It won't fall. Just learn to be successful in whatever environment is available.


    And if your feelings are simply hurt too bad, well hell, go play other games, there's lots of them, they are all equally underwhelming.


    This game is so easy, its always been easy. Tab target games are always going to be dull - my one and only skill shot is overload. They usually go the route of making them complicated (lots of abilities) since you simply cannot make them difficult. It's good to reign that in sometimes.

  9. There are three types of warzone PvPers:


    Small "a" alphas

    Damage farmers will be like "lewlbromanski I just wanna damage" but in truth they can't dmg and obj and still come out on top and are afraid to look like a chump. Their entire goal is to make sure their dot spread goes off on a clump and otherwise they prefer to just attack moving target dummy NPCs. They'll often just leave the warzone and take the deserter debuff if they're being focused by a group of small a's from the other team. The shame of 2nd place damage is just unbearable.


    Beta Sheeps

    Obj shi ters will run around "trying to win" but in reality they are trying to avoid fighting under the ruse of running to some interactable point of interest on the map. These types are usually frustrated with their ineptitude and somehow blame the other types while waiting to respawn.


    Trew Elite Warzone Chads:

    Now the ackchually cool guys can get top healing, top damage, top protection, most metals (will be the Jugg, F you Janglor) and the win. These types will also bless their opponents with words of encouragement and ideas on ways to improve in the closing seconds of the warzone before the exit button is available.


    But hey, its 2022, you be you - you're all important, loved, free hot chocolate and puppies.

  10. I don't think it helps clickers, or was intended to help clickers. If you can click 25 buttons, I'm sure you can click 30 just as easily. They aren't any better or worse off than they were. They'll still have slightly lower APM than button mashers. There is a best solution for any given opportunity to use an ability. I'd think the better player makes the best decision. When you put two good decision makers together, the button masher will eventually beat out the clicker with superior APM.


    Rather, reducing ability bloat does two things. First, it opens up room for new abilities down the road - which is good. Secondly, it helps newer players learn the game more quickly. This is also good. More population or people sticking with the game longer gets more money to BW which in turn gets more goodies sent our way.


    I've definitely got some gripes about what abilities were removed and what choices they make you make as a PVPer. But as I always say, PVPers need to understand they are not important, they are not a high percentage revenue source demographic and so we are often left with ... well... the leftovers.

  11. No, I'm not. I'm playing the game correctly. Focusing on kills in a game where kills are not the objective is playing the game wrong and asking to lose. By your logic, we should just completely ignore the ball carrier in huttball and kill random players meandering on the other side of the field, because scoring points and keeping the ball out of enemy hands is irrelevent.


    The objective is to win, to win you need 600 points, kills are a better source of getting points than bubbles.


    Stop bringing up other warzones where kills do not give points. Anyone who knows me knows I play to win I have somewhere between 15000-20000 wins. My dad can beat up ur dad as well, so don't even try.

  12. I just see taking Pylons and grabbing Orbs as the primary objective in Hypergates. Kills are secondary.



    Yeah, you're the problem. You'll learn eventually. With kills you get more points than bubbles over time. You also gain control - giving them less options. It draws them off defense giving your counter plays higher opportunity. I've missed a pylon two times in a row and still win by a landslide. Can you explain how that happens? I can. The OP is like you, diligently running bubbles and wondering why they're losing.


    The order of importance is Gain a Pylon > get kills > don't die > deny their pylon > run bubbles - and 'take enemy pylon' is only ever an option when you are certain they won't take it back - such as a few seconds on the timer or you have a strong enough team to deny or take theirs.

  13. Heroic weeklies. I take either shadow or op as my 2nd option on all my toons just so that I can scoot right through the heroic weeklies. Just do it once on a toon, you can take note of the fastest ones for that zone, then do another, repeat. Then do it on the alts.


    I like tatooine and alderan myself, but I'm sure there are lots of them that are quick. You get 5 per heroic which takes 2-5 mins per, then 20 to do the weekly (which is to complete 5) - so 35 per planet.

  14. After taking a 3-4 year break I can tell you that these EXACT same posts existed when I left and had repeated themselves many times over. If you do not count the very beginning of the game and maybe the horrible implementation of ranked 8v8, this game has remained exactly the same as far as PvP - in general.


    1) PvPers, you are not important. Don't be mad at this, just understand it. The game gets its money from the CM. 90% of the development resources are spent on those people and helping those types of people to find their way back to the game/stay in the game. And trust me, you want it to be this way. Without that flow of money SWTOR would be gone long ago. That being said, we get thrown a bone from time to time.


    2) The meta changes, but there is always a meta. Almost every class and spec have had its time in the sun. If following the power meta is important to you, then get good on every class. There are always ways around the meta as well. I play all 3 healers, I loathe the tedium of op healing but I understand its power (when its powerful) and would play it if that end game power gap was important to me.


    3) Convenient Nostalgia - I'm reading peoples rose-colored reminiscent posts. "6.0 was better, we had a full tool kit" or similar. Everyone else also had a full toolkit to counter your full toolkit. Step back a sec, reducing ability bloat is necessary to help new people learn the game faster. You were new at some point, you didn't just start pro'd out of your mind like you are now. The effects of this will be slow but should eventually help population if they keep this structure. I hope the even turn it up some more. If TTK is lowered, it could be said that more coordination and skill are required to effectuate a kill, not less.

  15. So you're telling me that the meta in warzones shows it self because the meta is being run in warzones and you look at them and then you know the meta?


    I will have to agree with this statement. A fine observation.

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