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Posts posted by Wimbleton

  1. I bet the two of you are great PvP players who actively participate in your warzone objectives and are successful contributors to wins.


    The constant stream of people leaving the warzone every match would seem to disagree with you.


    The design of the warzone encourages you to skip the design of the warzone. The only real-estate in the entire map that's utilized is the area immediately surrounding the ball, the two pits, and the areas at the endzone ledge. Thats it.

  2. This map is counter-intuitive. The catwalks are horribly designed and cause single ball-carrier advancement through the pit area.


    I was in a match earlier today that had 14 different people leave. That's a total of 22 people on one side, although some of them probably rejoined and left multiple times.


    No one likes it. It's horrible. You need to not only reduce its spawn rate, but remove it all together.


    The last good map you guys made was Novare, everything since has gotten progressively worse.

  3. Satele Shan is not dying.


    Until such time as anyone has the actual statistics they should stop speaking as if they have any legitimate basis for making such allegations.


    We as players don't know F all about actual factual population numbers.


    Until such a time as a player can be in all places, all instances, at all times, they don't know anything conclusively.


    Just because you think you can eyeball it with high amounts of accuracy doesn't mean you actually can.


    Who's checking guild ships?

    Who's checking every instance of PVP matches, GSF and Operations going on at the same time?

    Who's on at all times?


    If you do not have all the data server side, which no player does, you don't know crap. Just because you methods of checking seem conclusive to you doesn't mean they are.


    Let me state this emphatically, I don't care how accurate player methods of ascertaining overall population levels seem to any player, you don't have all the available data, you can't have it without access to all the data that can be found server side.


    You can hypothesize, you can't be sure.


    I have read the play data stratagems attempting to figure out population levels, some of the people doing so I favor, that said, I do not find any of these attempts compelling. Maybe they are right, but than again, maybe they're not.


    I have seen some people state Satele Shan is dying/dead who play there. I have also seen people who play there say it is not dead/dying.


    Not exactly what I'd call conclusive evidence and I am not taking anyone at their word. Too many agendas for that. If you ask me if I think some people might be outright lieing for the sake of their agenda, yeah, I do think that's possible, likely even.


    Anyone who says they are sure about any population issues, yeah, I think they're lieing because if you don't work for BW and have all the server side information, you can't be sure.


    Star Forge has the highest population because it was created by combining the most amount of pre-existing servers of all the present servers so it simply stands to reason. That there are other servers that aren't as big or populated as Star Forge doesn't mean they are dead/dying servers, it means they're normal and more like most of the other servers.


    That said, there will never be any set of circumstances wherein I would not be against mergers involving Star Forge. If as a paying customer I had to choose between other servers suffering or Star Forge staying as it is [healthy], I'd choose other servers suffering. I pay 15$ a month so I can enjoy the game to the fullest. I don't pay 15$ a month so other people can enjoy the game to the fullest.


    Obviously it would be my preference that everyone can enjoy the game to the fullest.


    He's not entirely incorrect. I play on and buy from every server.


    Fact: SS has no ranked pops. Can't enjoy the server if thats what you're after.

    Fact: SS has an inflated CMT and Isotop market. Prices are 20-30% higher, on average, than DM or SF. If you are buying up mats to make 258 gear, you shouldn't do it on SS.

    Fact: SS has a smaller window of instant pops, but that only effects non-prime time (10am CST-12AM CST are fine).

    Fact: SS has many fewer PVP-only players. This is in part to do with ranked players moving, but also queuing regs sometimes, and also regs guilds/people wholesale transferring to SF. I get many more 120ks per game on SS than I do on SF (in prime time). If consistently competitive regs are something you're after, you might want to check out SF.


    As far as PVE goes, I've no real idea of the differences but I see groups forming on all servers.


    So, the conclusion is not whether SS is dying, but the FACT that if you want to play ranked, want to get CMT/Isotope mats, play during non-prime times, or are concerned about competence in the queue you're going to be better served on SF. If none of that matters to you, then the servers will feel identical.

  4. Well I can’t tell you much about Mara specifically but you could possibly research Fury spec for additional immunity to CC. And make sure you are making good use of your cloak to go away and heal up with your regen ability.


    If you have really low HP you’ll get focus, so fix that ASAP.

  5. It's hard to give you any specific ways to escape the global without knowing what class you play.


    There are many ways that +% run speed or movement increasers (roll, etc) buffs are active. Almost every class has them (almost).


    Something makes me feel that you are playing Jugg DPS, maybe Rage spec?


    Arenas is a different beast. You will do best when you can guess what the other team is going to do. That's not always possible and they don't even always do what they should.


    That being said, if you KNOW you are going to be attacked first, you'll need to hang back and stay in LoS. Almost without fail, the full team will not stay on a DPS that is in full kite mode.


    As a sorc, sometimes I have to phase immediately. I get caught in an early stun and I know I won't survive it. I can either phase (1 min CD), cleanse (3min CD, might not help) or Bubble (3 min CD, i'd really like to save this one).


    Alot of times survival can happen if you find a way to disrupt their opening play, such as that early phase.


    If they continue to pursue, the longer you can give your team to beat on them while they are running after you the better. Your healer will likely help you with this by pulling and healing and your team should be helping you by peeling people off you with roots, slows, stuns, mezes etc.


    Surviving a global play takes 2 things: 1) effort on your part and 2) effort on your teams part.


    If both of those things are not successfully displayed, you'll likely die. If you and the team are successful at thwarting that global, likely you have gained an upper hand in the damage your team has been able to inflict during that time.


    Some of the times you will be using your DCDs and movement abilities and such to escape in full kite for your entire life of that match doing very little dmg. In those cases, really try and soak up alot of dmg. 300k damage received is a good target, but will change depending on class.

  6. I think everyone just needs a dose of realism. Then, if you understand the game for what it is, you can just decide whether or not you want to play it.


    Population will continue to dwindle, but I think alot of their income comes from the CM, since you see the most attention given to it. Those people are still around typing in moms CC and it makes the game profitable.


    The minimal effort they put to the game for us subscribers is a far second, because so is our contribution to their revenue.


    Should it be this way? No, but it is. It takes alot more money (hours spent by employees) to design and balance new content than it does to hang a new shirt graphic on the preexisting body models and throw it up in the CM.


    The reason they force us into a grindy situation is because it causes us to stay subbed longer. It might not be fun, but it works. The people who arent going to play arent going to play, the people who arent going to come back arent going to come back. I think the amount of people who TRULY (not possibly) make their full decision not to sub or return based off of gear grinds or otherwise is small in the grand scheme of things.


    Otherwise they'd do it differently and put more time into these releases and things like Dsync.


    It's not the best situation, everyone has many ideas of how it could be better, and some of them are completely valid and well-thought-out. My point is, you're just fooling yourself if, at this point, you think any of that will make a difference as far as the foundation of the releases.


    Hopefully they make gear achievable by all persons who play, if not at first, soon after the new release. They could do it by making CMTs trivial, or gear cheaper or currency legacy or many different ways. But beyond that, HOW they present the gear to you and make it available to you, they're going to just do it in whatever way they think will make for the longest possible time-to-achieve (grind) that they can get away with.

  7. The short answer is Veng, Skank Tank or Mara. HP tanks are trash, mit tanks are trash, rage has to be played well and supported, wouldn’t start there.


    Also try out the Mara. A lot of similarities, if you like one you’ll prob like the other, maybe more (or maybe not).

  8. Pretty sure you wont be, but whatever. And we know exactly how long it will take to gear because we've seen the setup on the PTS and we ALL know that is not going to change last minute. Whats on the PTS is what will be live.


    I do fine in pvp regardless, but the point still stands that the grind forces you to pve and its incredibly anti alt friendly. I'd be happy with what we had during 3.x. Anything is better than the mess we have right now for pvp gearing.


    It doesn't force you to PVE... it just forces you to grind. And who cares if PVErs have the gear slightly faster. If "you'll do fine in pvp regardless" then a few more stats wont be helping them anyway.


    Not including the datacrons, you're looking at a stat increase from 248 to 258 of 560 Mastery, 710 End (8600 HP), 420 power and about 230 crit/alacrity. Bolster will be set at 252 so stats will be somewhere in the middle of that if you have NO new gear. As soon as you start acquiring 258s, the gap lessens and lessens. It's quite negligible.

  9. I care because I don't like being forced to do a different game type to gear at a decent pace. I only pve on the rare occasion and do pvp 99% of the time. Forcing players to do other content is not good game design.


    So how are you certain that the rate at which you will earn your gear is not acceptable? You've no idea how fast gear will come. And even if you can theorycraft some idea, what is one thing they've done EVERY SINGLE GEAR GRIND EVER? Well, son, they make it a crap ton easier in a month or two.


    Quit being so dramatic about gear. You'll be fine, unless you suck, then it won't matter anyways, gear or no gear.


    Pretty sure I'll be geared way before a NIM team can get 112 pieces of gear.


    The vast majority of PVE oriented folks aren't the NiM raiders. Your statistics might be right when considering the full community, but not when focusing on the NiM players themselves.



    Well joke, if they arent NIM raiders then they've no access to the good gear and are not part of this discussion.

  11. Ironic, isn't it? You use people's words only to assume bad things about their skills,


    Did you not just do the exact same thing? HAHAHAHAHA, what a joke.


    If you're being honest then you'll note that the vast majority of PVE oriented folks are not on the same skill level in PvP as the PvP-oriented folks. The only way that playing field is even is if A) the PVE players are skilled (vast minority) or B) the PVP players are unskilled (Vast majority). So it's not even an assumption, it's simply what I've experienced in >10000 games.


    And who cares is the NIM raiders can get gear a little faster... there's been plenty of times when PVP players geared faster. I was in full 242 well before raiders were, when that was max. I was in 248 same day as it was released so again, before raiders could have been.


    The biggest problem with your argument is that you put way to much emphasis on the importance of gear. It's 5% of the battle, maybe as much as 10% for equally skilled players. It's just that people who are mediocre can't seem to grasp that it's their own skill that causes them to get crushed, rather than the fact that the other guy has 1% more crit and another 4000 hit points.

  12. If the game was populated enough, people would mostly do TR. But TR is rare and repetitive (you play the same team over and over). Since TR is a joke, people looked big for a challenge higher than what Regs offers queue for SR. People also queue for SR for other reasons or no reason. With only a 4 man team there’s nowhere to hide so the single worst (most global-able) player ensures the outcome often with more certainty than does the accumulative skill of the rest. That’s frustrating for sure.


    Again it’s population. If there were 1000s of people in queue, you soon be matched against other players of similar skill.


    An environment that readily allows the games best and worst player to consistently match against each other has a doomed before it starts.


    Rule 1 of the internet applies: If you are easily offended, eff off.

  13. Wonder what you guys will complain about when new gear and new bolster doesn’t help you win just like matchmaking, previous gear, previous bolster, augs and cross faction and all the other things you’ve whined about in the past.
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